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The Rugged Rant


Inconsiderate Smokers!


Okay, I just do not get it. Why do people smoke in the first place? Let me see now… I want to make sure I understand this whole thing. (RD rolls his eyes and prepares to write a few very sarcastic sentences.) First, in order to live, we must be able to breathe. In order to breathe, we need our lungs. Am I right so far? They are those pinkish things that allow the whole thing to happen. Right again? So, why in the name of burning hell would anyone purposely put actual smoke in their lungs? When you sit around a campfire and the smoke is blowing in your face, you move don’t you? So, you can… um, oh, I don’t know… breathe? Jesus Christ!


But, you have a choice, even a right to purposely damage your lungs and almost certainly shorten your life by a couple of decades or more. And, you don’t mind spending $12 a pack either, do you? That’s apparently what they cost in some parts of Canada these days. And, you don’t mind smelling like an ash tray… along with your clothes, hair, home, car and what about your disgusting, rotten breath? Hey, knock yourself out… just don’t smoke near me!


I can honestly say I’ve never tried smoking. Not even a single “drag man.” Yes, I got somewhat affected by peer pressure in high school. Who didn’t? But, the smoking peer pressure thing didn’t affect me at all. I had friends who were smokers, but that did not temp me. When I was a kid growing up the sixties and seventies it seemed that everyone was a smoker. My parents, aunts and uncles all smoked. So did my grandparents. My hockey coach would smoke in the dressing room and while behind the bench. Then, he’d blow smoke in our faces as we got off the ice. My boxing trainer would stand at ringside, smoking, while I was sparring with someone. Teachers were allowed to smoke in the staff room.


I remember in the ninth grade my French class went on a field trip to Montreal. Our teacher, the bus driver and all the “cool kids” were smoking on the school bus the whole way. You could smoke on a Greyhound bus or on an airplane back then. And, in the mall or the movie theatre… basically, if you were a smoker, you could light up almost anywhere. There was no such thing as a “no smoking section” in a restaurant. That came some time later. By the way, having a no smoking section in a restaurant is like having a no pissing section in a swimming pool. Am I wrong?


I remember as a little kid going to the doctor’s office for a check-up and seeing the receptionist smoking at her desk. I also remember on the way to the doctor’s office, sitting in the car with all the windows rolled up, my parents smoking. When I would roll the window down a little so I could actually breathe, I’d hear, “Roll up that goddam window! What the hell is matter with you? Jesus Christ, it’s cold out there!” Non-smokers had no rights, especially kids.


Another reason why I hated smoking as a kid is because I used to play drums in various bands and started playing in clubs and bars at the age of 13. So, here I am, just a kid, playing in bands with guys who were always at least 20 and sometimes as old as 40, in bars where the smoke was so thick you could cut it with a Stihl chainsaw. I just hated it. But, there was no such ridiculous thing as a smoke-free bar in those days. Are you kidding?


Things sure have changed since those days. Today, smokers are heavily restricted as to where they can puff and blow away their plumes of stinky, bluish-grey smoke. But, if you are going to smoke, could you please at least try to be considerate of those who do not? Like me, for example!


At the Thunder Bay Regional Hospital smoking is not permitted anywhere on the hospital property. But every single time I go there, I see a half dozen people standing right in front of the main doors, puffing away and coughing their lungs out. (I’m quite certain their lungs are no longer “pinkish.”) There are clearly marked signs right there on the door indicating that smoking is not permitted.


Another good one is at the Thunder Bay Airport. Again, there are signs at the front doors saying no smoking, heavy duty fines… blah, blah, blah. I was there a few weeks ago and there were two – get this – security guards smoking while standing three feet from a sign that read “No Smoking. Security guards… and I just couldn’t help myself. I walked over right beside these cement-heads, then looked at the sign and read it very slowly and phonetically, sounding it out, like I was teaching a five year old kid how to read. “Noooo… sm… oooook…ingggggg….” I don’t think they appreciated my sarcasm, but security guards? Really?


I have never heard of anyone actually receiving a ticket and having to pay the fine that is so prominently displayed on the “No Smoking” signs. Is there anyone to enforce these laws? Not that I know of.


There are about 5 million cigarette butts on the ground in front of the main entrance to Wal Mart. And, the Superstore and Safeway and the movie theatre and Home Depot and Canadian Tire and, and, and. Hey, all you goddam pigs - stop throwing your filthy garbage all over the place!


Just because you may be outside, it doesn’t mean that your second-hand smoke isn’t affecting someone else’s health and well-being. Here’s proof… If I can smell it, it means it’s going into my lungs. And, I really hate that!


I always say, “If you smoke in my house, I will pee in your pool and drop a steamer on the seat of your car.”


Trust me, I will. And, it ‘ll be a big coiler…

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Just wanted to let people know that the above post isn't some kind of spam. This is a column I write for my website... thought some of you might find it "somewhat amuzing."



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This is awesome. I used to make all the same points when I was a teenager and all my friends started smoking.. I used to tell people "don't light your smoke! It's better for you that way and it'll last longer!! Lol" or explain that 'smoke inhalation' is a cause of death so why are you paying to die?? Lol


It's real easy to say things like this if you never smoked but I'm embarrassed to admit I actually started smoking a couple years ago when I was around 40 years old.. There's no good reason to start smoking but I was going through a lot of shit in my life and I didn't care about myself or my life very much.. It's also easy when you're friends are all doing it too.. (I know I know.. Peer pressure when you're 40? Ya I guess so :S)


I have learned to see the other side now though.. Smoking relaxes you and was socially acceptable for a long time and still is in places.. And it's highly addictive.. So it makes sense that people are doing it but it obviously makes no sense to do it.. If that makes sense lol

Edited by MMCXII
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I'm 23 years young and have never smoked even though my friends have since we were 15. On Monday one of my co-workers left a pack in my van and I ended up trying one when they were away. I felt like death immediately afterwards but less than an hour later I had a craving for another. I through the pack out the window and had to give my friend $10 to replace it. Never again, never again. I'm ashamed with myself for even trying it but goddamn are they addicting., Edited by billybobjoe1881
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Ahem... (Insert picture of TBR standing with arms crossed and tapping his foot on the floor, while at the same time staring at YOU!)


Both of you guys should have your balls kicked! Most people start smoking when they're 14 because they are trying to be cool. When you're 40 or 23, you're already cool, even you are aren't!!


Crazy kids...


Read my other rants. Maybe that will get you off the topic of cigarettes!! :huh:

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I'm 23 years young and have never smoked even though my friends have since we were 15. On Monday one of my co-workers left a pack in my van and I ended up trying one when they were away. I felt like death immediately afterwards but less than an hour later I had a craving for another. I through the pack out the window and had to give my friend $10 to replace it. Never again, never again. I'm ashamed with myself for even trying it but goddamn are they addicting.,


Ten dollars a pack?! :eh: I would think the cost alone would be deterrent enough.

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It is smarter to never start. I smoked from sixteen to thirty five and then quit cold turkey. I tried a lot of things in my youth from pot to coke to booze. Fortunately I don't have an addictive make up so haven't done any of these things for a long time sans a drink here or there. I am proud that my seventeen year old has not tried any of these things.
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Apart from once, when I was about 12, I lit up one of my mother's cigarettes and practically nearly coughed my lungs up. Never did it again, that's for sure.



Good girl! (Or, "smart" girl).


Isn't it unbelievable, that although 99% of young people who try to smoke cough their lungs out the first time - and yet... they do it AGAIN?


Holy shit...

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