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H. P. L.

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Everything posted by H. P. L.

  1. It must of been in the 90's or later.... ;) Must've been. Not that I would know anyway. ;) :P to both of you. It was 2004. Yeah, I know.
  2. I guess I should be grateful I haven't heard any. :codger: Guys, I love you all, I really do, but come on, how can you be so proud in not knowing new music? Music is the blood of life, I can never stop exploring, tasting, discovering... The moment I say I don't want to hear new music will be the moment I die. I don't really care about music anymore other than Rush. I'm sixty. I know that is hard for you to comprehend having never been that old. There's more to life than being up on bands and musicians. :) I have to take issue with this statement. Not that being up on bands and musicians is the most important thing ever, but still being excited about music, at any age, should be something that's invigorating for anyone who still enjoys any kind of music, regardless of genre. But, I suppose it could be different for people. I just can't see myself turning any age and thinking, "Well, I'm done with music except for Rush [or insert other band name here]." That would be depressing for me, especially after music has gotten me through many tough times, while also helping me celebrate the joyous times. But that's me. How old are you? You were right about one thing. That's you. There was a time in my life - quite a long while in fact - when music was all I had. No one here will ever know or could ever know what it has meant to me in my life. I tell you this because you seem to think that because you now think the way you do, you will always. That is not always the case. Life has a way of changing your priorities. I feel every word our palindrome friend has said. I have an issue too with the use of the old phrase "There's more to life than...". Don't you think it's kinda... preachy? I know you too well to even think you meant that. After all, you're a Quadrophenia fan! But still, you know I'm no spring chicken either. So far curiosity and discovery have defined my life, maybe it will change. But I fear that if I'll ever come up with saying "I don't know anything about this, it's too new for me", I'll say it with a shade of regret.
  3. How did you like it? It's the one where the crew has those strobelight flashbacks about having an orgy? I thought it was really bad at the time... I didnĀ“t see any flashbacks about orgies - they had flashbacks with lost relatives. Maybe you watched an unrated version? Overall, the visuals are impressive - I found it hard to believe it was done in 1997. But in spite of all the gore and original idea, the plot drags a little bit, and you can easily predict every scene on the second half of the movie. No wonder it was a box office flop. I seem to remember that the ship travelled to some kind of dimension and all the crew turned evil and had an orgy and then killed each other, snuff movie style, but it was all told in flashbacks so fast that they could give you seizures. It's practically all I remember about this movie, aside the design of the ship. I followed my pal Treeduck on his path to Jasonstathamness and watched this: http://cdn11.ne.be/movies/9271/30441.jpg It was ok. Jason's London accent is almost undecipherable I had to watch it dubbed. I was going to say that it too much "realistic" to be a Statham movie, until the finale. Anyway, I loved the character of this hard-headed, dirty, bad to the bone London cop but he's respectful of gays. It was like, that's progressive thinking for ya!
  4. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. Now who did sing this song? It was a girl but for the life of me I can't remember....
  5. I guess I should be grateful I haven't heard any. :codger: Guys, I love you all, I really do, but come on, how can you be so proud in not knowing new music? Music is the blood of life, I can never stop exploring, tasting, discovering... The moment I say I don't want to hear new music will be the moment I die.
  6. How did you like it? It's the one where the crew has those strobelight flashbacks about having an orgy? I thought it was really bad at the time...
  7. I am enjoying this new take on the "existential" SF of the 70s. This movie reminded me a lot of Solaris and, of course, the ever-looming shadow of 2001 is, well, looming over all the time. I have to say it features the worst Michael Caine I've seen recently. He's totally on autopilot here. The thing that struck me most is the design of the robots. They look like clunky refrigerators but can really surprise you!
  8. Ricardo Darin! Meu!! Espero che tiene subtitulos...
  9. http://img2.picup.co/upload/images/MAM6.jpg I strongly recommend this one. It is probably the most complicated time-travel movie after 12 Monkeys, but the actors are stellar and the suspense is strong. Watch it!
