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Everything posted by Jaminbenb

  1. I think he's fairly fine with anything in the first half of the show, and a few things in the second half...if they dropped a key, then things weren't too bad... the worst was Lakeside Park, though...I thought that would have been an easy one to drop a step of two, but yikes! It sounds like he's hurting when he's singing it.
  2. Jaminbenb

    BubbaGram #3

    It's definitely worth reposting that quote. Massive, pendulous scrotum. Massive pendulous scrotum -Neil Peart Well now they just have to record at least one more album. What a great name for their next instrumental. Or, at the end of the liner notes... Brought to you by Massive Pendulous Scrotum! The next instrumental will be named "M-P-S"
  3. Jaminbenb

    BubbaGram #3

    I'm just surprised that there wasn't a picture to back up his claims....
  4. Jaminbenb

    Z vs Zed

    I always went with "Why Why Zelda?" But that's just me....
  5. But the Dead is going out as a Dead band NOT the "Grateful Dead" ! They never did anything to make it seem like they were the GRATEFUL DEAD....Further...Phil and Phriends...etc. Respect to Jerry, gotta love that! Back when Skynyrd had their accident, and the rest of the band went out as Rossington Collins, that was the ultimate respect for Ronnie, and only played Free Bird as an instrumental (with a spotlight on a lone mic stand center stage whenever the vocals came in....was really touching to see live!) out of respect....but when they decided to make it a marketing thing and go out with Johnny it turned into a farce! (never saw that...a friend who was a major die hard went and decided that it was pathetic! Called it Skynyrd-lite) What Styx is doing is pathetic! (since Dennis DeYoung isn't doing it anymore) Foghat has only their drummer..sorry..that's all marketing, no authenticity! Even what's left of Yes isn't cutting it at the moment! (hasn't since Jon Anderson had to stop several years back) Hell Gilmour's version of Pink Floyd was a HUGE slap in the face to the band's heritage! Saw them in 1987 and 1994, and while it was a decent show...it was a Gilmour solo concert with two of the members...I saw Roger Waters a few times, and that was more of a Pink Floyd show! If Alex and Geddy go out as something else and play Rush tunes...that's not a big deal...but if they get another drummer and call it Rush (which I sincerely doubt they'd do) that would be wrong, and it should be stopped!
  6. Carmine or Vinnie? (gotta qualify it....there ARE two!)
  7. After reading through and posting in the set list thread...I had an urge to listen to the Rush in Rio disc...and decided that they overkilled the audience sound on the recording...yeah..it was cool that they sung to everything, even freaking YYZ...but it gets annoying on the playback...... :boo hiss: Other than that I think most have a decent sound...and can interchange them on a whim...
  8. Moron I disagree with him about Hemispheres but Signals really left something to be desired with me too. Hemispheres was one of their greatest studio albums! Signals WAS missing something...I liked most of the songs, the production lacked a bit...especially after the killer that Moving Pictures was... It almost seemed like some of the tunes were leftovers...and they rehashed some riffs and stuff to make up the album..
  9. "It is what it is" and it's a "coulda shoulda woulda" situation...but by the same token, what would the stuff that he was denied access have sounded like if he HAD worked on them? The fact that I can't stand Presto is a good case in point...would that have sounded less like a soft rock band with "second rate" songs if Terry Brown produced it? We'll never know... a sounding board is only as good as their opinion at the time...Yeah, a lot of people think Signals lacked...but I liked the songs, and thought that production was an issue. But when you look at it...would any of us actually HEARD Rush if Terry Brown wasn't there to begin with? And as far as the argument that the live stuff sounds better...of COURSE it does..when you get it on the album 99% of the time the band just learned the song, and was tweaking things as they put it on tape...that's why some bands like to work things out on the road before putting things down so that it's right where they want it (and in some cases it's why the FIRST album sound great, but the next one is kind of "eh"! Tough to say, really...but no use in speculating what might have been...if someone other than TB helped get this off the ground...would we even BE here 40 years later?!?!
  10. You seem to be unfamiliar with how promotion works. Lemme guess...you've never seen the band live, and it's a bucket list thing for you to see RUSH.... dude...give it up...why does Alex and Geddy in some way shape or form NEED to be Rush in your eyes? As I said before...the Lifeson-Lee project would be a decent thing if they got the right drummer! (basically anyone but Portnoy) Rush it it's own thing.... get over it already
  11. I pretty much felt that Neil was the underlying issue, as well as Alex being a little physically challenged, but the way he talked about it, it seemed like he was fine this tour, and was ready to keep going. I honestly thought that with the level of "show" that they were schlepping from gig to gig, that they would have a second leg in early 2016.....but still Neil seems like the deciding factor. You DO have to admit that Neil does bang the living shit out of his drums every night, and at 60-ish that's not an easy feat to accomplish. I know at my age after playing hard for 20 minutes, I can feel it...how to play at THAT level for almost three hours must be pretty grueling... You'd think they'd go back to the shorter shows with an opening act...but hey, that's wishful thinking. Anything further is just a bonus....We thought Test For Echo was the last hurrah, but we got another 12-13 years out of them after Vapor Trails was released... take it as you get it. (and enjoy the bootlegs and box sets that come out)
  12. Holy shit!!! Those were AWESOME!!! I had my plywood ludwigs and one of those on a stand next to my hi hat when I was 13. That f***ing rawked. I had a friend that used it as his "clap trap". We were messing around with it one day and I started playing the Mystic Rhythms drum part, and it was pretty cool!
