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Everything posted by StellarJetman

  1. I voted for Hemispheres, although Presto would have been equally valid. In hindsight, I should probably have gone with the latter, since it's so underrated, and since the former already has more than enough votes as it is. Eh. Such is life.
  2. QUOTE (HowItIs @ Mar 26 2011, 04:11 AM) Also... not misheard but; in Prime Mover, some lyrics I've seen read "National resistance/responses" even the official songbook. But GG has it correct here. I KNOW Geddy is singing "Rational." The other just doesn't make any sense at all. Any ideas of how it got screwed up like that? Same question, but regarding the pervasive substitution of "heartbreak" for "high-grade" in "Marathon". What on Earth is a "heartbreak climb uphill" supposed to be?
  3. QUOTE (Janie @ Mar 22 2011, 09:12 AM)Thanks guys. It was so nice to read your comments. After watching Crum last night I decided it was time to call the vet. They aren't open yet so I left a message. Today is the day. I am so heartbroken. Today is not going to be a good day. It's going to be really sad leaving with Crum in his little carrier and then coming back home with it empty. And I'm crying again. My poor little Crummy. I have him on my lap right now so I'm going to start giving him extra hugs. As a longtime cat owner until a few weeks ago (the cat just disappeared one day, and it hasn't returned), I have nothing but the deepest sympathy.
  4. Splurged on a shiny, new copy of The Lord of the Rings at Barnes and Noble (so sad to see Borders meet its demise), along with a few Bill Bryson books, a very nicely-packaged version of Relayer to replace the bare-bones version that I used to have and lost, and an iced coffee. After that, I went to see The King's Speech in the theater; it had been a while since I'd last seen a really good movie on the big screen, and there were only about two or three other people there, so it was even better than I'd hoped for. QUOTE (Xanadu93 @ Mar 20 2011, 07:58 PM)My cat just showed up after being gone for two weeks! Since he rarely, if ever, leaves for a long time, it's awesome since we thought he had run off to die. I'm so glad that's not the case. Welcome home, Oliver! This post just un-made my day. My cat's been missing for a couple of weeks, too, but I'm pretty sure that it isn't coming back.
  5. QUOTE (carlh6902 @ Mar 20 2011, 12:37 AM) Just to clarify a few points mentioned in earlier posts: If you'd read the thread, you'd realize that both have already been said, and by multiple people. Besides, that's pages and pages back; what was the point of dredging up such an old topic long after everybody had already moved on? (Although, if we're going to do that kind of thing, I might as well revisit the "OF SALESMEN!" line. I still think that it's terrible in the context of the song, regardless of its inspiration. Even Peart had major second thoughts about it.)
  6. QUOTE (Tarkus406 @ Mar 19 2011, 08:52 PM)8: Yours is No Disgrace I'm pretty sure that usb connector didn't have Yes in mind when he started this thread. Anyway... Hemispheres and Presto are tied as my two favorite albums, with Power Windows in second place. Roll the Bones is my least-favorite album. Bleugh. "Leave That Thing Alone" reminds me the most strongly of a person or event, assuming that you're restricting this to personal experience. My favorite epic would be either "2112" or "Natural Science". Presto is the album that I listen to the most frequently. "Leave That Thing Alone" is the first Rush song that I heard. I can play pretty much any tune that I want to on the piano, so I'll go with the first album that I owned: Hold Your Fire. I wish that I could play "2112" on the cello. I know all of the words to "The Pass", along with a few others. I can't think of any Rush songs that won me over after a bad first impression. Rush's output is too prolific and diverse for me to pick a single favorite song from it. Moving Pictures, on the other hand, is a single album; "Limelight" is my favorite song from it.
  7. Is "Annihilation Gun" real? If it is, is it too late to fix it?
  8. QUOTE (Good,bad,andrush @ Mar 18 2011, 11:37 PM) The creepy voice sounds absolutely stellar, and is the best of the odd rush voices. Considering that it's up against stuff like Peart's narration in "The Necromancer" and the rapping skeleton in "Roll the Bones", that isn't saying much.
  9. QUOTE (Good,bad,andrush @ Mar 16 2011, 10:39 AM) "no one gets to the heaven without a fight." The line is "their heaven", not "the heaven".
  10. QUOTE (hunter @ Feb 10 2011, 02:15 PM) http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4071/4589139004_f85fba1665_z.jpg Looks like an early '30s BMW racer of some sort, although I don't have the time to do much research on that at the moment.
  11. Overrated: "Tom Sawyer". Never did like that one. Underrated: "How It Is", mainly by virtue of being on Vapor Trails.
  12. QUOTE (ReRushed @ Mar 9 2011, 11:35 PM)I simply don't understand this criticism. Really? Transparent filler? Yeah. It's literally, "The more that things change, the more they stay the same," inserted into the song before... "The more that things change, the more they stay the same." What? The only benefit that this has is that it lengthens that part of the song and fills out the meter. QUOTE (Tinwoodsman @ Mar 9 2011, 11:55 PM)I said pardon? Where the hell do you come from. That is just bitchy troll behavior on your part. Get a life. Pffft. ... and No Quarter. I'm a "bitchy troll" who needs to "get a life" because I don't like one line in one song? QUOTE (snowdogged @ Mar 10 2011, 09:59 AM) Actually, that is a quote from a french writer named Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr who lived in France during the 19th century. Maybe that will shed some light on it. Doesn't change the fact that it's just the French translation of a phrase said before the same phrase in English in order to make the line longer.
  13. Just remembered how annoying it is to hear the French in "Circumstances". Such transparent filler to balance out the meter.
