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Everything posted by troutman

  1. Another chapter of JB's train adventures. :D I'm not even looking for stuff. Everything's just there in front of me Several hours earlier on the way to work there was an older, slightly dissheveled woman sitting by 3 other commuters... Despite nobody bumping into/touching her, she suddenly screamed "ITAII!!!" ("OUCH!!"). Scared the crap out of everyone except me only because I just happened to be looking in that direction and saw that nothing happened for her to scream that. She then was quiet for the rest of the ride while everyone moved a little bit away and was uneasy. This is different than the drunken idiot though IMHO. That drunk was babbling for over half an hour!!! He was going on about train announcements, connecting train lines, CATS, time, etc. And he wreaked of booze, ciggies, halitosis, and b.o. I could smell all that from about four feet away! And when I say a 'drunk', I'm referring to a middle aged office worker in a suit...the way it usually goes down out here. Homeless drunks are often meek and avoid others while male, white collar drunks are some of the loudest, most obnoxious, disgusting people around. Man, I would give any thing to be there witnessing it all. I am always aware of my surroundings and what other people are doing. It's quite amazing while most other people are oblivious. Yeah. A lot of stuff passes by Mrs. B too. I pointed out the number of males here openly picking their nose. She thought I was nuts and being overly critical...until I pointed out some dude digging, and another dude digging, and another, and another She admitted, "I had no idea. Somehow I never noticed." It's funny ((to us westerners, or maybe just me)) because blowing your nose in public is considered rude here if it's audible. But nobody cares about or seems to notice nose picking...except me :laughing guy: So picking is acceptable but blowing is not? Houston, we have a problem. :D BTW, next time when you get off the train. Ask one of them if they need a shovel. :P Picking is NOT acceptable but nobody gives the digger bad looks if he's digging. BUT if you blow your nose and it's heard, yeah it can be considered rude. I learned that the hard way when people were giving me dirty looks anytime I blew. I had wondered why they were staring at me since I was just blowing my nose. An ex-gf told me that it was bad manners to do so. And THEN I found it written in some guide book or online. I asked one of my J-coworkers recently: "What if I'm in a bathroom stall, door closed, and blowing my nose? Is that bad?" He reluctantly answered, "Well, for me it's okay. And generally it should be fine but some people still might think it's bad." The fact that he was hesitant and stated that some still would consider it rude says a lot I think. Saw two nose pickers this week. The last one was sitting next to me 2 minutes ago. I had to move as he wasn't stopping. I'd rather stand in a crowded train than sit next to that nastiness. His nose picking schedule was: pick pick-scroll on the tablet-pick-scroll-pick pick pick-scroll-really pick pick Repugnant bastard Film it next time. :P
  2. http://scontent-nrt1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/fr/cp0/e15/q65/19620525_1538212606222621_1515578049775675078_o.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=326c898d0540983e90fc6ec45de7f86d&oe=5A08CD31 Hey, The beers went down quite smoothly during that time. :D :hail:
  3. A light jacket should be all you need then!
  4. Time to break out the "Slip N Slide"!! :codger: :D
  5. Someone pinch me. I actually have the place to myself for a few hours. It's a fu***** miracle!!
  6. That's my favorite. Plus, growing up I had them often for breakfast. The four other kids hated them so I knew that they would always be in the fridge. :D
  7. Cute dog. :) Her name is Tiny. Just gave her a piece of Bison burger. :burger: Well, the name fits! I hope they take good care of her. They are gone. We are taking care of her. I hope the owners call soon. I thought they were just gone for a few days and would return. No, They left about two hours ago. Will be back tomorrow. Also, they left their dog and cat as well. So now it's three dogs and two cats.
  8. The rain has finally stopped and the sun is out. Also, a few Swallowtail butterflies are hanging around. :sundog:
  9. Cute dog. :) Her name is Tiny. Just gave her a piece of Bison burger. :burger: Well, the name fits! I hope they take good care of her. They are gone. We are taking care of her. I hope the owners call soon.
  10. Cute dog. :) Her name is Tiny. Just gave her a piece of Bison burger. :burger:
  11. ISP has been blocked by Craig'slist... http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j223/OldRUSHfan/Banana%20World/Police%20banana%20dancing.gif it works for me.
  12. Here is the dog. https://anchorage.craigslist.org/laf/6203988095.html
  13. Do you happen, by any chance, to be referring to your house guests that long ago overstayed their welcome? Sadly yes. :sarcastic: Plus, they find a dog running loose last night and brought it home. Which is fine. But instead of taking it to the pound. They left it with us and went out of town for the night. Don't you think it's time you had a talk with your girlfriend? Been there done that. I actually slept in the van last night. Just to fu***** loud for me.
  14. Do you happen, by any chance, to be referring to your house guests that long ago overstayed their welcome? Sadly yes. :sarcastic: Plus, they found a dog running loose last night and brought it home. Which is fine. But instead of taking it to the pound. They left it with us and went out of town for the night.
  15. Quit talking about it. Just get the fu** out of here and go!!!
  16. Mother Fu****!! :digi: :hail:
  17. Agree. One of the best albums anytime by anybody. You're a Kenny also? Cool. No, That was my friend's name. He called me up and said he bought it. I rode my bike about 3-4 miles to go and listen to it.
  18. Perfect album and my favorite by them. I never skip a track!! I can still remember when it first came out. Signed, Kenny Cooper :codger:
  19. i did the same earlier. I'm doing that today! :D That was my FIRST Elton John album, and I bought it at a record store in Washington, In. for $8.88 a few weeks after it was released! Still my Fave EJ album... Is your porch enclosed? I did this once at the second Ex's Parents house in the forest up north near Harrisville, MI. that was fun because their porch was enclosed, so no MOSQUITOS! :banana: No, it's not. The swing is covered though in case it rains. Which it ended up doing.
  20. Sitting by the fire with Lucky. (Shithead) the cat. Gonna sleep on the porch swing tonight. :zzz:
  21. troutman


    I know many liars Lorraine and sadly most are women. This statement has nothing to do with any woman on the Rush Forum. I have trust issues with women. Divorce sucks so yes I am tainted. I will never marry again. I used to date after my 20 year marriage ended. All LIARS. Always texting or talking about their ex lovers or boyfriends. Always after a man's money. I am DONE! Liars and losers are synonymous. I would rather listen to "LIES" by Guns And Roses than waste my time, energy and money on a woman. Great thread Lorraine. I love you. Signed, :P
  22. If they are on the radio I can can listen. Otherwise, I don't really care
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