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Everything posted by EagleMoon

  1. I don't agree at all about it being more simplistic. Take "Black Dog" for instance, there's a lot going on in that song. Queen seems to rely on flourishes and embellishment with their production. Led Zeppelin is more focused, more direct. The songs reveal themselves more honestly. I think that, in itself, is more difficult to accomplish. In the end, it's all nitpicking. Both are immensely entertaining and brilliant albums. Simplistic in the sense of basic rock and roll. It wasn't a put down.
  2. Queen by a landslide. But LZ IV is is a great album too, just much more simplistic.
  3. More talent? Queen by a landslide. Not to say the guys weren’t talented in LZ, but it’s more of a straight up rock tune. BR took some real compositional talent, and those harmonies are gorgeous.
  4. Exactly. Terrible. I had all but given up on the band at this point.
  5. I can’t get the website to come up. Only get a blank page. It will be up shortly. It appears to be up now. :) https://www.rushback...-259/index.html And the 2018 calendar is Hemispheres: https://www.rushbackstage.com/rushbackstage/accessories-etc/rush-hemispheres-official-2018-calendar.html Yeah!
  6. I read about him selling his kit over a year ago. I don’t remember who said it except it was someone who should know.
  7. I can’t get the website to come up. Only get a blank page.
  8. MP needs no ambassador. It sells itself. We all pile on that person who comes here saying something like, “oh yeah love Rush but Moving Pictures is overrated, I’m mean its cool but not like a Top Ten album”. Also very true.
  9. MP needs no ambassador. It sells itself. It’s not about the sales, or IS it? ;)
  10. Terry Brown took them with him when he left. Ouch in more than one way. But a pain that we will never really know. ;)
  11. Moving Pictures doesn’t have an ambassador yet? Amazing.
  12. Terry Brown took them with him when he left.
  13. I’ve gotten emails from scammers if I’ve been trying to sell something on craigslist. Those are usually pretty obvious because of the bad grammar/English or they use phrases like “your item” instead of specifying what they’re inquiring about.
  14. Maybe somebody hacked her account on Facebook and is using her email to send out viruses. It may be that your virus blocker is catching it.
  15. I feel like I’m in an alternate universe.
  16. I had pictures of him all over my bedroom when I was a kid. One of my favorite shows back then. It blew my mind to find out that the Partridge family house was right across the street from the Stevens home from Bewitched on the studio lot.
  17. Are you freaking serious?? .....wow. Yeah. He’s a nutcase. He sends and really nasty, threatening messages to people if they question him at all. He’s set up fake Facebook pages exactly like the real Rush fan pages and added people without their knowledge. An Ottawa band wrote a song about him years ago. There's no recording on YouTube, but I found the lyrics! * Richard "Iommi" Baxter's drum kit is now 115 pieces. I'll have to check that sucker out one of these days. He has recorded an all-percussion album with it called Richard's Drum World. I actually own a copy of the Drum World cd. Is it beyond abysmal. :( He really would visit local music stores and go on about how Tony Iommi was his dad. Sad, really. Too bad he's turning into an asshole. :o :o That is just so bizarre! You should hear his cd! :o :syrinx: :spitwater: Is this the guy...? https://www.pressreader.com/canada/montreal-gazette/20120817/281990374679908 I’m sure it is. He even started a petition on FB to get Black Sabbath to give him an audition. He’s constantly making new accounts and new profiles. The guy must have a ton of multiple personalities.
