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Everything posted by Lorraine

  1. When my emotions level out, I can respond. But right now I can't. Please know though how deeply I appreciate all of your thoughts posted. When I am able,I will write my Last TRF Testament, because there are some here (I don't mean any who have responded) that really amaze me and leave me wondering whatever the hell I ever did to you. But I will leave that for another day. Hospice is sending over stronger anxiety pills for me because every time I get off a good plateau, I drop down lower than the low I had before that plateau, which means I am fading fast. I just hope I have the time to do and say everything. This place has meant so much to me over the years. I've told some others here, TRF was never just an internet place to waste my time. You people are real to me with real lives.
  2. Happy Birthday to the nicest democrat I ever met! :16ton: :outtahere: :kisshug: :rose:
  3. Other people including myself are showing, and giving support. I'm asking you this question. Were you thinking of doing, and going to do the same thing? The question is, and was to you, Administrator (1-0-0-1-0-0-1). He was the third person to post on this thread.
  4. This is the best thing they ever did, and it's one of my favorite videos:
  5. It's hit and miss. I never know from one day to the next, one moment to the next, what I am going to feel like. Like right now I feel as if I am going to keel over the keyboard. No joke. :(
  6. Each day a new pain appears. Now I am starting to have pain in the rectum. I am grateful I can still get to Mass on Sunday. That is my sustenance for the week. I can't read any longer because my eyes just won't stay open for long, so I use all that time to pray. :hug2:
  7. Thank you, Becky, for finding it and doing this. That's my dear brother whom I miss so much. He died September 22, and was married to a woman like the man I married. It must run in the family. I can't wait to see him again. How I miss his laugh. My beautiful sister who stood 5'10" and whenever she went into NYC, photographers stopped her and gave her their cards. She was beautiful, but that career held no interest for her. She was really smart too, and would have made an excellent doctor. Instead, she chose to teach children in public school. My poor father who died suddenly at the age of 54 in 1971, and my mother who I caused so much trouble and sleepless nights, lived to the age of 90 passing away a bit over ten years over from a stomach aneurysm. It's a beautiful family photo :) Your father looks so handsome and proud. I'm sorry you lost him when he was still pretty young. The picture was taken probably around Easter or Mother's Day in 1955. i sure was happy. :lol: It's funny, the only one that's looking right at me today is my father. His death was so sudden and unexpected. I never had a chance to say goodbye. My brother-in-law drove him to the hospital and he died three hours later. I can still see him walking slowly down the front steps. It still makes me cry. Everything makes me cry lately.
  8. Thank you, Becky, for finding it and doing this. That's my dear brother whom I miss so much. He died September 22, and was married to a woman like the man I married. It must run in the family. I can't wait to see him again. How I miss his laugh. My beautiful sister who stood 5'10" and whenever she went into NYC, photographers stopped her and gave her their cards. She was beautiful, but that career held no interest for her. She was really smart too, and would have made an excellent doctor. Instead, she chose to teach children in public school. My poor father who died suddenly at the age of 54 in 1971, and my mother who I caused so much trouble and sleepless nights, lived to the age of 90 passing away a bit over ten years over from a stomach aneurysm.
  9. I'm fadiing fast. Today was worse than yesterday. Here's hoping and praying that at least tomorrow will be better. If I had known it was going to be this bad without chemo, I would've just done the chemo.
  10. Lorraine, it’s so good to “see” you! The Mona Lisa as your avatar suits you. :monalisa: :hug2:
  11. I think Lorraine is beautiful, and she has a beautiful smile. Love, hugs and purrs..! :wub: Awww, thanks Babycat! :hug2:
  12. Becky, I just can't do it. Can't you and Stephen figure it out? He can send you the pictures. If you only knew how bad today. I can't d this much longer.
  13. Was up almost the entire night. Just what does it take to knock me out so that I can sleep? 5 ativan and two tramadol didn't do much.
  14. A day of extreme mood swings; from zooming around to like I had to get just everything done to crashing completely on the couch after lunch and sleeping soundly for hours. Then I get up nauseous. Took two anti-nausea pills to get rid of it. I don't know what's going on. Not much pain today. I'm taking three ativans and going to bed. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day. Dentist in morning. The only reason why I am going is to use the benefits my money has already paid for this year. May as well. Hospice nurse in p.m.
  15. I'm going to send Becky and Stephen my funeral cards. The envelopes are already prepared. Either one of my friends here in Post Falls will put about ten in each. If anyone here would want one, they have only to contact Becky or Stephen. Just letting you know, because things are speeding up and I am compelled to be moving fast. Not sure why, but I better listen to this inner voice.
  16. Indeed. I'll take that advice myself. :) It really works, y`know. It`s a virtuous cycle and Lorraine deserves to be swept up in a big snowball of happiness and peace :yes: That would be wonderful - a big snowball of happiness and peace! :)
  17. I'll try. I don't have much energy for much, and it seems to be less all the time. I am only good for a few hours in the morning. From 12:30 on, I lay on the couch and doze. Fading faster than I thought. It's sad. I am always on the verge of tears for whatever reason.
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