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Everything posted by Godeater2112

  1. QUOTE (nobodys hero @ Jun 1 2012, 03:58 PM) Surprised Road Runner hasn't pulled this yet. Their main Net guy, digital media director Jeremy is vacationing in Italy, probably hasn't noticed yet.
  2. I wish it was me so I could "out myself" and make everyone's weekend! No such luck yet though, I keeping my eyes open though trust me!
  3. QUOTE (D3strukt @ Jun 1 2012, 03:40 PM) I really like "Wish Them Well". I'm so curious what the chorus will sound like for this one!
  4. QUOTE (Scottishdood @ Jun 1 2012, 03:37 PM) I can do that in my bestest Glasgow growl! Oh yeah i've heard you bark at people before, probably a cabbie or some shit. You can be good and intimidating if you so choose!
  5. QUOTE (Union 5-3992 @ Jun 1 2012, 03:36 PM) In the place I'm going, the seating is so steep that you can stand and wouldn't block anyone's view That's a great bonus!
  6. QUOTE (canadianice @ Jun 1 2012, 03:36 PM) QUOTE (Godeater2112 @ Jun 1 2012, 02:18 PM) QUOTE (FeelingUnlimited @ Jun 1 2012, 02:53 PM) QUOTE (Godeater2112 @ Jun 1 2012, 01:12 PM) QUOTE (jacob's ladder @ Jun 1 2012, 01:54 PM) Facepalm island- too funny lol!!! Get to listen to the samples yet? ANYONE play the Clockwork Angels snippet backwards yet? There is clearing backwards vocals and more than likely backwards instruments as ambient noise in the background of the clip. Makes the hair stand up on the back of my next though, the Geddy vocal bits are downright eerie and that tracks sounds just chock full of edgy atmosphere. I just did. Couldn't make out much but the last (first?) word is clearly "love." Hmmmmmm interesting! Maybe at home this weekend I'll check that out as well, sow it down a bit etc. Certainly is something backwards. All you need is love Hey - maybe it is ambient noise, could be gibberish for the sake of effect, but I can guarantee you it is backwards! Ever hear the song.... I think it is "Ogre Fight" or something like that by QUEEN? The entire second half of the song is the first half backwards, or vice versa, or both, I can't exactly remember.
  7. QUOTE (Scottishdood @ Jun 1 2012, 03:28 PM) I'm short!!! Oh hey did you hear about the new plan for this tour? If anyone in front of us is sitting this tour, we're going to tap them on the shoulder and tell them to stand up.
  8. QUOTE (circumstantial tree @ Jun 1 2012, 03:32 PM) I love how "Clockwork Angels" begins with the choir sound. I also love "Anarchist", "The Garden", "Halo Effect", and "Carnies" Holy cow, we actually seem to have pretty much the same preferences. That is a first!
  9. QUOTE (Scottishdood @ Jun 1 2012, 03:28 PM) I'm short!!! Yeah but you can really take a punch! That plus you make up for your height in spirit, especially at Rush shows!
  10. QUOTE (losingit2k @ Jun 1 2012, 03:20 PM) I went with Clockwork Angels, but its good to see the diversity in responses! That truly indicates this album is Wall to Wall! The subtle guitar work in the intro... all the details.... good God it hit me listening to this for the umpteenth time that this is seriously three guys pulling this shit off. Mind boggling...
  11. And screw it! Of course I can't pick a favorite any more than I can pick a favorite Rush song ever. The title track, Halo Effect, Carnies and The Garden are all just so mesmerizing amazing... like a Siren song, my ship cannot resist that long.
  12. QUOTE (They Bow Defeated @ Jun 1 2012, 03:15 PM) They're all impressive, but I went with The Wreckers. Somehow, this one reminds me most of late 80s Rush (in a good way!) or maybe My Favorite Headache. And it shows that there should be plenty of melodic stuff on CA, which I was a little worried about with the first three singles all being pretty heavy. In the end, I do think the title track is going to be the standout. Are you guys hearing this as a fast 12/8 goove, based on Neil's pattern and the guitar pattern at the end of the clip? If so, I think CA will be along the lines of Pink Floyd's One of These Days, which is going to be epic. Who knows how these will all pan out eh?! I'm surprised you selected this particular track though, it's hard to tell where the vocals are going from such a short clip but at the beginning at least they seem kinda "weird".
  13. QUOTE (FeelingUnlimited @ Jun 1 2012, 02:53 PM) QUOTE (Godeater2112 @ Jun 1 2012, 01:12 PM) QUOTE (jacob's ladder @ Jun 1 2012, 01:54 PM) Facepalm island- too funny lol!!! Get to listen to the samples yet? ANYONE play the Clockwork Angels snippet backwards yet? There is clearing backwards vocals and more than likely backwards instruments as ambient noise in the background of the clip. Makes the hair stand up on the back of my next though, the Geddy vocal bits are downright eerie and that tracks sounds just chock full of edgy atmosphere. I just did. Couldn't make out much but the last (first?) word is clearly "love." Hmmmmmm interesting! Maybe at home this weekend I'll check that out as well, sow it down a bit etc. Certainly is something backwards.
