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Alex's Live versions....


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QUOTE (MarKo @ Sep 22 2012, 07:00 AM)
I've been scouring some of the youtube vids looking at what Alex is doing on some of the songs....

On Middletown Dreams during the intro he does not seem to be playing all of the arpeggio sections that for me, really are why I love that song...a bit disappointing.
That plucked high chord just before the lyrics come in seems to be triggered as is the long sustained note a few bars previous to that.
It sounds just like the studio version. Perhaps it's just not possible to get the other accented chords going as well??
The performance of rest of the song is great.

During Carnies and Headlong Flight it looks like he's using a guitar tuned to an E chord, which if that is the way they're recorded explains why those songs have a slightly "different" feel...
During The Garden they also trigger the rhythm piano chords in the piano section.

The triggered piano is playing long before Alex gets around the keys to play that nice little melody section. Geddy is standing there waiting to sing the lyrics....Could Ged not be playing (or even pretend to play) those rhythm chords on the piano while Alex does the other part?

Ged was also not playing the keys intro to Camera Eye on the last tour.
That kind of bummed me out at the Dublin show as I could see him just leaning on the keys and not playing at all...
That part of the song is a really original use of keys and it would have been nice to see it done live.

They've always used triggers live and it doesn't bother me that much as I'd rather they perform songs like Camera Eye and make compromises if necessary.

As a musician, figuring out how Rush (particularly Alex) actually play their songs is a real challenge...... like a puzzle.... It's part of the buzz of a new album and figuring out the songs.
When you wait to see how a particular piece is performed live and you find out that it can't be done (sometimes after spending hours trying to figure out if it's an overdub or not) can be a little exasperating...doh.gif ....part of the challenge I suppose

Of course there are some parts that blow you away live as you would never have dreamed they would do it "that way" or a solo was in that position or whatever....

I'm on the "love it" side of the live setlist debate and just glad that they're touring.
Some of the drumming and bass playing off Power Windows is incredible and much underrated due to it being spun as a "keyboard phase"

Still hoping for a Dublin date, but that seems a remote possibility at this stage.

Anyone else spot other triggered parts yet or interesting trivia ???

Ged does Not want to play keyboard anymore, he fell in love "again" with his Fender jazz bass

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QUOTE (Dscrapre @ Sep 23 2012, 09:28 PM)
I agree, I don't want to see any lip syncing. If they need to fly-in a vocal part, then just fly it in and don't try to act like it's being done live. We're smarter then that, we can tell the difference.

I would rather them just not fly anything in, either leave it out or don't do that song. I remember on the T4E tour that a lot of Double Agent was sampled (as I recall a lot of the spoken word type stuff) and it really didn't sound good in a live performance.

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