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Everything posted by missionman

  1. I am the manager of a home improvement shop. I oversee the warehouse and fabrication of vinyl fence, deck rails, windows, siding, roofing, plumbing, sun rooms, kitchens, baths, and anything to improve your home. (some sales) whatever....
  2. I got the job i've been wanting and have been there for 2 weeks now. I already got a promotion and I'm shop manager of the whole warehouse. Things are looking good ....
  3. I got the job I was hoping for! I got the job I was hoping for! I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!! I start Monday! Long story.... I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I took the x out of a target with a single shot with an ar-15 at 120 yards with my buddies own rifle in front of his wife after he told me I couldn't do it. I won a whole dollar and a beer for doing it. I guess you had to be there...
  5. I don't get on here much but I'm on here now. That made my day.
  6. Duckdude is a cool guy! Happy Anni dude! KEEP looking up!
  7. Best of birthdays to ya Nettie! You GO Girl! You're sooo cool!!!!
  8. paid in full...word phrase whatever
  9. I need a better puter to keep up on things.
  10. Not only did both my kids get straight A's this year, my boy also got perfect attendance for the year. Now were getting ready to go for 6 days to Current River in the Ozark National Scenic River ways in Missouri staying in a cabin just off the river. Good times ahead!!!
  11. There is NO afterlife! It all just STOPS! This is a deep subject...whatever...
  12. There are those of you out there who actually know my situation, but, well, umm, flight is just a wonderful thing!!!!! I eerr uuhh....
  13. I build airplanes, that actually fly, and I actually fly airplanes, I might be off topic but, well, you know. Flight is a wonderful thing.....
  14. Thanks for the hug Babycat. (as I still look for the oil leak/pour laying in the snow)More snow is on the way. Why do things have ta be sooo tough?!??? Whatever....
  15. Oh, and I wish I didn't have sleepless nights. Hence the time of this post. I like to sleep, if I slept... whatever...!
  16. I woke up, the sun was out, and I had the health and the ability to go to work. Thats gotta mean something huh???
  17. All I see is a circle spinning round and round...
  18. I wish that SOB would have landed on my head! Or something...
  19. My work truck is leaking/ pouring out oil as fast as I can put it in. Just another hit as the hits just keep on coming. Four quarts lost as I went around the block and noticed it. Another mess to clean up and then find the problem in the snow. Can't a guy catch a break???? I knew things were going too good. Something always fires the light that gets in your oil pour. Now I gotta lay in the snow and find the leak/pour oil problem. It just sucks!!! More lost work that I need to get paid for.....this just sucks! Such is life I guess. One step forward, 5 steps back.
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