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Everything posted by rushfanNlv

  1. QUOTE (LoneStar Boogie @ Jun 29 2008, 05:51 PM) Holy Crap!!! So far I am the onliest vote for History of the World Part 1!!! Blazing Saddles was a close second, though. I'm there with you man. That is my favorite MB movie of all time.
  2. QUOTE (Drumnut @ Jun 12 2008, 08:48 PM) Good day today, still breathing, still hating Epilepsy. Still hating it too. Talk to you tomorrow.
  3. QUOTE (troutman @ Jun 9 2008, 03:22 PM) QUOTE (rushfanNlv @ Jun 9 2008, 03:20 PM)QUOTE (troutman @ Jun 9 2008, 03:14 PM) QUOTE (rushfanNlv @ Jun 9 2008, 03:11 PM)QUOTE (Klom Dark @ Jun 9 2008, 02:42 PM) QUOTE (Smudger @ Jun 9 2008, 05:19 PM) QUOTE (mazyyz @ Jun 9 2008, 03:03 PM) QUOTE (Rushian King @ Jun 9 2008, 02:33 PM) Frankly, tampering with your plates should allow the cops to give you one truncheon shot. I hope the judge is as harsh as possible on you. Sorry. Wow....what a dick! If you have a child, I hope you see it run over and killed by a hit and run driver. You see the plate on the car, take it down and report it to the Police. The plate has had it's lettering tampered with, the rozzers can't trace it, your child's killer cannot be found. That is a good reason why plates shouldn't be tampered with. Dick. Blessed be. What kind of a spastic ridiculous statement is that? The guy puts a question mark on his license plate and you want his child ran over? Where's the symmetry in that? You are quite the sheep there, now ain't ya? To be clear, he want's the guy who called the other guy a dick to have his child killed, not the original poster. regardless, saying you hope a child dies is just plain wrong!! Guys, I totally agree with you. I was trying to be sarcastic by calmly replying to something so absurd. Should used the unsure smiley huh?
  4. QUOTE (troutman @ Jun 9 2008, 03:14 PM) QUOTE (rushfanNlv @ Jun 9 2008, 03:11 PM)QUOTE (Klom Dark @ Jun 9 2008, 02:42 PM) QUOTE (Smudger @ Jun 9 2008, 05:19 PM) QUOTE (mazyyz @ Jun 9 2008, 03:03 PM) QUOTE (Rushian King @ Jun 9 2008, 02:33 PM) Frankly, tampering with your plates should allow the cops to give you one truncheon shot. I hope the judge is as harsh as possible on you. Sorry. Wow....what a dick! If you have a child, I hope you see it run over and killed by a hit and run driver. You see the plate on the car, take it down and report it to the Police. The plate has had it's lettering tampered with, the rozzers can't trace it, your child's killer cannot be found. That is a good reason why plates shouldn't be tampered with. Dick. Blessed be. What kind of a spastic ridiculous statement is that? The guy puts a question mark on his license plate and you want his child ran over? Where's the symmetry in that? You are quite the sheep there, now ain't ya? To be clear, he want's the guy who called the other guy a dick to have his child killed, not the original poster. regardless, saying you hope a child dies is just plain wrong!! Guys, I totally agree with you. I was trying to be sarcastic by calmly replying to something so absurd.
  5. QUOTE (Klom Dark @ Jun 9 2008, 02:42 PM) QUOTE (Smudger @ Jun 9 2008, 05:19 PM) QUOTE (mazyyz @ Jun 9 2008, 03:03 PM) QUOTE (Rushian King @ Jun 9 2008, 02:33 PM) Frankly, tampering with your plates should allow the cops to give you one truncheon shot. I hope the judge is as harsh as possible on you. Sorry. Wow....what a dick! If you have a child, I hope you see it run over and killed by a hit and run driver. You see the plate on the car, take it down and report it to the Police. The plate has had it's lettering tampered with, the rozzers can't trace it, your child's killer cannot be found. That is a good reason why plates shouldn't be tampered with. Dick. Blessed be. What kind of a spastic ridiculous statement is that? The guy puts a question mark on his license plate and you want his child ran over? Where's the symmetry in that? You are quite the sheep there, now ain't ya? To be clear, he want's the guy who called the other guy a dick to have his child killed, not the original poster.