  14. Finally a worthwhile poll! I am super torn between "Clockwork Angels", "Carnies" and "The Garden", need to listen again before I can decide.
  15. It definitely falls into the "pop Rush" category, but I think it's an amazing track. very atmospheric and emotional.
  16. <------------- I'm looking after That Darn Dragon until someone has the sense to open a Rush museum. I also collect man eating pitbulls.
  17. QUOTE (jacob's ladder @ Jun 1 2012, 01:54 PM) Facepalm island- too funny lol!!! Get to listen to the samples yet? ANYONE play the Clockwork Angels snippet backwards yet? There is clearing backwards vocals and more than likely backwards instruments as ambient noise in the background of the clip. Makes the hair stand up on the back of my next though, the Geddy vocal bits are downright eerie and that tracks sounds just chock full of edgy atmosphere.
  18. Okay well, for the sake of avoiding burnout I have avoided the new samples since late last night. I'm going to chill with a cigarette then give these babies another listen. I still prefer the good old Wally World links since I can look at the setlist, read the names and think about all these snippets in greater context.
  19. QUOTE (danielmclark @ Jun 1 2012, 01:35 PM) QUOTE (Godeater2112 @ Jun 1 2012, 11:25 AM) QUOTE (danielmclark @ Jun 1 2012, 01:17 PM) One stupid little icon, you could have let it go and that would have been the end of it... but you just have to push the buttons, don't you? The second thing you said doesn't make a lick of sense so I'll just address the first. I'm not out to get you or push your buttons I swear to Geddy. It just so happens we are of contrary opinion on a couple of subjects the past two days and I find the FP thing pretty old hat, annoying and disrespectful to other posters. It's been a long time personal annoyance of mine. Fair enough. We've both been active in a few threads and we've not seen eye to eye on a couple of very contentious topics, so I might... might be seeing things that aren't there as far as you jumping on my back here. Let's get back to the thread here and we can go smack each other around more in the standing/sitting thread Yeah we'll probably both be kept awake tonight wondering "If a man eating another man is standing in front of me at a Rush show obstructing my view, should I ask him to sit down or just ask security to shoot him?"
  20. QUOTE (danielmclark @ Jun 1 2012, 01:31 PM) QUOTE (Godeater2112 @ Jun 1 2012, 11:28 AM) QUOTE (danielmclark @ Jun 1 2012, 01:15 PM) Nobody deserves to be shot and killed before at least considering other options. All this guy got was "hey, stop" and then death. If there was only one cop there I might be more sympathetic, but there were multiple officers and the first thing they did was shoot him. You have to think at the same time they are trying to get to and save the life of the faceless victim... Of course. But I've spent the past 4 pages trying (and failing, I guess) to explain why I feel they should have tried to restrain the man first instead of just killing him. If they had tried restraining him and it didn't work, then by all means, put him down. But they didn't even try. They do have other tools at their disposal. Yeah. I haven't followed the story all too closely, despite my infatuation with cinematic zombies I find the entire story very sad and appalling. Still though unless the po-po were calm and thoughtful enough and armed with tasers, I don't see much else they could reasonably do physically while ensuring their own safety. I'm sure we can agree that there was no talking sense into the guy... All the training in the world couldn't prepare someone for a scene like that I am sure, and I'm neither surprised that the cops killed him or saddened that they did.
  21. In the other topic MITA posted the links to these as one big track in mp3 format on their site. Just grab/save this: http://www.musicintheabstract.org/chris-mi...nd-previews.mp3
  22. QUOTE (danielmclark @ Jun 1 2012, 01:11 PM) I highly recommend VLC media player and/or the free Flip4Mac plugin for Quicktime. Either way will have you playing Windows Media files with ease. VLC Media player is my player of choice and I'm pretty sure I tried that + old WMP + bsplayer last night before I had to break down and update to the new Windows Media Player.
  23. QUOTE (danielmclark @ Jun 1 2012, 01:15 PM) Nobody deserves to be shot and killed before at least considering other options. All this guy got was "hey, stop" and then death. If there was only one cop there I might be more sympathetic, but there were multiple officers and the first thing they did was shoot him. You have to think at the same time they are trying to get to and save the life of the faceless victim...
  24. QUOTE (danielmclark @ Jun 1 2012, 01:17 PM) One stupid little icon, you could have let it go and that would have been the end of it... but you just have to push the buttons, don't you? The second thing you said doesn't make a lick of sense so I'll just address the first. I'm not out to get you or push your buttons I swear to Geddy. It just so happens we are of contrary opinion on a couple of subjects the past two days and I find the FP thing pretty old hat, annoying and disrespectful to other posters. It's been a long time personal annoyance of mine.
  25. QUOTE (Gompers @ Jun 1 2012, 01:20 PM) http://allthingsd.com/files/2011/11/double_facepalm.png And now back to the snippets! Still not on Amazon. That lady sure has weird little muffins!
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