  14. Realizing that I'm the 11,353rd member and joined on 5/3/11. (The date goes by the board's notation; I'd render it as 3/5/11, but it wouldn't have the palindrome effect.)
  15. QUOTE (Fridge @ Mar 8 2011, 03:08 PM) And when everyone has a different persepctive, what do we have? That's right, I give you....subjectivity "Perspective" is a noun that means "point of view". "Subjective" is an adjective that means "dependent on personal opinion". To illustrate, you could have the perspective that Rutsey is still with the band, but that wouldn't make it a subjective matter. You'd still be objectively wrong. Ghostworks's point was that bad lyrics are bad, regardless of personal standards. Not taking sides, but it's better for you two to be on the same level regarding terminology.
  16. QUOTE (Lamelight @ Mar 7 2011, 11:29 AM) High Water at 0:45/0:46. Never paid any attention to that before. What am I supposed to be hearing here?
  17. QUOTE (Mara @ Mar 7 2011, 01:19 PM) Stop trying to confuse things. You know this board; we'll end up breaking it down to shit like "33/57ths of the world likes one-sixth of Roll The Bones". . . Which would be the chorus, right?
  18. I stood at the top of the mountain... And doggie heaven sang to me...
  19. QUOTE (wrekinboy @ Mar 7 2011, 11:05 AM)SJ - ok fair enough. But you'd hardly expect Ged to sing the last few lyrics to TSoR in a manner closer to Simon and Garfunkel to help listeners make the link. Remember that part of the song is a reggae-style breakdown, so he was pretty limited in the way he can sing it. Then comes the 'SALESMEN!' because it precedes a mega guitar break from Alex so it all works in terms of the dynamics of the song, imho. I understand that completely. However, even listening to it with that in mind, the line still doesn't work for me. I had hoped that I'd "get" it and end up appreciating it a lot more, but there's no way that I can hear the word "salesmen" and not think that it clashes horribly with the grand way in which it's emphasized. QUOTE (wrekinboy @ Mar 7 2011, 11:05 AM)I'm not saying that the song and the lyric is beyond criticism, but it seemed a strange choice for you to start a thread about terrible lyrics with additional comments on the singer's delivery, don'cha think? Well, there's a world of difference between reading, "Of salesmen. Of salesmen. Of salesmen," and reading it with exclamation marks and whatnot. I guess that it really was just the delivery that got me on that one.
  20. QUOTE (ReRushed @ Mar 7 2011, 09:38 AM)Oh, please. There's no straw man argument here. There's a lot of Rush bashing on this board and, yes, some of it is justified. And there's no doubt in my mind you are going out of your way to criticize Geddy Lee. That's all. I wasn't "criticizing" Geddy; I was mentioning a reason for why I didn't get the lyrics that he was singing. (I do think that it wasn't the best way to sing them, though.) And how could you fail to understand that I was talking about a single line in a single song? When I said "overblown delivery", I was talking about the way that he sang "OOOOOF SALESMEN!!!" like it was something on 2112. Sheesh, on the same album you have "Different Strings", and I'd hardly call that overblown. QUOTE (wrekinboy @ Mar 7 2011, 09:54 AM)SJ - before you start a thread bashing something you should probably make sure your position is reasonably sound. Whatever else Neil is, he is very well read and has a number of interests. His lyrics are therefore explained by a number of different references, themes etc. If you are not aware of them it says more about you than it does about his ability as a lyricist. And I was informed of the reference. I'd have removed the lines from the original post, but it's locked for some reason. QUOTE (wrekinboy @ Mar 7 2011, 09:54 AM)What is worse is that now that your lack of appreciation of the lyric is revealed, you switch the attack to Ged's delivery. I'm not "switching my attack". See my response to ReRushed. Look, guys, I didn't get the line. I got that. Why do we have to argue about anything now, let alone whether or not I appreciate Geddy's singing?
  21. QUOTE (ReRushed @ Mar 7 2011, 09:21 AM) Well, I'm glad this board now has some equal opportunity Geddy Lee bashing. I had no idea how overblown Geddy's vocal delivery has, apparently, always been. You're better than to use a straw man like that.
  22. QUOTE (Tony R @ Mar 7 2011, 09:05 AM) And dear me, if you've heard tSoR and The Sound Of Silence how can you possibly not make the connection? It's been a while since I last listened to "The Sound of Silence" (I had a quick go on YouTube just now to refresh my memory), and there's a world of difference between Geddy's screaming and Paul's and Art's harmonious delivery, to say nothing of the completely different melodies. I can see the connection now, but only because I was looking for it.
  23. QUOTE (wrekinboy @ Mar 7 2011, 05:02 AM) The lyrics to TSoR are a doff of the cap to 'The Sound of Silence' by Simon and Garfunkel, which goes: "And the sign said the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls And tenement halls, and whispered in the sounds of silence" Ah. I've heard "The Sound of Silence", but I didn't begin to make the connection. It's definitely Geddy's overblown delivery, then. QUOTE (wrekinboy @ Mar 7 2011, 06:03 AM)These lyrics are fine given the context. The only problem is they are slightly illogical. It is supposed to be a person who has never seen a musical instrument - "what can this strange device be?" - but he then says it gives music when he touches it. If he knows what music is then as soon as he has touched it he must know what the device is for. If he doesn't know what music is then how does he know it is music that it is producing? He has to know what music is, because the priests "have taken care of everything, the words you read, the songs you sing". But musical instruments could still be a completely foreign concept to him. Whatever; it's still a supremely silly passage. I love how he somehow plays the guitar instinctually without any prior experience.
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