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madra sneachta

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Everything posted by madra sneachta

  1. Best ever horror film IMO is The Birds - We all know we'll never see an alient erupt from the body of a crewmate on a ship in deep space, and we'll probably never see a pre-pubscent girl spinning around over her bed with Satan spewing hate through her mouth. But birds lining a telephone wire?
  2. Soylent Green Charlton Heston in fine form, Edward G.Robinson in his last film role, a great story with a macabre twist.
  3. Thank you. Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!!
  4. QUOTE (madra sneachta @ Oct 15 2005, 10:35 PM) Hot T.E. Item - Geddy On For Move To Bravery!! 9-3-2-7-4-3-4
  5. I vascillated between Fargo and Oh Brother Where Art Thou (and I couldn't disagree more with Physics on this one). However, I surprised myself and went with The Hudsucker Proxy.
  6. I though Oberon made the first one, and 1-0-0-1-0-0-01 did the second, so Oberon gets my vote.
  7. Well, I'm a genuine vote for Side Two of Moving Pictures "Whatever the Goober may say". I was torn between it and 2112 Side 1 and Permanent Waves Side 2, but Witch Hung is such an underrated song, sanwiched in between the brilliance of The Camera Eye and my favourite Rush song ever, that MP2 won the day.
  8. Sam Endicott, lead singer with one of the big up and coming bands in NY let slip to his brother Tom that the band was on the look out for a new bass player. Indeed, he told him that the old dude from Rush was joining the band. Tom, in a fit of excitement told a friend who told another friend, who posted it on TRF, quoting Tom as the source. The post we don't want to see is Hot T.E. Item - Geddy On For Move To Bravery!!
  9. It just struck me today the scramble is over a year old, and I've been playing it almost from Day 1, so there's no excuse for me not getting these. At this stage, I suppose it ought to be second nature!
  10. QUOTE (Rolinda Bonz @ Oct 12 2005, 03:16 AM) COS - No One at the Bridge, TuTu. Very nice Rolinda!!!! I'm completely stumped ; and the best story I can come up with is so twisted it wouldn't even be allowed on an XXX forum, so I'll skip the story and just say Tongue Toe? - Bet Rush Can Do It!! Looks like begging time is almost upon us!!
  11. No-one on the board is going to bother buying the R30 DVD.
  12. Apart from 2112, the Member Number I would have liked most is 42. I was 10 out - Who got it?
  13. God of Balance (we've two Superconductors, but they have 7 and 2 respectively)
  14. QUOTE (Test4VitalSigns @ Oct 12 2005, 12:56 PM) QUOTE (madra sneachta @ Oct 11 2005, 07:15 PM) QUOTE (yankeeyankeezulu @ Oct 12 2004, 04:12 AM) If one were a pilot & referring to Toronto International's identifier, one might use the international phonetic, "yankee-yankee-zulu". This must be a record, answering a question exactly a year to the day. Yes!!!! Actually it is dated Oct. 11/2004....not 2005 Bad phraseology on my part - yankeeyankeezulu's post was made a year ago, I responded this morning agreeing with his observation. I did have an ulterior motive for bumping the thread, which Slaine sussed out this morning!!!!. Yet again Madra answers one question and in doing so raises three others.
  15. Alex Cox's Sid and Nancy I advise anyone seeing it for the first time to leave or switch off once the film comes full circle back to the scene at the Chelsea Hotel after Nancy is killed. Cox tags on a dream sequence that's, to say the least, pointless.
  16. QUOTE (yankeeyankeezulu @ Oct 12 2004, 04:12 AM) If one were a pilot & referring to Toronto International's identifier, one might use the international phonetic, "yankee-yankee-zulu". This must be a record, answering a question exactly a year to the day. Yes!!!!
  17. As a matter of interest, the Hanso Foundation website is actually live, and the Active Projects page may give some clues. Mathematical forecasting, anybody??. There is a 'hidden' link named Dharma Initiative under the list, but I can't get it to work. I'm presuming it links to the orientation film, but I'm still trying it......just in case.
  18. Hint - It was a question about pronounciation. That should narrow it down
  19. QUOTE (Rolinda Bonz @ Nov 23 2004, 06:52 AM) I'm just sore, because they're faster than me. I have yet to win one of these. They're hard! In fairness Rolinda, you have improved slightly
  20. QUOTE (rushgoober @ Oct 11 2005, 06:32 PM) I, however, have never understood people that when you ask them what kind of music they like say things like, "Oh, I like all kinds of music." I ask them if they have any favorite genres or artists and they say things like "not really." Usually unsatisfied and deeply puzzled, I say, "Well there must be SOMEthing you particularly like," which usually brings a short list of 4 or 5 (to me seemingly completely random) cd's they own that they happen to have been listening to lately. To me music is passion, and while they might be passionate about music in general, to me music is passion for very particular styles, genres, groups, singers, etc. I wholeheartedly agree, and will go further. What I find is people who say "Oh, I like anything", as soon as you make them a compilation CD that tries to go beyond the MOR standards like Phil Collins, Elton John et al., they don't like any of it. To steal a line from Dorothy Parker, they run the whole gamut of musically taste and appreciation from A to B. I've got a fairly broad taste, but my bete noir is so-called 'Country and Irish' music. If you've never heard of Daniel O'Donnell, you're lucky. (In fairness, he's a genuinely nice guy, but his music is the spawn of the devil).
  21. OK - Lakeside Maiden's Poetry Thread was started after she wrote her classic 'Ode to Geddy's Shoes' in another thread started by me. What was that thread about?
  22. As a pub quiz regular, the only advice I'd offer in a game like this is "Beware the potential for multiple correct answers". CONSTANT CHANGE is also all upper case. Physics, I'd suggest that you put in more info into the question ie - Which member who registered in August 2004 and has over 2,800 posts has a screen name all in upercase letters?. That avoids ambiguity. The reality is there's probably a few hundred people who registered and never posted with all uppercase names.
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