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Everything posted by BruceMcc

  1. QUOTE (Finbar @ Apr 28 2007, 06:04 PM) Time and Motion. Ditto.
  2. "All the World's a Stage" - Don't get me wrong, I love it. But It's just the one I have to vote off
  3. QUOTE (2112-Rob-2112 @ Apr 20 2007, 08:07 PM) haha yea she was pretty damn hot in that movie..haven't seen alot of her stuff...but after seeing this i can safely say that shes a pretty good actress. I personally am a big Kate Beckinsale fan I've got a blog devoted to her.. As a result I've seen many of her films and yes, she's a great actor. Check out the film Tiptoes!
  4. Haven't seen it yet, but desperately want too. Mainy because of Kate
  5. I love both of these albums with my heart, but Moving Pictures happens to be my all time favourite Rush album (actually, all time album)
  6. I'm going with Virtuality.
  7. Hemispheres again (I do love it though..)
  8. This only the 20th or so Enzo that's been smashed. They've been dropping like flies ..
  9. Great...now my excitement for S & A is even stronger Thanks for posting
  10. Hardcore without a doubt. I live and breath Rush.
  11. Choosing between these fantastic albums is like being castrated I'm going to vote for Hemispheres
  12. ^ Right on man! http://i15.tinypic.com/2ljqsf8.jpg http://i19.tinypic.com/2lbpeo0.jpg http://i12.tinypic.com/332uu6s.jpg http://i17.tinypic.com/4cwxz6f.jpg 'nuff said!
  13. Tom Cochrane - Mad Mad World. Terrible album cover, but great album.
  14. Would have liked to see Kate Beckinsale From the following, Jennifer Love Hewitt gets my vote.
  15. "Leave That Thing Alone" gets my vote.
  16. I love much of the material on T4E. I was so tempted to vote for Driven, but in the end I voted for Limbo. I can never get enough of it.
  17. QUOTE (Jack Aubrey @ Apr 3 2007, 02:05 PM)Scorcese?! Put down the crack pipe. David Lynch is over-rated. I mean, what's he done lately? I'm inclined to agree about Tim Burton, in that I like only a handful of his films, but when he makes a good one it's really good. Others: Woody Allen. George Lucas (OK, two of his movies were good and one was OK, but the rest stank.) David Fincher. His movies just make you want to kill yourself. I do have a soft spot for 'Fight Club' but that's only because of the cool twist. Michael Bay. Brain De Palma. Stephen Sommers. Kevin Smith. Paul Verhoeven, though his commentary track on the 'Starship Troopers' DVD (it was a gift, I didn't buy it!) does make me laugh. "Vahr is bat bat bat!" Cameron Crowe, king of the boring-assed chick flick. Though I loved his first three movies, M. Night Shamalamadingdong is moving into over-rated territory. His next movie will decide it. Joel Schumacher. I'd strongly disagree with David Fincher being on that list. Personally, I think his movies are some of the best. Aside from Fight Club, Fincher also did "Seven", which I happen to think is a fantastic movie. I agree with Treeduck, I think M. Night Shyamalan is the most overated: I think his movies are terribly cliche and predictable
  18. Hard decision, but I'm going to go with: A Farewell to Kings.
  19. Cut to the Chase gets my vote as least favourite.
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