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Everything posted by LotusLand

  1. 20 rows back in Milw this Sat....can't wait for Faithless and SIO. At least I know when to leave for the rest rooms.
  2. 20 rows back in Milw this Sat....can't wait for Faithless and SIO. At least I know when to leave for the rest rooms.
  3. What was on RIAB will be the show. God what an awful 1st set. So much to pick from and to pick WTA, Faithless, and SIO. Absolutely pathetic
  4. Agree with Farcry. Very average for what could have been great. and no, I was not expecting songs from the vault.
  5. Been a fan since 2112 when I was 10. I like all Rush. Old and new. I do not expect anything prior to AFTK or Hemispheres. First concert was PW and will see #44 in Milw. But WTF with this list. It is not the songs, it is these songs in 1 setlist, live. Faithless is not a live song. It rambles on way too long for a live song. SIO sucks live. TSS is not a second song to keep the momentum going. With all of the catalog they have and to come up with this is just garbage. In fairness, Marathon is terrific live. Analog Kid could have taken Subdivisions spot. Only the 30th time I will see subdivisions. SOR and Freewill are musts. Just too much energy not to play. If they wanted to capture the casual fan and die hard, they failed. I do not expect the "old" stuff, but think of what could have been....Analog Kid? GUP? Chain lightning for god's sake instead of Presto. Cut to the Chase is outstanding live. 100x's better than Stick It Out. An absolute joke considering this is Rush. LVS and Working Man are past their usefullness. Snakes tour was much better. They might as well just added TCE and dropped Witch Hunt and Vital signs to add something else. For all of you first timers to the show, it will be terrific as always, but could have been much better If this is indeed what was heard at rehearsal, then this is what it is. They are very methodical and do not like to change shows other than maybe a song.
  6. I believe Mike Rowe from dirty jobs is a fan...at least on his website he listed Rush on his ipod in the #2 spot
  7. Last time I checked....NP is still touring. What is the problem. He doesn't go to Starbucks afterwards with the fans????
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