  13. Better yet: http://thumbs3.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/m_i3_MAm523Xb81oC_hhkYw.jpg Don't laugh...it did a pretty cool version of Mystic Rhythms!
  14. Love Beach pretty much sucked.... (except for Memoir's of an Officer and a Gentleman, and Canario) Other than that, it was all pretty amazing! I'm not familiar with that, only their first few albums, but I thought they were good. They filled a void that we had for a year or two during the seventies when there wasn't much going on musically (at least that I was aware of). Love Beach was a "contractual obligation" album that (IIRC) was made up of some left over stuff they never released, and a few quickly written things. I think it was released in 1978-79 and had what looked like a "disco album" looking cover on it with them all standing there with their shirts opened... pretty pathetic... This was the last album they released before they sort of called it quits for a bunch of years..I think the next album was Emerson Lake and Powell, then Three before they all got back together and did Black Moon (which wasn't actually half bad)
  15. Love Beach pretty much sucked.... (except for Memoir's of an Officer and a Gentleman, and Canario) Other than that, it was all pretty amazing!
  16. The Lifeson-Lee Experience! This is wrong- we all know they will be in a 5 piece called ELLPL EMERSON, LEE, LAKE, PALMER, AND LIFESON Now THAT would be interesting! I'd pay big bucks to see that. You know, I would too. That would be a real two-for-one, and i bet they would make quite an interesting sound together. Terrible idea. Carl Palmer is a total t**t and Lake is persona non grata. ELP were shite when they were supposed to be good. Palmer is probably one of the few drummers that has actual technique and can still play his ass off...granted, he's played the same drum solo for 40 years, but the guy can play! Lake is purportedly having some medical issues at this point in time, which is why he's not visible.
  17. The Lifeson-Lee Experience! This is wrong- we all know they will be in a 5 piece called ELLPL EMERSON, LEE, LAKE, PALMER, AND LIFESON Now THAT would be interesting!
  18. Dude...what don't you get... they WILL NOT CALL IT RUSH! I'm not saying that they'll never tour together, or never do solo stuff..but they will not call it Rush! You're delusional if you think they will! Rush is THREE PEOPLE and THREE PEOPLE alone! If Rutsey were still alive, then MAYBE they'd call it Rush...but Alex, Geddy and another drummer will not be Rush! It will be under a different name!
  19. If Neil isn't playing it ISN'T RUSH! If Geddy isn't playing it ISN'T RUSH, if Alex isn't playing IT ISN'T RUSH! What don't you get? Rush is the three guys that have been Rush for the past 41 years...if one, or two of the band decides to go out on tour it WILL NOT BE RUSH! It will be the Alex Lifeson Band, or the Geddy Lee Band! BUT IT WILL NOT BE RUSH!! If the three guys decide that they want to have another go at it, then it WILL BE RUSH....but at the moment for all intents and purposes, the band as a physical playing entity is NO MORE! What about Yes? Don't forget Yes! They've been touring as that band with 99 different guys over the years.... Sorry dude.... Alex and Geddy with Mike Portnoy will not be RUSH! Alex and Neil with John Myung will NOT BE RUSH! Geddy and Neil with Joe Satriani will NOT BE RUSH! I don't need an attitude adjustment, you need a reality check! This is an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SITUATION! IT WILL NOT BE RUSH WITHOUT ALL THREE GUYS IN THE BAND!
  20. Cygnus Gold has a great sound, and IIRC the benefit is that the parts that were missing from tape flips, etc. are re-added with (albeit) substandard clips to make it complete. There was a huge glut of people back in the 90's who were getting these shows and making them available on CD-r, and trading the living crap out of them. I just looked at my bootleg list and I have that, Desert Passage, and Every Soul a Battlefield. My two favorites from this "era" are probably Buenos Nochos Motor City (12/2/78) and Black Forest (5/28/79) EDIT: just looked...Cygnus X story is on "dime"
  21. If Neil isn't playing it ISN'T RUSH! If Geddy isn't playing it ISN'T RUSH, if Alex isn't playing IT ISN'T RUSH! What don't you get? Rush is the three guys that have been Rush for the past 41 years...if one, or two of the band decides to go out on tour it WILL NOT BE RUSH! It will be the Alex Lifeson Band, or the Geddy Lee Band! BUT IT WILL NOT BE RUSH!! If the three guys decide that they want to have another go at it, then it WILL BE RUSH....but at the moment for all intents and purposes, the band as a physical playing entity is NO MORE!
  22. I've seen every tour since T4E and of the set lists after Vapor Trails, I'd have to take the Snakes and Arrows tour as my favorite because of some of what they brought back that tour (Natural Science, Entre Nous and Circumstances) AND I liked how the S&A tunes came across live! Vapor Trails ran a close second again because of some of the older stuff they pulled off. (Encore set was top notch, the acoustic set, La Villa) I loved the concept of the R40 tour! Granted...you aren't going to please everyone with the song selections, and I really thought that EVERY album original album should have been represented by at least one song, but what can you do. The first set was pretty decent, and the second set had some amazing choices... Time Machine was interesting because they did the whole Moving Pictures album, but cut some of the better Snakes and Arrows tunes and brought back Time Stand Still (ugh!) The R30 set had some nice stuff, but lacked because of the cover tunes...I thought that really detracted from an otherwise decent set list. I only liked the Clockwork Angels tour because they did a good majority of the album, and had the string ensemble backing them up, not to mention pulling some of the stuff out that they recorded previously using strings...but was disappointed that they DIDN'T pull out Losing it on that tour.... The mid 80's stuff was ok to be re-hashed...but not my favorite stuff. So with those thoughts... I'd have to say that it's a toss up between R30 and Clockwork Angels for my LEAST favorite setlist!
  23. Please stop....it's over... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v284/jaminbenb/Rush1%20copy_zps6qgt1skk.jpg
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