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invisible airwave

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Everything posted by invisible airwave

  1. Many have not seen "Lisa the Skeptic" from the 97-98 season of The Simpsons and it shows.
  2. Part one of season 3 of Chucky on Peacock before the 2nd half that was filmed after the strike premieres this week. I'm currently on episode 2 and it has maybe the nastiest kill. I thought season 2 finale vertical saw kill couldn't be topped but wow!
  3. Bill Burr Because Bill forgot his jacket.
  4. R.E.M. - Summer Turns to High My favorite on Reveal so far since I just got into post Berry albums.
  5. Laughs in California. If you get a earthquake, us westsiders get White Castle and you get In N Out. Fair is fair.
  6. Dumb mediocre American guy just mansplained the message of the song and the song...TO THE WRITER OF THE FORKING SONG AND PAUL MCCARTNEY OF ALL PEOPLE! Stick to Nugent and Kid Rock, Andrew.
  7. My best friend in junior high was named Julian but pronounced like the name in the song so it's Hoo-liahn.
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