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Everything posted by dtpoet

  1. Somebody said something about going to twitter and using #periscope
  2. Go for it TM! I just deleted some important apps just so I had room on my iphone to download the app. Lol
  3. I'm convinced there is no formula for setlists. It's going to vary night after night. No rhyme or reason.
  4. Floor Alex side, row 7, $78 per ticket. 45 minutes until show time...
  5. Yay! Someone else is getting yelled at ;)
  6. Here's the thing - anybody that knows me knows I'm a liberal. But this was just to much fun to resist. Huh - resist. It's Neil's fault I'm acting this way....
  7. FREE BIRD!!!!!! Sir, you can't bring your dog in. I'm afraid you'll need to keep him in your truck. "You listen here you Unamerican summmabitch; that's my therapy dog Bosco. After that implement ran over my brother, they wanted me to send me to some hocus-pocus voodoo head doctor. I got Bosco instead, and I'm back being the old Jimmy Wayne errbody loves! " ROTF!!!!!!!
  8. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://thecowlocale.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/dcu-078.jpg&imgrefurl=http://thecowlocale.com/page/24/?themes_on_signup_preview%3D1&h=2349&w=2923&tbnid=Zm-5IM-y2sPLPM:&zoom=1&docid=anxsI-40T0SmLM&hl=en&ei=dJhPVbXMIsjdsASH_4HIBQ&tbm=isch&client=safari Date night
  9. FREE BIRD!!!!!! Sir, you can't bring your dog in. I'm afraid you'll need to keep him in your truck. But i'ds bought him a tee-get for $15!!! This is unamerican!!!! Damn Obama won't let me bring my best friend inta the show. Fiddley-poo.
  10. That makes sense. My bad and I humbly apologize....
  11. SCENE, MIDDLE AGED COUPLE SITTING ON THE FRONT PORCH ON A BEAUTIFUL MOTHER'S DAY MORNING: "Honey, what do you want to for Mother's Day?" "Well, maybe we can garden, have a nice lunch outside on the porch, but...well..." "What is it, my darling?" ""Well, we spend so much time on the farm with the crops and the farm animals, well, we never get to go any where. You know, go out and have a night". (husband leans in to his wife, takes her by the hand, and grins) "Well baby, I've got just the thing. How 'bout some good rockin' music like we used to listen to when we were first were datin''?" "Are you talk in' that Rush show again? They're to expensive." "Nope, I can 2 tickets for $30!" "$30? Well put my apron on backwards and call me a silly nilly! Let's go!!!!" (Husband stands up quickly, pumps his fist) "Well Yiiiiiipppppeeeeee!!!!!!" AND...SCENE
  12. Sorry - I thought that considering I posted it in the "R40 Tour SPOILER Forum", that I didn't have to go the xtra mile to spoiler alert in a forum with the word "spoiler" in its name. Seems kind of redunit but if them are the rules, they are what they are.
  13. I posted this in the OTLS area back on January 4th. I had my doubters <cough-snaked-cough>, but my persistance won out. LOL. JK. I know my post had nothing to do with them playing it, but hey, that's the story I'm telling my kids. Ok. I'm not going to tel that either..... Posted 04 January 2015 - 01:36 PM Jacob's Ladder was last played live over 34 years ago. Of those songs that have never been played or have been rarely played live, Jacob's Ladder is one of the most desired songs by the fans. The following are the listed reasons why Jacob's Ladder must be a partof the 2015 tour setlist. (1) IT IS A CLASSIC Every tour, JL is among those songs that fns most anticipate seeing. Arenas around the country will explode upon the first few notes. For the diehard pre-Signals crowd, this epic will bring euphoria like no other. Without doubt, JL will be one of the most memorable moments from the show. (2) EASY ON GEDDY'S VOCALS Facts can not deny that our "heroes" are now in their sixties. While their physical skills are still way beyond those of their contemporaries, the grind of a tour wears quicker on the body than in the past. Jacob's Ladder is over seven minutes long, yet it is mostly instrumental. This will allow Geddy's vocals to rest a bit. In addition, the vocals are sung in a lower key than most the songs from that era. With the limited vocals contained within the song and since it is sung in a lower register, one can argue that Jacob's Ladder is the best candidate to be performed from the pre-Signals era. (3) BREAKS WITHIN THE INSTRUMENTAL FOR NEIL AND ALEX Along same lines as (2) above, there is a section of the song of a little over a minute (3:49 - 4:54 on the recorded version) where it is mainly Geddy playing keyboards and singing ("All at once the clouds are parted. Light streams down in bright, unbroken beams"). While Alex and Neil still may have parts within that section, it is minimal as far as pounding drums or playing notes on the guitar. This offers both of them an opportunity of a break within the song. These breaks within songs are extremely rare for any other Rush song especially the length such a break would involve. (4) SOME EASIER BASS SECTIONS FOR GEDDY While the bass does have it moments during Jacon's Ladder, there are at least a couple of sections when the bass is carrying the rhythm only. With the addition of keyboard only sections, this gives Geddy a bit of break. (5) OPPORTUNITY FOR NEW AND CREATIVE LIGHT.VIDEO SHOW Setlists from tour to tour contain many of the same songs. That is all well and good as some are classics, but usually the same video/light show goes along with those songs. Jacon's Ladder offers the part of teh team and chance to create something spectacular and memorable. For example, there can be lighting to resemble lightning at the beginning sections. There can be bright beams of light to resemble sunlight in the middle section. There can be maybe video to show "man" reflecting upon the "heavens". IDK. I'm just offering up something new and different. Use your own imagination. Maybe the during the "bright, unbroken beams", the audience can cast smartphone flashlight beams in sync from upward descending down toward the stage. These are just some the reasons I can come up with as to why Jacon's Ladder must be in the setlist. Perhaps you can think of more.
  14. I/m not a very good secretary. :(
  15. I only saw it because I checked StubHub for Newark like every day. The list of shows came up and I saw the $10 price. Heck, we can't even buy parking for $10 for the NE shows. LOL! After I brought it up, I was just intrigued by the how cheap all the seats were. Every one! You can get floor center row GG (which I am assuming is 7th row) for $199 a piece.
  16. Stubhub has dozens of tickets available for under $15. They have lower level seats (club 118 row 14 for under $40. Floor closest to stage seats for under $150
  17. Maybe there isn't a plan. I estimate 5-9 slots. I think they might just take it show by show; no A/B/C but A/B/C/D/E/F/G/etc
  18. There is no A-B setlist. There's an A-Z setlist
  19. I'm not convinced it's so clear cut. I think there are 5-8 slots that can be rotated on a show to show basis leading to infinite setlist combinations. This way, whether you're the 2nd show or the 20th, you never quite know what you are going to get.
  20. I hope it's a three way rotation between spirit, science, and camera eye. PLEASE leave JL alone!!! I honestly think there will not be an A/B set. I think certain songs are married to each other in a slot and they pick what they want on a show to show basis. That way for all the shows, they'll be 20-30% offvtge set no one will know until it happens. If SOR, NS, and say TCE are married. They may play SOR on night 1, NS on night 2, SOR on night 3, TCE on night 4, NS on night 5, etc. Completely random sequence sequence.
  21. Earlier in the week, the credits for the videos for the songs being performed on the tour were leaked. This page from the tour book listed 22 songs. So last night, the following songs were credited in the tour book but were not played leading to the belief that they will be rotated in on Sunday; The Wreckers, Big Money, YYZ, Camera Eye, and Natural Science.
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