  6. I've watched the show a few times but I find the dramatizations to hard to sit through. Just give me the facts. If you have proof to back up what you are saying, that's great too. When they over do it with the reenactments, it tends push people away. Ever noticed that the actors in the dramatizations are always way, way better, but similar looking than the real people?
  7. That's not even trollish....that's just freakin weird! Also, punctuation can be a good thing.
  8. QUOTE (goose @ May 20 2008, 07:31 PM) QUOTE (1-0-0-1-0-0-1 @ May 20 2008, 07:04 PM) QUOTE (rushfanNlv @ May 20 2008, 06:51 PM) Just finished season 1.....amazing show. Just tonight I received the Season 1 DVDs as a gift. Psyched about getting into it. I think that's what I need to do...just get the sets, or at least rent them. I have a hard time meeting any regular t.v. schedule. We watched an entire season in less than a week. The DVDs are much easier. Season 2 comes out August 19th.
  9. Just finished season 1.....amazing show.
  10. Well, I like S&A very much but I like VT for a different reason. S&A is very slick and has better songs by far IMO but VT is more interesting in terms of instrumentation and the reversal of roles between Ged an Al which was an intentional thing. The guitar sounds on VT are much more abstract and meant to fill up space where with S&A, the guitars are very up front and they lead the song. In addition, from a personal standpoint, I connect with VT on a certain level because of it being the "come back" album after Neil's tragedies. I was so happy that the band I love was able to return after all that. Reading Ghost Rider also gave me an insight in to Neil that I never had. The songs on the VT album are all about that whole period and evoke a certain feeling in me that the S&A album does not. So, in short, S&A, better songs, better production and more of the guitar hero we all know and love. VT, almost a concept album from an instrumental and emotional standpoint..At least for me anyway.
  11. QUOTE (Jen Sawyer @ Jan 24 2008, 02:53 PM) I heard on the radio this morning that some radical religious group planned to protest any kind of public memorial service for Heath because of his role in Brokeback Mountain. As if his family has enough to deal with and grieve over... RIP Those are the "God Hates gays" people. If you've never heard of them, consider yourself lucky. They are really way, way out there. This is sad news. I really liked all of his movies, even (especially) "A Knights Tale". My thoughts are with his family.
  12. QUOTE (Drumnut @ Jan 21 2008, 06:59 PM) 2 User(s) are reading this topic (0 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users): Drumnut, rushfanNlv Eh Bro!
  13. I just saw an add for that today durring lunch and immediately thought of you. WOW! That's a big deal. I'll talk at you later.
  14. QUOTE (makehaste2112 @ Nov 28 2007, 09:01 PM) I love Peacable Kingdom. my vote went to PK too.
  15. QUOTE (GeddyRulz @ Aug 28 2007, 02:32 PM) QUOTE (rushfanNlv @ Aug 28 2007, 05:21 PM) If it is true, he's an idiot. If you've ever had someone close to you die, you'll know that life isn't something you just give up because things aren't going your way. What a waste. You obviously have no freaking clue how emotionally painful it is to have clinical depression. I apologize if what I said offends you or anyone else but let me say this....Nothing.....let me repeat.....NOTHING is worth taking your own life. I don't give a crap how depressed you are. I watched my brother cling to every last bit of life he had while others were willing to just give their lives up so easily....it pisses me off. You obviously have no idea how painful it is to watch someone you love, who desperately wants to live, die.
  16. If it is true, he's an idiot. If you've ever had someone close to you die, you'll know that life isn't something you just give up because things aren't going your way. What a waste.
  17. QUOTE (rickyrob @ Aug 14 2007, 10:23 AM) QUOTE (Screvato @ Aug 14 2007, 04:11 PM) QUOTE (LeaveMyThingAlone @ Aug 14 2007, 12:50 AM) Chain Lightning...Sun Dogs fire on the Horizon Meteor rain stars across the night A sun dog is an optical phenomenon where sunlight passes through ice crystals in clouds. It happens most often near sunset. I remember reading somewhere that Neil got the idea for lyrics after watching the sunset and stars after sundown with his daughter and just spending time with her. Sundog's Fire WOW! That is freakin' cool as hell. I would love to see that in person once. Thanks for posting that.
  18. QUOTE (pedro2112 @ Jul 21 2007, 10:02 PM) QUOTE (TheCameraEye @ Jul 21 2007, 05:09 PM) excuse me but what is a troll? someone who constantly posts threads on how bad S&A is.....
