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  2. My first decent camera was a Minolta XG-M. I took a lot of pictures with that thing and it served me well.
  3. Today
  4. Do i enjoy tik tok? Sure Can i live without it? Definitely Is this something I want the government banning? f**k NO!
  5. Lol. Come on man. Chinese government really scares you doesn't it. Stop being baited by the US media.
  6. Subdivisions - RUSH (listening to it right now)
  7. Not bad but glaciers are slow...The Ice has been proposed too...I wouldn't mind the Blizzard (although too close to the Avalanche ) and Outlaws has possibilities. These are on the registered trademarks list and fans are voting on them. Time will tell if the team will get a good name. Fingers crossed.. The welcome party yesterday had a full house and lots of kids in their youth hockey jerseys met them at the airport. I was surprised at the size of the turnout. https://www.nhl.com/news/utah-nhl-team-welcomed-by-fans-at-delta-center
  8. The reasoning for the ban all sounds complicated to me and probably holds a lot more bias than can easily be parsed into right and wrong. What I can say though is Tik Tok has had a very strange effect on popular music the last five years or so, and while it hasn’t all been bad, there are definite negatives I wouldn’t be sad to see go. Not to mention I have a lot of skepticism towards the staying power of any art that goes viral on such a fickle and fast paced platform. Friends have told me Tik Tok is the future of music promo, I don’t think so. I think it’s a weird part of the present, and may quickly become part of the past.
  9. J-Tull Dot Com -- Jethro Tull
  10. Queen and Country - Jethro Tull
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