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Vive le Rush

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Everything posted by Vive le Rush

  1. I love that outfit so much, particularly around the chest and leg areas! http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y288/Bluefunk/Rush/NeilPeartPremiereDreamworksLoveManArrivalsNfqtBaw6N-3x.jpg :mwah: (I hope you don't mind the bonus Neil goodness!) Love this gif! Have a great trip, Mika! I LOVE the one with Ged and Neil on the red carpet!!!!!!!!!! :drool: :drool: :kisshug: :ebert: :clap: :wub: Geddy looks HOT, HOT.........SMOKIN' HOTTT!!!!!!!!! :fury: :fury:
  2. I just signed the petition over on Facebook, Xanadoood. Thank you so much for posting this here, so as many people as possible can be informed about this HORRIFIC story, and can then sign the petition available through the links you provided!!!!!!! :goodone: While reading about how this poor dog was brutally tortured, I was moved to tears. :boohoo: :( The perpetrator(s) of this cruel and senseless crime MUST be caught and punished in a forceful way, appropriate to the horror committed on this innocent and defenseless animal!!!!!! :boo hiss: Let's make sure we all sign the petition, which can be found at the links above; then, let's pray the perpetrator(s) of this unimaginably cruel torture of one of God's precious creatures, is/are apprehended and brought to justice!!!!!!!! :o :tsk:
  3. Happy Birthday, Neil!!!!! :sundog: :ebert: :clap: :banana: :cheers: I hope you enjoy a day that's as special, talented and wonderful as you are!!!!! :sundog:
  4. Thanks so much for posting all of these "GEDDYLICIOUS" pics, ladies!!!!!!!! :drool: :drool: :kisshug: :clap: Pictures of our GORGEOUS GED absolutely fill me with delight......and the effect lasts all day!!!!!!!!! :ebert: :banana: :geddy: :fury: :drool:
  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Alex..........an AMAZING and INSPIRING guitarist who rocks my life!!!!!!!!! :Alex: :ebert: :clap: :cheers: :cheerleader: :banana: :guitar: :rush:
  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Alex..........an AMAZING and INSPIRING guitarist who rocks my life!!!!!!!!! :Alex: :ebert: :clap: :cheers: :cheerleader: :banana: :guitar: :rush:
  7. From what you've said about the concert, what with Geddy tearing up during 'The Garden', perhaps he didn't respond to you because he was too emotional. I love the picture of you with the license plate! Yes, it must be really awesome to have a souvenir like that :) (the picture) gangsterfurious, I was at that KC concert, too, last Sunday!!!!!!!!!! :sundog: :rush: :ebert: :banana: :guitar: Geddy was SOOO GORGEOUSLY SEXY...........I almost FAINTED when I first saw him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub: :o :o :drool: :drool: :fury: I only wish I could have been closer than the 15th row, so I could have been closer to HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drool: BTW, the show was very emotional; I nearly cried several times, especially during "The Garden"!!!!!!! :boohoo:
  8. OMG.............as a dog lover and a GEDLOVER............this pic just TOTALLY MELTS my heart!!!!!!!!!!!! :heart: :ebert: :wub: Such an AWESOME post!!!!!!!!!! :drool:
  9. Happy Birthday, Nick!!!!!!!! :ebert: :cheers: I had a lot of fun celebrating with you at the pre-show party, before the Rush show last Sunday!!!!!!!! :ebert: :cheerleader: :banana: Have a JOYOUS, WONDERFUL, RUSH-FILLED day!!!!!!!!! :cheerleader: :banana: :cheers:
  10. I'm so proud to support this amazing band that demonstrates love and concern for people struggling through hardships, like natural disasters!!!!!!!! :heart: :ebert: :clap: :cheerleader:
  11. Happy Birthday, Geddy!!!!! :clap: :cheers: You are such a magnificent bassist and singer!!!!! :geddy: :guitar: I wish you a wonderful day, filled with everything you love most!!!! :cheerleader: :banana: :ebert:
  12. Garden Dancer, you sure know how to wish me a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drool: :drool: :kisshug: ;) :P :clap: :cheerleader: These are 3 of my VERY FAVORITE GEDDY pics, and I THANK YOU "ENDLESSLEE", for posting them here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ebert: :clap: Thank you SOOO much for making my birthday not only HAPPY, but "GEDDYLICIOUSLY HAPPY"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :kisshug: :drool:
  13. Thanks for posting these wonderful pics........they're bringing me a lot of joy!!!!!!!!! ;) :ebert: :clap: :cheerleader: :banana:
  14. Me, too!!!!!!!!! :sundog: Geddy is winning, at 38% now........YAY!!!!!!! :ebert: :clap: :geddy: :cheerleader: :banana: :guitar:
  15. OMG.......Geddy looks supremely GORGEOUS in this pic.......I love it!!!!!!!!!! :drool: :ebert: :cheerleader: :banana: :fury:
  16. Oops!!!! :o I meant to apply the comment I made above, to this comment made by Lorraine. Anyway.....I think we all agree that we NEVER get tired of looking at him.....lol!!!!!!! :ebert: :P :drool:
  17. Yeah.......just looking at him makes you realize he must have EXCELLENT taste in a lot of things!!!!!!!!! :drool: :drool: ;) :ebert: :P
  18. I salute Rush for their charity efforts in this difficult situation!!!! :ebert: :clap: :cheerleader: :rush: The band always comes through in a big way to help those in need, due to unfortunate circumstances.
  19. Thanks for all the DROOLICIOUS pics, ladies!!!!!!!!!!!! :drool: :drool: :drool: :ebert: :clap: :heart: You gals sure know how to post 'em!!!!!!!!! ;) :P :clap:
  20. Thanks for taking the GREAT pics, prestobunnies!!!!!! :ebert: :cheers: :clap: I always appreciate the excitement I feel every time I see photos of Rush playing live. :cheerleader: :banana: I also enjoy seeing the band having fun, especially when the funny characters appear, e.g., the men in striped clothing having a "cold one" near the open cooler!!!! :LOLsign:
  21. I noticed this too! It took me a while to figure out that there two different shirts, because they look very alike to the undiscerning eye and were swapped around during the same time. These are fabulous shirts on him, and I think get my official MIka Favourite Geddy Concertwear. And I don't know if it's because of the fit of the shirts, or if Geddy happened to be in super-great Geddy shape, but these shirts look fab on his chest. Thank you, GM, for these! I hope to give myself some time to dig up some of my own from my 'that black shirt' collection... now gotta eat dinner.... GREAT observations, Garden Dancer and Mika!!!!!! :ebert: :clap: Noticing the details of Geddy's clothing is sure a lot more fun than noticing the details of clothing I have to buy for myself!!!!! :P :drool: I LOVE his shoes, too!!!! :P He's IRRESISTIBLE to gaze upon, 'cause he's SOOO "GEDDYLICIOUS"!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drool: :drool: :drool:
  22. "Just because..." you know HE inspires the DROOL FACTOR in all of us Ged ladies, Garden Dancer!!!!!!!!! :drool: :drool: :drool: :fury: :fury: :fury: :P ;) :wub: I could watch him pitch like that ALL DAY........mmmmm........"DROOLICIOUS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drool: :P :drool: Thanks so much for posting these luscious pics, Garden Dancer!!!!!!!! :clap:
  23. I am SOOO ready for this DVD!!!!!!!!!! :haz: :ebert: :clap: :yay: :cheerleader: :banana: I hope it's released before November!!!!!!!! :guitar: :yay: :cheers:
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