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About Signals1982

  • Birthday 10/31/1982

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Member Information

  • Location
    Pickering, ON
  • Interests
    Listening to music, watching movies, playing sports, drinking beer, eating good food, and banging on the drums.
  • Gender

Music Fandom

  • Number of Rush Concerts Attended
  • Last Rush Concert Attended
    Toronto ON, September 19th, 2007. Air Canada Centre
  • Favorite Rush Song
    Too hard to Choose!!!
  • Favorite Rush Album
    Right now: Snakes and Arrows
  • Best Rush Experience
    RC4 - then the Rush concert. Meeting Neil too, although I was too young to appreciate it at the time.
  • Other Favorite Bands
    Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin, Dream Theater, Pink Floyd, Beatles, Police, Jethro Tull, Tool
  • Musical Instruments You Play
    Novice drummer

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  1. QUOTE (rushgoober @ May 24 2010, 02:30 AM) Hmmm, Christian seemed to indicate that these people all found each other because the time they spent together was so important. If that's the case, then it wouldn't make sense that they all died in the initial plane crash, as they wouldn't have known each other then and would have made their reunions with each other impossible or meaningless. So maybe they DID die when the bomb went off, if not prior to that (Boone, Shannon, Libby, etc.)? They died, when they died. Everything that happened was real(except the flash sideways.) That's why Ben said to Hurley, "You were a great number 1." Both of them stayed on the island and protected it. They all continued their lives. They just showed you the point of view from Jack's death.
  2. QUOTE (Some Half-Forgotten Stranger @ May 23 2010, 11:01 PM) QUOTE (Signals1982 @ May 23 2010, 10:54 PM) QUOTE (Some Half-Forgotten Stranger @ May 23 2010, 10:39 PM) OK rocket scientists...start explaining 'cuz I have more questions than EVER!!!! So, the flash sideways was not a flash sideways at all. It was after they all died. They needed to find each other and move on together. We saw it from Jack's point of view at the end. They had a job to do, to protect the island, as well as the world. But they had to do it together. So Hurley went on to protect the island, for who knows how long, along with Ben. And Kate, Claire, Sawyer etc. got back home and carried on their lives as well. All the mythology of the island was just a back drop for these characters and their connections to each other. Yeah....that sounds good, and that's kinda what I thought it was all about. But at the risk of being ridiculed for wanting more answers, sure the end was emotional, and I'm sad the show is over...but I wanted more. I want more too! Don't want it to be over!!!
  3. QUOTE (Presto-digitation @ May 23 2010, 10:56 PM) QUOTE (Signals1982 @ May 23 2010, 10:54 PM) QUOTE (Some Half-Forgotten Stranger @ May 23 2010, 10:39 PM) OK rocket scientists...start explaining 'cuz I have more questions than EVER!!!! So, the flash sideways was not a flash sideways at all. It was after they all died. They needed to find each other and move on together. We saw it from Jack's point of view at the end. They had a job to do, to protect the island, as well as the world. But they had to do it together. So Hurley went on to protect the island, for who knows how long, along with Ben. And Kate, Claire, Sawyer etc. got back home and carried on their lives as well. All the mythology of the island was just a back drop for theses characters and their connections to each other. ...and that is sure to piss off a ton of people. And I lauuuuughhhh!!! I loved it. The show was about relationships...right from the very start. Yes, and destiny, sacrifice, love, purpose, faith, redemption etc.
  4. QUOTE (Some Half-Forgotten Stranger @ May 23 2010, 10:39 PM) OK rocket scientists...start explaining 'cuz I have more questions than EVER!!!! So, the flash sideways was not a flash sideways at all. It was after they all died. They needed to find each other and move on together. We saw it from Jack's point of view at the end. They had a job to do, to protect the island, as well as the world. But they had to do it together. So Hurley went on to protect the island, for who knows how long, along with Ben. And Kate, Claire, Sawyer etc. got back home and carried on their lives as well. All the mythology of the island was just a back drop for these characters and their connections to each other.
  5. He has no name. I guess the other woman wasn't "allowed" to name him?