  10. http://downloadming.nu/uploads/Bang-Bang2.jpg OK guys, what about a Hindi remake of "Knight and Day"? Hey, come back here!! Seriously, if you thought the original was somehow over the top, this one will take you to the stratosphere. On acid. Super-sexy superstar Rhitik Roshan thrashes Tom Cruise like you would step over an ant. Think "Jason Statham with long hair and a flair for comedy and a gun". The action scenes, the dialogues, everything is so grotesque you can't stop laughing. Super-sexy superstar Katrina Kaif gets all the blockbuster roles lately, I don't particularly like her, and she's quite bland in this. Even worse than Cameron Diaz was. If you want to laugh, mostly self-consciously, this one could carry you through the night. Or not. Let it be said that Roshan is a really great actor, there's plenty of proof about that. When he does blockbusters, he just goes with it and has fun, almost like a self-parody of his super-macho image.
  11. "There's no Santa Klaus!!" "Is my mummy in there?" "No, come have a look!"
  12. This is great but number 2 is the best! So out there!
  13. One thing for sure, the man has a master hairdresser. :P :P :P :P :P :lol: :lol:
  14. These may be your favourite bands and it's all right, but they all own HUGE debts from the previous generations.
  15. WOW !!! I would imagine that theme would have attracted a lot of controversy in a place like Italy. In a way yes, it was groundbreaking. But also it was a perfect picture of the times (early 70s). Getting more into details, the songs is told through the POW of the boyfriend, who looks like a slacker student in University while Sara, the girl, is in high school. The most cruel line in the song goes "His love will be enough for you", letting slip the fact that slacker-father is going to dump her once the baby is born. The funny thing is, you never notice this while singing along to the song. Not so long ago my wife and I were listening to "Sara" on the radio and she went: it never occurred to me what kind of a dirtbag is depicted in this song! And I've been listening to it for more than 30 years!
  16. Another favourite: http://youtu.be/Rlt0TybYGtc And this is his cover of Little Steven's "Bitter Fruit".
  17. OK, I might as well use the momentum kindly gifted by Herr Foghorn to post something serious. No, really? OK, let's discover together another Cantautore. You remember then? 70s, left wing, intellectual, Dylan-obsessed, new themes, MEANINGFUL LYRICS and all? Very good!! So let's get down to Rome and listen to one of the most beloved singer-songwriters of the last 40 years: Antonello Venditti. In the pantheon of the Italian Cantautori, Venditti is, if you please, the singer of youth. The fleeting season of life full of promises, hopes and dreams. That said, he's also a very keen performer who covered a lot of english songs in italian, thus gaining a lot of hit singles. Here's one of my favourites: http://youtu.be/hUOvdgTibAE And another one: it starts like the everyday story of a schoolgirl, until at the end it is revealed that she's pregnant... http://youtu.be/r4WSE-i9GWY
  18. http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q674/mugunghwaalbum/Locandine/11-00_AM-p1_zps63ba0317.jpg Korean SF = not so good. Maybe I should stick to Korean noir. Anyway, in a movie in which every actor is instructed to act like a white blanket, there's some time travel involved and poor planning and people meeting themselves because, of course, it's time travel, but really this was quite disappointing.
  19. In a word, shitty. Well, maybe that's a little bit harsh. Anyway, it seems hip-hop is the thing now, which is not bad per se, just not my cup of tea. And of course a lot of people coming out of talent shows, who sell more because of their character than because of their songs. We have some established metal bands, like the two Rhapsody, and the Old Guard of the Cantautori still puts out an album every now and then. The underground is alive and well, but it's like Mirkwood from the Hobbit, in the sense that you have to really loose yourself in it. For example, there's a black metal band from Florence called "Hate & Merda" which is incredibly good. How's in Germany? Has Tom Angelripper released a Christmas album?
  20. Drupi!!! The Italian version of "Indian Chief" from "Someone flew over the cuckoo nest"!!! I'll have to post something from him very soon!!! Thanks for your answer, keep in mind that this thread of mine is threading the thin ice between rock, pop and utterly ridicoulous, I am in no way able to provide a serious, complete portrait of the Italian scene.
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