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Everything posted by YAJ2112

  1. ha, I never thought of the sweet child o mine connection but I actually do hear it.
  2. eddie back https://www.periscope.tv/w/Vzk2MzIzMjcwNTJ8MTIwNDY5NjhoscKaeQ-C0yAWSOkslq23HDX1AA_itlLU6P9mAbG8bw==
  3. donnie boy https://www.periscope.tv/w/VzkznDI0MDE5MzV8MTIwNDUzNzakZjGjQMQS3rNpE1pHqJ_5hH6Gsav_ZpuItnLZ7XpTTg==
  4. I was into CA as the opener at Tulsa, seemed like the rest of the floor was as well
  5. I'd like to hear Driven again
  6. https://www.periscope.tv/w/VzaKezI0MzMxNDF8MTE1NDEzNTSQaaZK6mstu6PvovZsI33usABOSkfq7Xfqk9uTs9gdaQ==
  7. https://www.periscope.tv/w/VzP4ujIyNDI3MTN8MTEwODU1NzdeAVhHAEqnW57ytKqRaSXDFfx8Qx7HfSWmX0Prl8DEEA==
  8. Somewhere between D-Day and Blutarski's GPA
  9. Red Lenses was played in part on the HYF, coming out of the Drum Solo. I know, b/c I was there :) http://www.2112.net/powerwindows/tours/Tours.htm#hyf
  10. Available Light Peaceable Kingdom Vapor Trail The Fountain of Lamneth The Necromancer
  11. I spent some time doing overnights in a supermarket. I always went the kill them with kindness route and I would try to act nicer the more they were pissing me off. I would also get slower and dumber to try to annoy them. I might have accidentally scanned something twice to require the manager to come over and do an override. Oops.
  12. Here Again The Fountain of Lamneth Lessons Madrigal Chemistry Afterimage Emotion Detector Chain Lightning Available Light Armor and Sword
  13. A wave (a gesture or acknowledgement) toward the clearing sky (ie NY, Wash DC, Pennsylvania where the sky was literally still clearing from the smoke/debris caused by 9/11)
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