  6. QUOTE (Test4VitalSigns @ May 11 2010, 09:43 PM) QUOTE (Test4VitalSigns @ May 11 2010, 10:41 PM) QUOTE (Signals1982 @ May 11 2010, 10:41 PM) Fantastic episode! It was. This was first time I watched the show live with the commercials (I'm visiting friends out of town). God that was sooo annoying with the commercials!! Talk about ruining the flow of the show. Never again. That is so true!
  7. QUOTE (Some Half-Forgotten Stranger @ May 6 2010, 04:36 PM) QUOTE (Signals1982 @ May 6 2010, 12:40 PM) QUOTE (Some Half-Forgotten Stranger @ May 5 2010, 05:56 AM) QUOTE (The Owl @ May 4 2010, 10:52 PM) Damn! Sun and Jin.......... Dead Sayid.....................Dead Frank.....................Dead at least 10 of Widmore's people..........Dead via Flocke, and Claire (who is a beast with a rifle) Although I thought the episode was good.... I'm pissed off. Those characters were just wasted. Proves to me once more the writers and producers have no idea how to end the show so instead of writing off characters in meaningful, valuable ways, they simply go the easy route and just kill 'em off in meaninglessly !!! TOTAL BULLSHITE!!!! I thought Jin and Sun and their story throughout the entire span of the show was great. They were about the only constant in the entire run and I found myself really rooting for them to stay together and then meet back up and live happily ever after. Only to find out they were just dead weight (no pun intended) throughout the whole thing? Bullshite. Frank, why even bring him back? Another waste of a character...oh yeah....who's gonna fly the plane off the island?? Not that he would have been able to seeing it's wheels are buried in sand and it's facing into the jungle and it has a broken windshield. And Sayid...Is he really/finally dead!!!??? OK...He sacrificed himself to save the others (not The Others but you know what I mean), but what about his lack of feeling and emotion and devotion to Smoky? What...all of a sudden he's human again??...Must'a been the sub....And are we ever gonna find out how he came back from the grave and what that whole temple thing was about???!!! Oh yeah...Widmore hired bad ass mercenarieses to get Ben Linus but hired bumbling college kids to take Smoky out...what's up with that? I hate to....On second though as far as this topic goes, I love (and feel I've won a gold for it) to sound like a snivelling weenie, but I can't wait for Lost to end if they are gonna keep pulling this crap. What's next...Hurley gonna be heading off to take on Smoky one on one only to choke to death on a twinkie he finds lying in the woods? There is an episode coming up called "What they died for." So there is a reason why they had to die. Sayid came back because MIB brought him back to life. However he didn't anticipate Sayid's good side would over power his bad side. Sayid has struggled with being good/bad his whole life. His death was a final act of redemption. Also his choice to save Desmond's life is very important. Jin and Sun were meant to be together. In life or death. Their sacrifice shows true love at it's purest. Lapidis was meant to be a "transporter" of the survivors. He has a been there to get them where they need to be. They are meant to be on the island, so now he purpose is over. I think self sacrifice i.e Sayid, Jin, Charlie, Juliet etc has a significant efeect on future events and is vital to the survival of the island. And therefore the survival of the world. Jack faith was the hardest to gain. Yet it is stronger than anyone's now. His will to never give up coupled with his belief makes him the perfect candidate. John's blind faith made him week. From the beginning the show has been about Jack, now we know why. The next episode is "Across the Sea" and it seems to deal with Jacob and MIB only. We will get to see their origins. That's awesome info that I in my entire life would never have figured out. I hope you had help with all of that otherwise, if not, you should be in a position of great importance. That certainly sums up a lot of my complaints and wish you were here a while ago to calm me the hell down....don't go away. That's all my interpretation. Thanks dude. If you are confused about anything, I'll give you my opinion. It might not be correct but I think I know where things are going. And Jack, I'm around sometimes but I don't post that much anymore. Nice to see ya!
