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Everything posted by Brucey

  1. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe Does it make Brucey a bit hyperactive..? Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe
  2. I like sleeping, too. Outside of fighting, it's probably what I'm best at.
  3. More and more people are becoming aware that I might just maybe like chocolate milk a little bit.
  4. Great idea! I'll take any of you on, I am the forum hard man now Yes, I can tell you've been practicing. I think all of that choco milk has helped a bit too. Grab your scabbard. :madra: I only need my fists
  5. Great idea! I'll take any of you on, I am the forum hard man now
  6. http://www.sainsburys.co.uk/wcsstore7.23.2.77/ExtendedSitesCatalogAssetStore/images/catalog/productImages/35/0000001868135/0000001868135_L.jpeg
  7. We can temporarily postpone the party, this isn't a true party unless Lorraine is at 100%! Forgive me, I'm drunk on chocolate milk again
  8. We can temporarily postpone the party, this isn't a true party unless Lorraine is at 100%!
  9. But right now this second I am just fine http://www.sainsburys.co.uk/wcsstore7.23.2.77/ExtendedSitesCatalogAssetStore/images/catalog/productImages/35/0000001868135/0000001868135_L.jpeg
  10. Who upset you? No one, I just get violent whenever I've had too much chocolate milk at parties, or, been denied chocolate milk at parties
  11. I'm sorry I keep causing incidents at this party
  12. You don't have to do that, I will threaten people with physical violence to persuade them to come to your party. They won't say no because I'm hard, people don't mess with Brucey. I actually slept very well, chocolate milk only helps me, so I'll be drinking a lot of it at tonight's party for sure. I think I'll be Jim McDonald instead of Michael Stipe tonight. Of course! Physical violence!! Why didn't I think of it? Just think, we had Soros' billions, we could hire Antifa to do the job~! :) Who the HELL is Jim McDonald, and Antifa? Jim McDonald was a character in a TV series called Coronation Street, set in Weatherfield. Irish character, prone to shouting and fighting. Is, not was, he'll back next year when he's released from prison so he will. Well he better be anyway
  13. I'm more miffed that he doesn't know who Jim McDonald is so I am, that is unforgivable
  14. I'm so sorry it's....it's the chocolate milk, makes me do things I regret, I hope I didn't ruin the party
  15. No one will complain about this forum for as long as this thread remains active They will complain all the more as they point to it and say "See! See!" Well those people would just be boob heads, and I wouldn't be bothered to see them leave after whining about it
  16. No one will complain about this forum for as long as this thread remains active
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