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Everything posted by anchorman

  1. The Anarchist and HF swap # 1 with me for best track. HF is pretty strong.
  2. QUOTE (Gedneil Alpeart @ Jul 23 2012, 08:46 PM) QUOTE (CygnusGal @ Jul 23 2012, 08:41 PM) I keep loving the album with each spin and find all of songs exceptionally well crafted (yes, even the much maligned BU2B2...lots of love from this camp). I believe the album is magnificent, certainly their strongest effort since Moving Pictures though I am still waiting for the honeymoon to wear off and won't truly know until this time next year when the NA tour is over and I replay the album to see how it holds up. I think it will do very, very well over time. Loving all of it. Agree word for word with you, except that I think it's their strongest since Signals. But, aren't you glad that you're loving it so much? Would suck to have to wait for so long for a Rush album only to be disappointed. Glad I'm not one of them! Yeah, hopefully it holds up well over time and like you, I predict it will! Too funny. I consider it the strongest since Grace Under Pressure. There wasn't a weak track on that old album. Can you believe its been over 28 years ago ? I remember listening to it non-stop.
  3. As many concerts as a lot of us have been to, I'd be fine ditching all those songs in favor of some they've rarely or perhaps Never played. But...we all know that's not going to happen. So, my choice would be Working Man. Why ? Because if they are going to reach that far back in their catalog, I'd rather they play Fly By Night, Anthem or something else from the 1st 5 albums. I don't care for Dreamline at all and would not have a problem if that song never existed.
  4. I'd like to know the Watchmaker's side of the story. Where did he come from, what's his origin ? We know he's not a myth or a figment of anyone's imagination. He is portrayed as a wandering salesman peddling his goods by asking "What do you lack"?
  5. anchorman


    QUOTE (Weakly Criminal @ Jul 17 2012, 06:23 AM)QUOTE (HowItIs @ Jul 17 2012, 01:32 AM) The symbol for the peddler is in the three o'clock position on the clock. Looks rather like a demon doesn't it? Neil said the Peddler is secretly The Watchmaker. http://cygnus-x1.net/links/rush/images/albums/clockwork-angels-3-s.jpg
  6. I'm shocked at how many people put HYF in the top 10. My guess is that HYF may have been the CD that got those listeners to become new fans. It is easily my least favorite Rush CD. Roll The bones would be the next least favorite. Don't get me wrong, there are a handful of songs from those CD's that I like but for the most part..... I'd keep: Force 10 Time Stand Still Prime Mover High Water Tai Shan Bravado Roll The Bones Where's my thing ? Ghost of a Chance
  7. I'm glad to see Grace Under Pressure being listed in people's Top 10. It may be Alex's second best record. He was absolutely fantastic on it. Alex's top work was on Hemispheres. It would be nice to hear him play an acoustic nylon string (Spanish guitar) guitar again. He's very good at it.
  8. 1. Hemispheres 2. Moving Pictures 3. 2112 4. Grace Under Pressure 5. Permanent Waves 6. AFTK 7. Fly By NIght 8. Signals 9. CA 10. Power Windows 11. Caress of Steel 12. Counterparts Yes. CA makes it in at # 9. Not bad. For me, anything that comes remotely close to matching 1976-1984 is high praise. These guys were peaking during those 8 years.
  9. Interesting. I never considered any song other than La Villa Strangiato. Not only is it the best closing song on an album, it may be my favorite Rush song. 1. La Villa 2. Natural Science 3. Cygnus X-1 4. Vital Signs 5. Between The Wheels 6. The Garden 7. Something For Nothing 8. Working Man 9. High Water 10. Tai Shan (I actually like this song, contrary to what Alex and Geddy think about it) 11. Available Light *** I'm one of the fans that thinks The Garden gets more praise than it warrants. Solid song, but I think Bravado and Sweet Miracle are much better tunes. Sweet Miracle may be one of the most underrated Rush songs around. I'd also put The Pass above The Garden.
  10. QUOTE (bluefox4000 @ Jul 16 2012, 06:43 PM) QUOTE (GeminiRising79 @ Jul 16 2012, 06:26 PM) QUOTE (bluefox4000 @ Jul 15 2012, 02:12 PM) Give these guys a break they're old I mean come on now. Mick Not that old. Try another excuse! Who said i was making an excuse? It's just mind boggling to me that people say things like they're not like they used to be..............of course they're not Just a playful observation Mick There's a whole lot of us out here that love this band's body of work but don't feel CA is an untouchable masterpiece. It's got flaws, as do most of their CD's. On a whole, I think CA is fantastic. It's the best stuff they've done in a couple of decades and a half. Why the hell do I feel like I have to make that disclaimer in here before expressing an honest opinion about some tracks that I feel could've worked better. How boring would this message board be if we all just talked about how great Rush was ? Except for a few songs, I HATED HYF. There I said it. Run for your lives!! I love Cygnus X-1 and Neil Peart said in an interview that he hated the way it turned out!! I disagree with the master !!! Shame on me. What do I know about good music ?? LOL at all the Nut Washing that goes on in this forum.
  11. QUOTE (SUBDIVISIONS @ Jul 16 2012, 04:50 PM) Record done You think You know better? Make Your band Tour 38 years Make 20 gold or platinium records And then come back and we can argue about it. I've played on as many Gold or Platinum albums as every Rush producer combined has. Did you think about that before stating your childish argument to someone expressing their opinion ? Do you really think that Rush's criteria for having someone Produce them matches your ridiculous scenario ?
