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madra sneachta

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Everything posted by madra sneachta

  1. QUOTE (Slaine mac Roth @ Nov 2 2005, 05:43 PM) A modest man from Mandrake Travelled rich to the city He had a need to discover A use for his newly-found wealth Bingo
  2. QUOTE (Slaine mac Roth @ Nov 2 2005, 04:54 PM) Wheel goes round, landing on a leap of fate Life redirected in ways unexpected Sometimes the odd number wins The way the big wheel spins It's money more so than wheels - It's also a lot earlier (and appropriate to the character)
  3. Roger, In your puzzle I have found mystery. I felt elation when I discovered two presents. I've uncovered answers, but I'm at a loss as to what the real answer is. I implore you, have pity on us mortals and please point the way.
  4. QUOTE (Slaine mac Roth @ Nov 1 2005, 04:39 PM) Big Money spin big wheels Right idea, wrong song
  5. QUOTE (Signals1982 @ Nov 1 2005, 02:08 AM) The way the big wheel spins. I'm afraid not Signals
  6. QUOTE (Slaine mac Roth @ Oct 31 2005, 06:05 PM) Drifting through lost latitudes With no compass and no chart Nocturne - You were much closer on the last guess.
  7. Ladirushfan, you 'r' our of control
  8. QUOTE (Slaine mac Roth @ Oct 30 2005, 08:11 PM) Big Money goes around the world You're thinking the right way, but
  9. Seeing as it's Halloween, it seems a suitably macabre guess is called for. Imagine if you will, somewhere in England, a bass playing quiz compiler is walking along and he suddeny sees a lovely puppy. As he walks over to take a closer look, a horrible evil looking creature jumps out from behind a hedge and devours the pup. Our hero does his best Sir Robin impression....... True - Monster Eats Pup, Slaine Runs Away
  10. QUOTE (Signals1982 @ Oct 30 2005, 05:38 PM) Clinging to the wreckage of the lost ship Fantasy
  11. http://images.starpulse.com/Photos/Previews/100890_0701_pre.jpg With apologies to those who don't watch the programme......
  12. As an Irishman, I feel an affinity towards Brosnan, but my vote jas to go to Connery
  13. .....the game where todays's champion is tomorrow's crocodile shit
  14. QUOTE (Roger Clemente @ Oct 29 2005, 03:36 PM) Geddrow alerts his bandmate Sandy J. Lifeson about the possible theft of the soup by the spider, but Sandy confessed that he took the soup and ate it. This puzzled Geddrow. He couldn't believe it. He said to Sandy "I was sure Penner's tarantula ate my soup!" Sandy proved it was him, by showing Geddrow his soup-stained fingertips. Geddrow was convinced. He gave Sandy a Dutch rub and told him to never eat his soup again. The end. Enjoy! While all this was going on, the two boys' bandmate Alphonsus Wrigley Peart found his ears were beginning to throb from the sound of the recriminatory arguements in the room, and as Geddrow's high pitched whining began to resemble an airliner taking off, Alphonsus realised the only was to sooth him would be to ply him with his favourite alcoholic beverage. He jumped to his feet, exclaimning "An aural pressure, must open tasty wine"
  15. Let's get the obvious one out of the way - "If we burn our wings, flying too close to the sun".
  16. QUOTE (R.G @ Oct 29 2005, 10:26 AM) QUOTE (Roger Clemente @ Oct 29 2005, 01:35 AM) They thought they lost the plane forever. A plane that flies so fast, everyone called it the Spark because of how brief it lasts in the skies. It was lost in the Andies back in sixty-three. But thanks to a man by the name of Philip Harley, the plane was foundly, primarily intact in a cave located in the Eastern face of the mountain range. A benchmark in aerodynamics, the British government were eager to find their most beloved accomplishment still in good shape. They vowed to get back in working condition and use it to base their new jet airliners on it's prototype. The news of the find got England excited. In the London Daily Press, the headline read: The Spark Still Flies. Alas, it was hard to contain the glee the Brits had. This was something worth celebrating. A return to the triumph of industry. excellent! well done you're up Roger Clemente (wow just realised that was your first post too, welcome to TRF ) Roger, I doff my cap to you sir. The glory of victory is your's to savour. I look forward to calling you every name under the sun when you post your's!!!!. Welcome to the Scramble - Remember in the words of the Eagles, you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave!!!!!.
  17. QUOTE (Rolinda Bonz @ Oct 29 2005, 03:08 AM) QUOTE (madra sneachta @ Oct 26 2005, 05:02 PM) This is the best I can come up with - http://www.crystalinks.com/uluru.jpg Hand Over Fist and the rock must stand alone It is indeed Ayers Rock in Australia, and it does indeed stand all on it's own. You are on a roll this weekend Rolinda!!!!!!!!!!!!
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