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Everything posted by tx_rush

  1. http://ryan-hemeon.is-a-geek.com/content/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/koma-comic-strip-sexy-sexy-picard1.jpg
  2. I decided to come to this group because some friends told me I have an anger problem. Everytime they shoot me out of that frickin sling shot I just want to explode
  3. The Gingers Have spoken. And yes, we do not have souls
  5. no private business has an obligation to let someone use there bathroom. If they want to charge, let them. Like some people previously mentioned, it may be in there best interest to allow the public to use it, but its the businesses choice. If people ring my doorbell and ask to use the bathroom, I charge $100, nothing criminal about that, but they would be smart to piss somewhere else. If they go in my bushes they will get buckshot in their ass.
  6. "my daughter in the slave outfit spread eagle on the deck of the enterprise? your thoughts betray you kirk"
  7. I like my coffee black... like my men. rushgoober, do you like movies with gladiators?
  8. We need to talk to our owners about increasing their fiber intake. Its so much easier to snag floaters
  9. After being banned from every Chinese buffet within 75 miles, were were forced to purchase a vehicle with better MPGs to avoid going broke
  10. How did Sonya and I meet? We met online on a workout forum discussing soy vs whey protien. I almost never gave her a chance when she told her BMI, which would indicate she had about 8 pounds of body fat. Fortunately I discovered most of that 8 pounds was concentrated around her nipples
  11. have a secret account on TRF: geddy have a sketchbook: Alex reply to fan mail:Geddy have an iphone 5: Alex do the most shakes after peeing contract athletes foot run for political office go commando
  12. Force Ten Middletown dreams ignoring previous post
  13. Sex is like snow, you never know how many inches you’re going to get or how long it will last
  14. marathon.........good song for a friday tryin to finish strong
  15. watch out where the kitties go, and dont you eat that yellow snow
  16. skoal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYPmeE9yc1E
  17. http://cdn0.dailydot.com/uploaded/images/original/2013/2/14/meteormeme1.jpg thank you PM. here we go!
  18. So ive given you an abby normal brain, super human strength and an enormous vonstucher. You might not know what a vonstucher is, but trust me, someday youll thank me
  19. okay so we got light ranch, thin crust pizza, that makes up for the fact that we didnt get diet coke right?
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