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Everything posted by beherit

  1. I was at the Atlanta show last night, it kicked ass Was anyone else there?
  2. yeah the chess record is pretty good
  3. QUOTE (circumstantial tree @ Jun 23 2012, 09:50 AM) You won't see real "change" while there's a Democrat or Republican in office. Third party system is necessary for any real change. Why change when you can remain comfortable with what you think you know? Agreed.
  4. QUOTE (Ancient Ways @ Jun 23 2012, 07:38 AM) QUOTE (beherit @ Jun 22 2012, 10:45 PM) But yeah, seriously, never let your own political views get in the way of music, or anything really. If you look at a chair or a turkey sandwich and think IS THIS LIBERAL OR CONSERVATIVE, you probably have a problem... And to the people saying I DIDN'T KNOW THERE WERE RIGHT-WING NUTJOBS HERE: What did you expect on a forum for a band that's mostly enjoyed by people older than 30? On a forum with lots of 50 year-olds, of course you're gonna get a lot of people who are against gay marriage, think the Bible is 100% literal fact, etc. That's their opinion, oh well. Foolish stereotype. If anything, I have become a lot more liberal the older I have gotten. I'm older than 30 but not 50 and I have come to see that the politicians are about 90% the same when it comes to actual execution of policy rather than the promises they make. I don't look for real life parallels with my music either. Older people are typically conservative though, at least in my area (Georgia) Sorry to offend
  5. Well, I'm not gonna start shit or make this political but I have no problems with gay people, non-Christians, etc. It's fine if you do.
  6. My Arms, Your Hearse is my favorite Opeth record! I like Obsessed By Cruelty and Perseuction Mania more than Agent Orange... uhhhh...
  7. But yeah, seriously, never let your own political views get in the way of music, or anything really. If you look at a chair or a turkey sandwich and think IS THIS LIBERAL OR CONSERVATIVE, you probably have a problem... And to the people saying I DIDN'T KNOW THERE WERE RIGHT-WING NUTJOBS HERE: What did you expect on a forum for a band that's mostly enjoyed by people older than 30? On a forum with lots of 50 year-olds, of course you're gonna get a lot of people who are against gay marriage, think the Bible is 100% literal fact, etc. That's their opinion, oh well.
  8. Some people here get their news from Sean Hannity, I can tell...
  9. QUOTE (Ovningskora @ Jun 21 2012, 08:14 PM) ^ oops, looks like you're actually 12 years old, not 10 are you still mad that you made a thread whining that people like the beatles and i called you a turd for it?
  10. QUOTE (Oracle @ Jun 22 2012, 08:32 PM) QUOTE (beherit @ Jun 22 2012, 09:26 PM) i like jazz fusion more than jazz It's the same damn thing, man! yeah that was kinda "I have no more unpopular opinions but I'm bored so I wanna post something so I'll say this..." I like show no mercy and hell awaits more than reign in blood...
  11. Neil's my favorite drummer, therefore I don't really care whether or not he's the "best"
  12. i like jazz fusion more than jazz
  13. rocks is alright not a fan of the band really
  14. QUOTE (metaldad @ Jun 22 2012, 08:03 AM) I really, Really wanted Killers this tour
  15. QUOTE (rushgoober @ Jun 21 2012, 08:48 PM) QUOTE (beherit @ Jun 21 2012, 04:46 PM) Locanda Delle Fate - Forse le Lucciole non si Amano piu rushgoober's list is fantastic Thanks, man! That album I really like, but I don't love it like so many 70's prog fans do - mostly it's the vocalist I'm not crazy about - still, a very solid album and one I should probably revisit soon. It's a grower, for sure
  16. QUOTE (Ovningskora @ Jun 20 2012, 06:24 PM) QUOTE (beherit @ Jun 20 2012, 04:05 PM) well, the dude's obviously a dumbass for making this thread to begin with, so name-calling would be expected Critical thinking isn't stupid. Some offered some logical considerations and information while you were just... Well, incessant really. My point was made clear and this thread proves that many will regard The Beatles as gods above all other musicians still today when many others are very capable and creative as well. I recognize The Beatles influence and importance, but hold belief no band should be forced upon another like I've seen The Beatles pushed on others. There's the reader's digest. I don't expect you to get it quite yet, so no worries there. You will in time... yo momma!
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