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About GreedHasNoConscience

  • Birthday 10/02/1963

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  • Favorite Rush Song
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  1. QUOTE (Tombstone Mountain @ Oct 11 2012, 10:49 AM) QUOTE (hermy @ Oct 11 2012, 09:37 AM) http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d153/avplanners/hotpants.jpg I'll bet she has a great personality too! Maybe she should breathe on Neil......
  2. QUOTE (treeduck @ May 5 2012, 07:49 PM) QUOTE (Gilbertk @ May 5 2012, 07:00 PM) *cough* Steve Harris *cough* I'm afraid Steve is not in this poll because he's merely a bass player and does no lead vocals, backing vocals are not enough to qualify him for this poll... Then why is Mike Levine of Triumph listed.....
  3. QUOTE (Presto-a RUSH fan! @ Dec 14 2011, 07:21 PM) I love the show Wings. Occasionally, I will see it on and watch it and it still makes me laugh. But how about this for a pound of obscure(sorry), with Jason Bateman, It's Your Move Does anyone remember that one? It was geared towards teenagers and I was in 8th grade at the time and I loved that show. When they canceled it I was so pissed. My first experience of how horrible network tv can take something great and discard it, well at least it was great to me as an 8th grader. But from what I remember it was always funny and a teenage scam artist concept was so great. But just reading the wikipedia entry I linked to, it got canceled because it was up against Dynasty. Yeah...that makes sense to put that show up against a popular adult show like Dynasty and expect it to get great ratings. Good show. He was conning everyone with his buddy Eli. The janitor, of the apartment complex where he lived, was scared to death of the kid... GRAND...I saw this one on another list, i loved this show. It started out as kind of a comedy soap opera.It was centered around 2 families, one on the rich side of town and the other that lived in a trailer park.It was set in Grand, Pa. The town was named that because the main industry was a piano factory. Hated when it was cancelled.
  4. QUOTE (Mara @ Sep 21 2011, 08:04 AM) *Oh, and as for the song in the thread title, I can never listen to it or see a reference to it without thinking of Eddie Murphy as Buckwheat singing "Once, Tice, Fee Times A Mady"! Wickedly funny stuff. When I saw the thread title that was the first thing I thought of.....Buckwheat sings the classics... How about "lookin pa nub in all the wrong paces"........
  5. Just picked up "V" and "Snow" both are very good. What should I get next?
  6. QUOTE (danielmclark @ Oct 5 2010, 07:36 AM) QUOTE (tel @ Oct 5 2010, 02:35 AM) whilst i concure with all that you say unfortunately new rush fans have long since missed out on the glory years but hopefully there will still be plenty of great music in the future also. Oh, please. They're still in their glory years. The glory years never ended. As much as I love Rush, and I will certainly go and see them any chance I can, they are not in their glory years....
  7. QUOTE (woodring2112 @ Aug 15 2010, 10:39 AM) Oh, and as for the Mini-con at Hooters: I found it quite enjoyable, but I really need to get over my social anxiety and meet more people and actually participate in some of the events. Have you ever considered being a drummer in a power trio.....
  8. QUOTE (J2112YYZ @ Aug 3 2010, 07:56 PM) I think they're just doing this tour now for fun. No, their doing this tour for money
  9. Something I always wondered about was, on the Rush in Rio Documentary, how did the fans know when the plane was was landing to meet them at the airport. Nothing earth shattering but i always think about that when I watch it.
  10. I saw Neil enter Madison Square Garden in 2007 but he never stopped to chat...
  11. Mannix was cool also, he seemed to get hit by a car in every episode....
  12. 1. Seinfeld 2. Newhart 3. LA Law 4. St. Eleswhere 5. Wonder Years(First Couple of Years)
  13. QUOTE (ifloveremains @ Apr 22 2008, 01:45 PM) Today my mom was nice enough to drive me downtown, so we drove by the place! Sounds a bit stalkerish, but it's a nice looking house. You can't tell from the listing pictures, but there are a couple of deer in the front bay window, taxidermied I assume. Kinda weird but they were definitely there! Maybe Alex bought it from Ted Nugent....
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