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Everything posted by jamie

  1. jamie

    Rush vs Journey

    That's super easy for me. I don't really like Journey.
  2. I actually wore a dress today because i wanted to look really nice, and it was way too hot to wear a Rush shirt :boo hiss:
  3. Aww thanks, guys! You're all so sweet! :D
  4. Moving Pictures and/or 2112. they're classic.
  5. jamie

    What genre is Rush?

    I think that overall they're considered rock, but it's mostly Fly By Night to Hemispheres that seems like prog to me. And they're definitely NOT metal; it bothers me when people say they are!
  6. Dreamline could easily be taken out for me. It's a decent song, but not one of their best. I would honestly be heartbroken if they didn't play Tom Sawyer and YYZ. And I think that they should bring back Closer to the Heart at least just for this tour and then never again if they choose not to.
  7. Led Zeppelin is my 2nd favorite band and I absolutely love Bonzo, but with Rush being my favorite band, Neil is my favorite drummer. You have to admit, John Bonham is a truly fantastic drummer as well.
  8. his smile is literally a gift to the world actually just him as a human being http://37.media.tumblr.com/6830d8f238a41f4e30e9a2c2eaf60666/tumblr_mx2bagYMmT1sg3xpdo4_250.jpghttp://24.media.tumblr.com/4c07186f9b507ac3ec6abb468a3f3d1b/tumblr_mx2bagYMmT1sg3xpdo2_250.jpghttp://37.media.tumblr.com/7f236e924205c37b4c7c6415ac6b261e/tumblr_mfm39oQEhx1s0fi34o1_400.jpg
  9. i have to respond AGAIN?!
  10. there's no such thing as too high when it comes to Rush. that's just what Geddy is known for.
  11. Hey everyone, happy Easter :). I just wanted to share this project that I spent almost all day working on. When it comes to decorating Easter eggs, I like to go all out. This is definitely the best Easter egg creation that I have ever made and I'm very happy with how it turned out. I would have drawn some amps and stage decorations, but by the time I was finished I just wanted to leave it as is. I hope you like it, have a great Easter if you celebrate it. Rush on!
  12. Says the girl who selected "Here Again"! :P at least Tom Sawyer is better than Here Again
  13. some of you guys have some crazy least-favorites. come on, Tom Sawyer is a classic!
  14. It takes practice im just gonna keep practicing!
  15. Here Again Rivendell The Fountain of Lamneth (not a huge fan, of that one but CoS is great) Tears Madrigal (AFTK is my favorite so it's hard to choose) I love every song on Hemispheres. Different Strings Red Barchetta I can't really choose one from Signals Distant Early Warning Mystic Rhythms Pretty much all from HYF except for Force Ten, Time Stand Still, and Turn the Page Available Light Ghost of a Chance Cold Fire Time and Motion Sweet Miracle The Way the Wind Blows BU2B2
  16. I have a mini rant. this has been bothering me a lot lately but i hate when people assume that girls (especially younger/prettier girls) aren't "real" fans of the bands on their shirts if its a classic rock/metal band. there are girls out there who wear those shirts for fashion which is dumb, but not all of them. for example, I saw a Rush tribute band with my mom once and most of the people there were middle-aged dudes and a few middle-aged women. some people there were giving me funny looks and even pointing at me. it amazes me how judgmental people are. they're so quick to judge just because they assume that teenagers aren't really into classic rock. /end rant
  17. you guys are really good at not responding
  18. Xanadu. The whole song is the best part.
  19. i made this for my blog and twitter background. a little bit of every era :)
  20. The Song Remains the Same...if you consider that a movie.
  21. don't tell anyone that im not responding
  22. when the police show up, you know you're having a good time.
  23. Girl, talk to him! Guys who love Rush LOVE girls who love Rush! I honestly wish I could but I'm painfully shy (thanks to my dad ). I'd be more comfortable if I talked to him within a group of friends, and I've been trying to figure out how to do so. Why do you think you're shy because of your Dad? I ask because I am a Dad and want to know what I do that affects my girl. It's just a personality trait that I got from him.
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