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Everything posted by shail

  1. Chad Wack will bring nothing to the table. If Marco is not on the new SW album I'm out. Won't get the album. It will be a stale album to my ears. GFD was god but the drumming was shit. Chad is a very generic player. No creativity. Average chops. Yes he's a full blown musican. He's very good. It's just that you need that excitement in the drumming chair. Gavin is a freaking god! Marco is just amazing. Chad is boring. Average fills. Basic drum beats. His drum sound is poop.
  2. http://www.notreble.com/buzz/2013/10/08/tony-levin-marco-minneman-and-jordan-rudess-release-new-album/ If you like instrumental rock this album is a must have. The writing is very good and the performances are top notch. Go get you some new music!
  3. Watched the conjuring the other day. Piece of shit movie that insults the intelligence of humans. Based on true events? WTF! I know the movies like to spice things up but come on. I never watch movies like that but I was over someone's house and it was on. We all were laughing our asses off. Dumb people writing dumb movies. What happened to people. To actually believe in this ghost shit is beyond reality. Way way the f**k out there. Your a complete idiot if you believe in ghosts or anything slightly out of the typical ordinary. Perplexing people believe in anything remotely supernatural. If it exists it would be happening at all times. And everywhere. People's minds make this shit up cause of there wishful thinking minds. It's not their fault. Some people are just not smart and have common sense. Hope my doctor, dentist, ER nurse, car mechanic and so forth are normal. Imagine the horror of anyone on this planet believes for a shatter of a second that the conjuring events are real or transpired. Just one event happened from the flick. Scary the human race is getting dumb real fast. Holy crap folks! Exorcism! What!!?!? You say a few holy words. Demond be gone. And it's that easy. I love it!
  4. Virgil's new album is amazing. Great compositions. The tunes take a bunch of listens to get inside the music. Drumming is wow like. Music is fun. Worth a purchase. The musicians are all great players. You want fusion rock this is it!
  5. Solid album. It's great. To bad all the big drum fills have no syncopation what so ever. Just straight 32nd notes down the kit. I mean break it up and how about some phrases to latch onto. There previous album was a lot better. Liked the writing ADMTOE.
  6. Perfect symmetry and parallels are great. This new album is a turd. Boring songs of noise. Bobby is an amazing drummer. To bad there is nothing remotely interesting going on.
  7. What about :Angels Walk Among Us, Summer Night Horizon, The Gathering Of The Clouds, After another viewing the song choice was very good. Just wanted to hear other tunes live I Guess. Will watch it again tonight.
  8. Loved that footage of him in the studio. Awesome. Listened to the new album two times today. Solid album. Matt sure knows how write great melodic rock tunes. A-
  9. I don't want to be skeptical. I would love to see a ghost or have a close encounter of the third kind. That would make my life complete. I would love to live in a house with ghosts. That would be thrilling! I mean if the ghosts were to annoying and kept me up at night would be bad. I wouldn't dig that. But the occasional out of know where haunt would be awesome. I don't like being a realist. But it's the obvious choice to live life and not freaking kid yourself. God nope. Not real at all. It be nice to believe in god and go to this heaven place. But here is a very dark and deep question. Do you want to live forever in gods kingdom of whatever it entails. Imagine existing for 1,000,000 times the power of 1,000,000 years. That's nothing compared to forever! I mean there is no time in forever. It's just one moment forever. Impossible to fathom. It's Friday. Happy Friday.
  10. Has there ever been any concrete proof that ghosts exist? Proof that every single person can see and experience with their own eyes. A place one can visit to see this form of energy. The smoking gun. So obvious it leaves no doubt what so ever. If ghosts exist there should be tons and tons of evidence for all to see. Yet there is no proof such things exist. If it did everyone would believe.
  11. Went over my buddies house to watch the universal concert. Good thing I didn't buy it cause it really sucks. Don't like the tunes is the main reason. My buddy didn't care for it either. Sounds and looks ok. Nothing blew the hair back. Oh well. If there were better tunes it would have been so much better. Bad song choices.
  12. It's crazy that there are people that believe or have seen ghosts or anything paranormal. No such thing exists. It's all in your freaking heads! The earth, solar system, galaxy and the rest of the universe is moving at incredible speed. Energy like ghosts or whatever people are seeing cannot exist in an area lets say a house that someone died in. Impossible. Nothing can die and come back to life in some type of ghostly form. For f**k sake people it's in your head. Enough. Stop. What happens billions of years from now when humans have been gone for billions of years. Where do ghosts go then? Who do they haunt then? Do they stay on the planet until the sun swallows up the earth when it runs out of fuel and becomes a white dwarf star 10 miles in diameter? Do ghosts go somewhere else with the flip of a switch? Think people. Tons of scenarios. We all die and when you do you never existed. All memories gone. You never happenened. A sad fate yes. Oh well at least we lived.
  13. Listened to it twice. It's dream theater alright. I do prefer the writing of ADTOE. It had more interesting and elaborate solo's and break down sections. More sofisticated and syncopated. The album sounds very rich like dark chocolate cake. Snare drum sounds like ass cheese even tho its much more pronounced than the last record. It will work. Just being picky. It's not much more different than their last effort and that's a good thing. Mike M's playing on the album is great. He makes the band come alive with his drum parts. Much more than the other guy. I'm sure this album will grow on me as the weeks go by. Won't listen in the car until the CD arrives.
  14. What exactly does one do to remix an album such as Vapor Trails? How long does it take? What software is used to smooth it out? Each instrument track for track?
  15. There are quite a few led zep tribute bands out there. His band is one of many.
  16. First they have to get inside your car and tap into all of those electronic inputs and put some type of remote signal on them so they can access your car. Lots of trouble to go through. And you have to put the car inside back together. If they want to hurt someone important there are more less involved ways. And if this becomes a common hack the powers at be will adjust. No need to panic about this. Just a gimmick hack to watch on the fun Internet. Back to work folks. Nothing to see here
  17. I know it huh. I'm gonna see them in some dive bar in Philly and its only $20 bucks? World class talent man. Can't stop listening to the culture clash album. Like it better than the first one Whoops looks like the thread got hi jacked.
  18. not even close to the new Aristocrats album. this Volto sounds like an easy listening album compared to the Culture Clash CD. Aristocrats album has so much creativity and musicianship on it. gonna see them in a few weeks.
  19. The album is stellar. Haven't stopped listening to it since it came out. Great tunes and performances. It's a must!
  20. I sure as hell wouldn't mind being a member of the band. They make good cash. they are pretty popular. More people who dig it the more scratch you make. Nothing wrong with that. It's just music. I'm sure they don't give a shit who doesn't like their music. Look at their bank accounts. And look at the reviewers. If they are the ambassadors of bad music there sure are a ton of them in the same boat. Seems pop gum ball music makes lots of dough.
  21. The rest of the members of PT don't have rock gigs anymore. Gavin will be picking up scraps playing clinics. Maybe a few more solo records with Ric05. People will stop going to his clinics so that will dry up. Bass player has to find a day job. Same with the keyboard player.
  22. My favorite headache has some nice vocals
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