  8. QUOTE (Some Half-Forgotten Stranger @ May 5 2010, 05:56 AM) QUOTE (The Owl @ May 4 2010, 10:52 PM) Damn! Sun and Jin.......... Dead Sayid.....................Dead Frank.....................Dead at least 10 of Widmore's people..........Dead via Flocke, and Claire (who is a beast with a rifle) Although I thought the episode was good.... I'm pissed off. Those characters were just wasted. Proves to me once more the writers and producers have no idea how to end the show so instead of writing off characters in meaningful, valuable ways, they simply go the easy route and just kill 'em off in meaninglessly !!! TOTAL BULLSHITE!!!! I thought Jin and Sun and their story throughout the entire span of the show was great. They were about the only constant in the entire run and I found myself really rooting for them to stay together and then meet back up and live happily ever after. Only to find out they were just dead weight (no pun intended) throughout the whole thing? Bullshite. Frank, why even bring him back? Another waste of a character...oh yeah....who's gonna fly the plane off the island?? Not that he would have been able to seeing it's wheels are buried in sand and it's facing into the jungle and it has a broken windshield. And Sayid...Is he really/finally dead!!!??? OK...He sacrificed himself to save the others (not The Others but you know what I mean), but what about his lack of feeling and emotion and devotion to Smoky? What...all of a sudden he's human again??...Must'a been the sub....And are we ever gonna find out how he came back from the grave and what that whole temple thing was about???!!! Oh yeah...Widmore hired bad ass mercenarieses to get Ben Linus but hired bumbling college kids to take Smoky out...what's up with that? I hate to....On second though as far as this topic goes, I love (and feel I've won a gold for it) to sound like a snivelling weenie, but I can't wait for Lost to end if they are gonna keep pulling this crap. What's next...Hurley gonna be heading off to take on Smoky one on one only to choke to death on a twinkie he finds lying in the woods? There is an episode coming up called "What they died for." So there is a reason why they had to die. Sayid came back because MIB brought him back to life. However he didn't anticipate Sayid's good side would over power his bad side. Sayid has struggled with being good/bad his whole life. His death was a final act of redemption. Also his choice to save Desmond's life is very important. Jin and Sun were meant to be together. In life or death. Their sacrifice shows true love at it's purest. Lapidis was meant to be a "transporter" of the survivors. He has a been there to get them where they need to be. They are meant to be on the island, so now he purpose is over. I think self sacrifice i.e Sayid, Jin, Charlie, Juliet etc has a significant efeect on future events and is vital to the survival of the island. And therefore the survival of the world. Jack faith was the hardest to gain. Yet it is stronger than anyone's now. His will to never give up coupled with his belief makes him the perfect candidate. John's blind faith made him week. From the beginning the show has been about Jack, now we know why. The next episode is "Across the Sea" and it seems to deal with Jacob and MIB only. We will get to see their origins.
  9. He was also Rita's deadbeat ex-husband in Dexter.
  10. QUOTE (theredtamasrule @ Mar 27 2010, 05:02 PM) QUOTE (Snowdog @ Mar 27 2010, 03:32 PM) QUOTE (Test4VitalSigns @ Mar 27 2010, 02:19 AM) QUOTE (RushNut @ Mar 26 2010, 01:49 PM) One of the things that has been pissing me off lately is, ok, yeah...we kinda get what the relationship between Jacob and the Smoke Monster dude is, and what the SM wants...BUT I still don't know exactly WHAT or WHO Jacob is (was). He told Richard he couldn't bring back his wife, or absolve him of his sins, but suuure....I can give you eternal life! WTF?? Where does he get THIS power from? I'm going to assume that there will be an entire episode dedicated to the whole back story of Jacob and the Man in Black....probably the episode just before the final show or even during the final episode itself. Agreed. I don't see how they can possibly wrap up this series without explaining who Jacob and the Man in Black are. OR...it would be just like them to leave that unanswered. What questions have been left unanswered? Give me a list.
  11. SPOILER ALERT It was awesome! Some things are really falling into place. I like that we finally have an explanation for for the Smoke Monster. I keep going back to the first season when Locke and Walt are playing backgammon, and Locke explains the the battle of opposites. The good and evil if you will, between Jacob and the Mystery man. Where is home for him? Heaven? Hell? Another world? Good to see Charlie again!
  12. QUOTE (1-0-0-1-0-0-1 @ Dec 16 2009, 06:02 PM) I like redheads. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/1001001/isla-fisher-2.jpg Isla Fisher. Redhead. Hot. Done. Tru Dat
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