  18. Somebody did. Hard to tell with all of the aliases he has now.
  19. Are you freaking serious?? .....wow. Yeah. He’s a nutcase. He sends and really nasty, threatening messages to people if they question him at all. He’s set up fake Facebook pages exactly like the real Rush fan pages and added people without their knowledge. An Ottawa band wrote a song about him years ago. There's no recording on YouTube, but I found the lyrics! <a name="tbori"> furnaceface the ballad of richard iommi This is the ballad of Richard Iommi. Richard was a typical suburban teenager. He lived with his parents and spent most of his time hanging out with his friends, listening to records and smoking dope in his room in the basement. There was only one difference between Richard and a typical suburban teenager--he was totally obsessed with Tony Iommi. For those of you who don't know, Tony Iommi is the guitarist in the rock 'n' roll group Black Sabbath. Richard idolized him. CHORUS: He believed, he believed, he believed he was the son of Tony He changed his name, he changed his name, he changed his name to Iommi But Richard's devotion to Tony Iommi didn't end there. Not only did he change his last name, but he began buying vintage musical equipment circa 1969. His goal was to obtain the same make and model of guitars and amplifiers that his idol had used. He even got a 72-piece drum kit* just like Bill Ward's. Richard and his best friend would go down to the basement, get really wasted, and set up all the equipment like a shrine. They talked about the day that they would form their band. Richard, of course, would be the guitarist.--CHORUS One day Richard and his best friend were down in the basement. Richard was cutting pictures of Tony Iommi out of old Creem magazines and pasting them in a huge collage on his wall. His friend was playing with the tuner on Richard's stereo when suddenly they both heard something that would change their lives. Lee Aaron was coming to their town. For those of you who don't know, Lee Aaron is the very talented and lovely Canadian rock singer who's also known as the Metal Queen. Richard and his friend loved Lee Aaron second only to Tony Iommi. Richard knew he had to somehow meet Lee Aaron and tell her the secret of his lineage. He believed, he believed, he believed he was the son of Tony He went to see, he went to see, he went to see the Metal Queen On the day of the show, Richard was so excited he could barely move. In the afternoon he went down to the concert hall early in hopes of catching a glimpse of her. Suddenly, there she was. Everything in the world faded away, and before he knew it he was telling her about the double-neck guitar, the 72-piece drum kit, and why he changed his name. The Metal Queen listened, and in a single sentence brought his entire world crashing down! "Like, why don't you sell that shit and get a life?" He believed, he believed, he believed he was the son of Tony The Metal Queen, the Metal Queen, the Metal Queen smashed his dreams--CHORUS * Richard "Iommi" Baxter's drum kit is now 115 pieces. I'll have to check that sucker out one of these days. He has recorded an all-percussion album with it called Richard's Drum World. I actually own a copy of the Drum World cd. Is it beyond abysmal. :( He really would visit local music stores and go on about how Tony Iommi was his dad. Sad, really. Too bad he's turning into an asshole. :o :o That is just so bizarre! It really is, but from what I’ve heard people say about him I’m not surprised. He's really got some major mental problems.
  20. I could give a huge speech about how The Incredibles is the greatest ever...... :D 500 words or less? :D I’ll sum it up: Oscar-nominated for Best Original Screenplay. It’s not just for kids. Poignant commentaries on society - fear of “different people”, fear of aliens, great people being expected to conform and be “normal” Slick James Bond-like imagery and background score Smart usage of the Parr family’s superpowers as personal metaphors: Bob/Mr. Incredible - Super strong, indestructable, supports and protects the family, Helen/Elasti-Girl: Stretched out, multi-tasking, has to be flexible with everyone’s needs Violet/Invisi-Girl: Angst-filled teen girl, feels invisible/unappreciated, scared of her emotions, forces people away Daschle/Dash: Young, full of speed/energy, but with no focus or direction Baby Jack-Jack: Newborn, unlimited possibilities, can become anything he wants Lots of laughs and intellectual entertainment! :ebert: :ebert: :D Good job. Glad you liked it. I thought it was boring.
  21. There's a lot of famous people in the entertainment world that I've never heard of either. Doesn't mean they're not well known. Louis CK is one of the most popular stand-up comics of the last ten years. Oh pshaw. If I don’t know him, he’s not famous.
  22. I could give a huge speech about how The Incredibles is the greatest ever...... :D 500 words or less? :D
  23. So sorry to hear it. Dementia is an awful thing.
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