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Whos' buying PF Pulse DVD tomorrow?


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I give the PULSE DVD 4.5 out of 5. I got on Thursday cos the Genesis CD I got was DEFECTED!

This, like the VHS, still has the edits from High Hopes and Comfortably Numb as opposed to the original PPV broadcast from November, 1994(which I have on tape still).

Also, the fixed thanks to Roger speech was left in as opposed to the PPV version where David Gilmour thanked Roger in a lower tone of voice.

However, Bootlegging the Bootleggers(I dubbed the audio to CD plus Take it Back and One Of These Days which were missing from the PULSE album), Goodbye to Life As We Know It, the backdrop films and promo videos make the DVD a must-own.

As much of a Floyd fan I am, Rush fared much better with R30(Rush spoiled their fans on that(classic clips from 1974 to present plus interviews and EASTER EGGS)).

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After reviewing the purchasing options as reported here (thanks, guys), I procured from Circuit City the Pulse DVD, CD and Wall DVD for the UNADVERTISED (at least in the store) price of $28. (Yes, I'm ashamed to say I've never owned the Pulse CD and had The Wall only on VHS.)


Not QUITE being satisfied, I went to Best Buy and asked for the lithograph (hey! it can't hurt, can it? confused13.gif ). The young man was nice enough to search for any remaining liths (is that a word?). Failing that, he just gave me the box the liths came in, which contains a somewhat smaller version of the art in question. (Thanks, Best Buy guy.)


So, now I'm in a PF frenzy here at the BSG Manor. I watched a bit of Pulse earlier. The boot videos are a real treat. I hadn't realized that the video version of this show did not contain all the songs on the CD. So, I'm sure glad I picked up the CD.


In honor of Syd, I've now got "Piper" playing. I'm looking around half expecting to see a lava lamp, and flashing colorful lights. (Hey! I've got Christmas lights in the attic................... Nah.)


One thing one can't help notice is the occasionally grainy quality of the concert footage. As it turns out, this was a major part of the reason for the long delay in releasing this to DVD. As David Gilmour explains (from the May 2006 issue of Guitar World magazine) in "Shine On" an interview by Alan Di Perna. :



GW: Speaking of live shows, why is the Pulse DVD coming out later this year, some 12 years after the Division Bell tour?


GILMOUR: It was out on VHS long ago. We had a lot of technical problems converting it to DVD. It was shot on video rather than film, which I now think was a mistake: it doesn't look very good when you enlarge it on a big screen television, which everyone seems to have these days. We'd been investigating all sorts of ways to digitally enhance the footage.


By the time we'd surmounted all the problems, it was way too late to make our November or December ['05] deadline. I didn't see any point in putting it out at the same time as my album (On An Island), so I asked that we put the release back until September".



So, the frenzy continues.............

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bought new PF DVD last night;; watched it all night long;; first disc twice..

it is fantastic;; i LOVE it..


can't wait to re-mix it and re-fix it with my A/V mixer;; but until then;; i will tollerate the original..!!

can't wait to see disc two tonight;; *sleep all day;; party all night*;; i love retirement..!!


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i (rayzray) don't like the second disc as much as the first;; i can't get INTO it.. soooo,, i keep on wathing and listening to the first disc;; (already made an audio CD of it (the 2nd disc) and put it in my two Hi-MD900's..


what is wrong with the second disc??

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^^ gee,, i think i did a typo; that is;; i meant i made an audio CD of the 1st Disc,, not the second..

although i am "getting-into" the second now;; or is it the other one..

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QUOTE (wibblet @ Jul 30 2006, 09:13 PM)
So, what's the difference between the two 5.1 versions? Anyone here any difference?

are you talking about the TWO disks in PF "Pulse DVD set??

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When I put the disk in and choose audio options, it asks to choose from 470 MHz (~aproxamatly. dont have disk here) or 640Mhz 5.1


It is supposed to be better at the 640. Does anyone hear the difference?


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QUOTE (wibblet @ Jul 31 2006, 10:22 AM)

When I put the disk in and choose audio options, it asks to choose from 470 MHz (~aproxamatly.  dont have disk here) or 640Mhz 5.1

It is supposed to be better at the 640.  Does anyone hear the difference?



640kbps is a less compressed version than the 448kbps soundtrack, so it should sound better in theory. Personally, I haven't listened to the 448kbps version yet, so I can't say if this is true in practice (i.e., can my ear discern the difference between 448 and 640.....I don't know).


I assume that they included the 448kbps version because some older DVD players cannot decode the 640kbps version which is a newer format.






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