  19. QUOTE (tick @ Jul 20 2007, 02:46 PM) QUOTE (rushfanNlv @ Jul 20 2007, 02:10 PM) QUOTE (tick @ Jul 20 2007, 03:56 AM) just a thought, anyone pompous enough to start a thread about being able to ignore certain members trully deserves to be ignored. You totally missed the point of why I was asking about this feature. It was never my intention to ignore any of the regular members on this board but rather the trolls that seem to pop up on message boards every summer. Kids who are bored with nothing better to do than start fights and post spam type stuff on message boards. At another site I used to frequent, this was a huge problem and the admin would basically ignore the problem so it was easier to use the ignore feature. I've said this since the beginning of the thread. I apologize if I am offending anyone here because I really like everyone on this message board. ok then, good enough for me. Thankfully we dont have a great deal of trolls here. Thanks.
  20. QUOTE (Necromancer @ Jul 21 2007, 07:28 AM) In a more serious vein though... I see the original point. If this was any other kind of forum, then maybe one of these ignore features could be good. Especially if you're a victim of personal harassment from one of these trolls. But on this board, that kind of stuff doesn't exist really. I mean... there's spats and minor feuds, but most people either work them out, or learn to ignore each other anyway. It's not that hard. What I meant by it being "toopid", is that since someone can quote that post anyway... you're never really completely "safe" from someone's words. Just a silly thing i feel. I couldn't be bothered to enter someone's name into the ignore feature, y'know? Well... except maybe Tick. But other than him... nah. Thanks Necromancer. I appreciate you seeing my point of view and I hope everyone realizes that I never meant to offend anyone. I truly like everyone here and feel at home here. It was never my intention to ignore any of you. You're right about this site never having problems like that. I've only seen the whole Melodick777 episode happen. I just assumed that it was inevitable at every site but the mods here must be on their toes. At the other site I referenced, we would have 10 to 20 threads started in the guitars section with a link that said "Shakira having sex!" day after day. I would go through and delete the threads (which took an hour or so) only to find them all back in the next day. At that point, the owner of the site needed to step in and ban the offenders IP address but I couldn't get the site owner to respond so we directed the members to use the ignore feature. Again, I hope I didn't offend anyone. I dig Rush and I dig being here.
  21. QUOTE (Mrs. Huck Rogers @ Jul 20 2007, 11:39 AM)QUOTE (rickyrob @ Jul 20 2007, 08:16 PM) QUOTE (rushfanNlv @ Jul 20 2007, 07:10 PM) QUOTE (tick @ Jul 20 2007, 03:56 AM) just a thought, anyone pompous enough to start a thread about being able to ignore certain members trully deserves to be ignored. You totally missed the point of why I was asking about this feature. It was never my intention to ignore any of the regular members on this board but rather the trolls that seem to pop up on message boards every summer. Kids who are bored with nothing better to do than start fights and post spam type stuff on message boards. At another site I used to frequent, this was a huge problem and the admin would basically ignore the problem so it was easier to use the ignore feature. I've said this since the beginning of the thread. I apologize if I am offending anyone here because I really like everyone on this message board. But the admins can't ignore it, because their job is to do just the opposite. If someone at your workplace is mouthing off to all the others, the directors don't just ignore what is happening, they have a duty to act, so the admins can't ignore. If a 'troll' comes on here (usually with a new member name), how can you choose to ignore someone that you don't even know you need to ignore? Often they go away pretty soon anyway, and if they are out to really annoy and realise there is an 'ignore' feature on here, they just come back and log in as a new member. yeah and sometimes its fun to watch them go down in flames They are entertainment man!! Rushfanlv you need to look at the trolls like that You're right. There is a huge difference between the site I am referring to and this site in that respect. The trolls get taken care of quickly. I guess I just assumed it would be a problem here as well.
  22. QUOTE (tick @ Jul 20 2007, 03:56 AM) just a thought, anyone pompous enough to start a thread about being able to ignore certain members trully deserves to be ignored. You totally missed the point of why I was asking about this feature. It was never my intention to ignore any of the regular members on this board but rather the trolls that seem to pop up on message boards every summer. Kids who are bored with nothing better to do than start fights and post spam type stuff on message boards. At another site I used to frequent, this was a huge problem and the admin would basically ignore the problem so it was easier to use the ignore feature. I've said this since the beginning of the thread. I apologize if I am offending anyone here because I really like everyone on this message board.
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