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1 of the 7

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Everything posted by 1 of the 7

  1. Yeah, my boyfriend's 24 years older than I am and older than a few years than the guys in Rush, and a couple ex-BF's were 18 years older, so I guess I'm consistent in that my idols are the same age! I dunno, maybe it's the effect of having mostly older relatives that I gravitate towards people/interests a bit before my time. Most of the time, I don't think about how old my BF is, because I'm almost 40, and I figure anyone of either of our ages is middle-aged anyway. It does get a bit strange, though, when I bring up the fact that when he was 24, I was a baby I can imagine him holding me then...strange as heck, but still incredibly sweet!
  2. Welcome garbo! I too am new here, and while not exactly new to Rush, my major rediscovery of them was at my first show Sept. 2nd! Like waking up from the dead! And I too have fallen under Geddy's spell Carrie
  3. Thanks for the input, WC! I love that line too. I want to make a LOLRush with "I'm in ur song...evelatin from ur norm" when I figure out how. And yes, I'm new to the board. Getting back on topic, I thought of one while listening to Limelight today..."living in the fish islands". Uuugghhh Edit: Oops, been posted before. But at least I'm not alone!
  4. Glad my sig is contributing some fun! I don't even like gumdrops (except Dots), but hey, I thought of them in conjunction with Geddy, so they can't be all bad
  5. I'm so glad I finally got to see these guys; it was like waking up from the dead. I look forward to their being a huge part of my life from here on out, and am going to save my $$$ from now until the next tour so I can be closer than the second to LAST row! I also hope I can meet some of you the next time around. Until then, I look forward to chatting with you all here
  6. I wanted the socks (and lots of other stuff) but I did too much damage with shirts. They'll have to go on the holiday list!
  7. I have to get up even earlier tomorrow. And I'm not gonna listen to any Rush on the way to work
  8. Kudos to both of you for acively working toward the day we don't have to worry about lack of acceptance anymore.
  9. But...but...Rushchick10, you forgot my fave pic of him from those Brazil shots...the one where he's raising his arm and looking up... *THUD*
  10. I have type 1 diabetes, which usually presents in children, but thankfully waited until I was 25. Many of my family members also developed autoimmune disorders, and they all point to our having genetic damage to a certain chromosome. I sure hope you find you have something other than lupus, but if you do, I hope you respond well to treatment. And know you're not alone in dealing with illness - you know where to find me if you need to chat!
  11. Going to a Rush show is like not realizing you were dead, and waking up and finding yourself alive again. And that's from the second to last row; I can't imagine what being up close is like. Well, I sorta can...I was a groupie of another band for a while, and had some amazing experiences, but Rush is on another level. They help me experience life in a way I never have before. I'll probably never have the opportunities to be close to them that I've enjoyed with others in the past, but that isn't necessarily all it's cracked up to be, and I can still dream, and if it happens someday, it does. Anyway, I'm doing all I can to save money to find out what it's like to be closer than I was this year, but I hear everyone on how hard it is. At least I know that if I have to work hard and give things up for Rush, it's nothing less than they do for us. They're worth it! And if the tour doesn't happen as early as we though it would next year, it buys me more time to save money. And this post where I first introduced myself to the board talks about my experience at my first show. Every time I re-read it I live that night over again
  12. Love it - GeFilter technician! Too funny!
  13. Like I said on RIAB, they're all awesome, and the one where Geddy is raising his arm and looking up is all kinds of fabulous!
  14. Yeah, I knew something was a bit off, too, but it didn't click...oh well!
  15. Jeff Dunham and Rush played our State Fair a few nights apart this year, so that's pretty close!
  16. Neat...I really need to get around to reading his books.
  17. I got a pink Rash logo on a white shirt with navy blue long sleeves at Zazzle a few days ago by searching under "Rash". Kind of the opposite of Geddy's black one with white sleeves. I'm going to incorporate it into a Geddy-flavored Halloween costume. They had three other color combos for that style alone. I just didn't care for the black Rash tee on rush.com as much, but I bought the blue Time Machine girly tee from there because I liked it and felt bad buying an unofficial shirt from somewhere else.
  18. One for the "thought I was mishearing but really wasn't" category - the intentional "evelate from the norm" line in Vital Signs. I'm sure that this has been discussed about a million times, but I couldn't find much info on it. Does anyone know if Neil told Geddy to sing it like that, or did Geddy (or Alex) come up with the idea? It's funny, in any case
  19. Bob, love your thinking on the name, since I like Star Trek too (although I wouldn't look as good in a silver lame' bodysuit) Thanks for the welcome! If there's a meetup for the next show I'll be sure and say hi!
  20. Documentary spoilers... I did love how their parents are in the documentary. "I love Rush now. The louder, the better"! Geddy's mom... "I think you'd better go try out, the shop will be waiting for you". Neil's dad. How awesome
  21. Still no question that anyone who (re)discovers Rush, at any point, is lucky. I certainly knew about them growing up, but missed out on seeing them when I was younger and a friend went without me, and lost track of them through the 90's and 0's. When I heard they were playing in town a month ago, I was determined not to miss out again. I was in the second to LAST row and absolutely had every nerve and fiber of my mind, body, and soul redlined into over-capacity, but it was a great thing. It was like waking up from the dead. It's all I've wanted to think about since, and the more I discover of them, the more I learn about how to truly be engaged in one's life, no matter what that life is, which I needed a lot of help with. I have enthusiasm to face every day I could have only dreamed of. And no shame in telling people why. So, now I'm here to meet all of you who won't give that look of "oohhhh, okay, whatever" (though some of you may still do that, and that's fine). And to do whatever catching up I'm able to do. We can't change the past, but I changed my future a month ago, and can't WAIT until I go back to another show! and another! and another! Because I am going to LOVE IT!!! Every show that happens this tour, I think about what the guys are doing to a few tens of thousands more, some of whom are feeling for the first time the same way I do. I only hope the guys can sense that they do this for people; that it feels as good to them. They deserve it!
  22. Aww, my boyfriend had a cocker spaniel (before he and I got together). Must be a mark of a great guy
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