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King Troll

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About King Troll

  • Birthday 06/06/1966

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Member Information

  • Location
    Lofoten Islands
  • Interests
    Spearing Whales<br>Eating Faggots

Music Fandom

  • Number of Rush Concerts Attended
  • Last Rush Concert Attended
    Oslo 26/10/07
  • Best Rush Experience
    Meeting Englishman in Oslo who looked more liek a Wiking than Wikings!!!!!!!!! Are You OK Giles?
  • Other Favorite Bands
  1. Motorhead and Saxon tomorrow night Now if that's not METAL, then I don't know what is, apart frpm Motorhead being a Rock and Roll band.......................
  2. QUOTE (Necromancer @ Oct 29 2008, 12:15 PM) QUOTE (Fridge @ Oct 29 2008, 12:28 PM) QUOTE (King Troll @ Oct 29 2008, 04:16 PM) QUOTE (Fridge @ Oct 29 2008, 09:13 AM) I think the original British version is much better from what I've seen so far, but then a lot of that is probably to do with what is more familiar to me. No the original is better for being British. Why can't the septics just watch our TV programmes, and not have to remake them? Like with Steptoe and Son, Til Death Us Do part and The Office for instance? Us Limeys are perfectly capable of sitting and watching US programmes. Good point actually Well... just like everything else... we do it far better. Yes, especially in irony.
  3. QUOTE (Fridge @ Oct 29 2008, 09:13 AM) I think the original British version is much better from what I've seen so far, but then a lot of that is probably to do with what is more familiar to me. No the original is better for being British. Why can't the septics just watch our TV programmes, and not have to remake them? Like with Steptoe and Son, Til Death Us Do part and The Office for instance? Us Limeys are perfectly capable of sitting and watching US programmes.
  4. QUOTE (Fridge @ Oct 27 2008, 05:01 PM) QUOTE (King Troll @ Oct 27 2008, 09:59 PM) Mrs Troll's kecks Do they fit, and more importantly were they laundered, or did you fish them out of the "to do" basket? Out the basket. I just love the way me Filberts hang either side of the gusset
  5. Steve Hillage f*cked himself up royally by getting into ambient Techno music.
  6. Motorhead - Sheffield Academy 8/11/08 Bravado - Boardwalk Sheffield, 14/11/08 Bravado - Diamond, Sutton-in-Ashfield, 21/11/08 Black Stone Cherry - Sheffield Academy 9/12/08 Metallica - Sheffield Arena 28/02/09 AC/DC - MEN Arena 21/04/09
  7. QUOTE (1-0-0-1-0-0-1 @ Oct 21 2008, 11:33 AM) Yes, I realize you're just taking the piss here, but there you go. You twit. Middle-Class Twit to you. Bollocks, I'm turning into a Tawny Owl.
  8. QUOTE (Lady April @ Oct 20 2008, 09:13 PM) Ok then, answer me this, what exactly is British? Is it a bloodline or is it a citizenship? Being British, is purely and simply holding British citizenship. Over and above that it's: Kippers for Breakfast The Sound of Leather on Willow Foaming Flagons of Ale (or flat as a witches tit flagons of ale if you're a Southener) An irrational loathing of Germans A rational loathing of the French Afternoon Tea. Saying "sorry" if someone bumps into you. Fish and Chips Deep Fried mars Bars - for the Jockos Sitting on a beach in the rain eating sandwiches under a brolly Never being happy with the weather. [Mod edit: offensive content.]
  9. QUOTE (Sark @ Oct 9 2008, 09:10 AM) Here's Olliver Syngen Mollusk! His best friend is a tree, and in his spare time he's a stock broker. I've bitten my tongue long enough, but you Americans should leave Python well alone. It's British Comedy for British people. I know American English is a bit of a retarded written language but it not know that it's Oliver St John-Mollusc is truly reprehensible. I suppose the only upside is that you buggers have never tried remaking it.
  10. QUOTE (fledgehog @ Oct 19 2008, 03:30 PM) But i do, think it's pretty cool that Mike Portnoy reads this board. Hey Mikey if you do read this, you're a tit, quit with all that gobbing will ya? Old Dream Theatre Good, New Dream Theatre Bad.
  11. QUOTE (theworkingman @ Oct 15 2008, 04:14 PM) QUOTE (King Troll @ Oct 15 2008, 02:30 AM) QUOTE (fledgehog @ Oct 14 2008, 07:44 PM) i'm starting to really dig UFO They were better in 1978 Old UFO good, New UFO Bad? Old UFO pissed up and able to play, New UFO pissed up, and well, whatever happens really.................
  12. QUOTE (fledgehog @ Oct 14 2008, 07:44 PM) i'm starting to really dig UFO They were better in 1978
  13. OK Computer is Overrated pretentious Toss. Full Stop. Carnival Bizarre Best album of the 90s by far
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