  12. QUOTE (eshine @ Jul 15 2012, 06:05 PM) Back to the O.P. - this is mere observation, not a criticism. That's why I said I'm not following him. Was it meant as a criticism? Dark lyrics with upbeat music, or vice versa, is not a "flaw" in the songwriting. Hey eshine, Yes, it was an observation but also a criticism. As is, I like the song but I think it could have been better had Geddy sang it with a darker tone. You like the song too and think it works, so my opinion is just that - an opinion and preference. I guess there's no right or wrong when you express an opinion. One of the best examples of a singer not matching the tone to the lyrics is "Every Breath You Take". No finger pointing there, as Sting wrote it and sang it. However, Sting admitted in interviews he was baffled when people would tell him they played the played the tune at their wedding. It's sounds like a love song when in fact its actually a bit on the stalking/creepy side.
  13. That's a great point. Perhaps there was more collaboration back when they were writing together on the road. I wish Neil wasn't so lenient with Geddy in allowing how the song will be phrased or sung. I know Geddy has to feel comfortable singing and playing but if the limitations start to diminish the song, that's a problem. As for Geddy's playing, he sounds fantastic on this CD. Unfortunately, I believe Alex's playing has digressed technically. I was thrilled to hear him return to soloing but some of his creativity has been replaced by heavier, distorted chords for presence. He used to be great at incorporating harmonics into his playing. Neil's drumming seems to lack character too. His unique fills were something that you would anticipate in the song. They seem to have been replaced by a lot of busy snare work that isn't as memorable. I'm not a drummer so please forgive me if I'm not being clear. -- Could this be Nick's influence or am I blaming him too much ? I like that they added the ambient background sounds to the songs. That was a nice touch. Geddy mentioned that Alex was the one who incorporated them.
  14. Does anyone else feel that Geddy's vocals don't match some of the songs lyrically in mood or tone ? Specifically, Geddy just doesn't portray the anger and/or desperation that should be felt in The Anarchist, Carnies and The Wreckers. I don't need to hear him screaming like days of old at a higher pitch, but at least convey the song to the listener better. A good example would be Hand Over Fist - It's an angry, emotional song and you can hear it in his phrasing - "You talk as we walk along You never imagined I could be so wrong Humming your favorite song You know I've hated that song for so long How can we ever agree? Like the rest of the world We grow farther apart I swear you don't listen to me Holding my hand to my heart Holding my fist to my racing heart" I think the CA songs are very, very good and in some cases great (The Anarchist) but I think Nick or someone should have stepped up and said.."Hey Geddy, you sound much too "ok" with the circumstances here." Its like a movie where a director gives guidance to its actors. You're telling a story Geddy, you're the lone survivor of a vicious attack by pirates. Blood is in the water...how about a darker tone to your words ? You can still be melodious, but how about giving us a little despair? I thought Geddy did a good job on most of the other songs, especially The Garden.
  15. Please don't get offended folks, this is all my opinion. I realize that some of you may agree with me and that most probably do not. But as this is a forum, I thought I'd chip in my views. This is not an opportunity for me to sh*t on the band. They are my favorite band and I cycle through their music on my Ipod consistently. I think CA is very good. I won't say its great, but its the best music they've done since Power Windows. However..... Geddy's insistence on making this a collection of individual songs that tell a story instead of the 2112 or Hemispheres approach make it less appealing to me. I would have rather they stuck to the longer song format with a collection of other individual songs. The story of CA as told (not in book format) is a little muddy and uninspired through song. The guys may be at the top of their playing skills but they sure don't compose at the top of their game anymore. If what they are doing is complicated, then its done so for complication's sake and gets lost on the average listener. For me, they peaked at Hemispheres. The music, the creativity and the vocals will never be achieved again. It took me a long, long time to come to terms with that, but thems the facts. They are a great band, with a great history and their strong following is a testimony to that. But capturing the innovative spirit and drive they once had is a bit too much to ask for in 2012. I can't think of any other band that kept it going and were relevant and cutting edge 40 years in to their careers. To expect that from Rush isn't fair. So....I appreciate them for what they are today and love what they were in years past. 1 month in and I think CA is a solid, very good CD.
  16. QUOTE (Gompers @ Jun 1 2012, 08:25 AM) Oh yeah, well Seven Cities of Gold sounds like PF's "Have a Cigar". Not even close. Did I miss you making a funny ? I heard something that sounded Floyd-ish but 7 cities sounds Funky like a Chili Peppers song.
  17. THANK YOU likeclockwork. .. and thanks to the OP for asking the questions and getting his/her attention.
  18. Could one of these this be it ? Found it on the Backstage Club site: http://u.rockthisthing.com/image/440/440/RUCL401000_000.jpghttp://static.musictoday.com/store/bands/93/product_medium/R4CT07.JPG
  19. I think this is a very good and interesting question, thanks for bringing up the topic: Here are some of my thoughts on the subject of cynicism and why people express negative thoughts on here. At some point, we all jumped on the wagon and became Rush fans. Our fandom started out with one song or album and grew as we listened to more of their catalog. What did it mean to be a fan? Being a Rush fan was a way of identifying yourself with some of the band's positive attributes: Smart, progressive, different, non-conformist and excellence. Being a Rush fan was and still is for some, like wearing a badge of coolness. Who am I ? I'm a Rush fan. That should tell you a lot about me. It all started with a belief that this band did everything they could to perform at their best "live" and when they made music. They didn't sell out and make pop songs for profit. They did what they wanted and made the music they wanted. Any departure from that perception ruins something so close to us. As if...Whoah ! Wait a minute, what the hell is that song? I've spent most of my life believing you were great, telling everyone who would listen that you were great, and now you get lazy on me ? So....when we Rush fans start to feel that any of what made the band so important to us is starting to get compromised, it almost feels like a betrayal. Sounds overly dramatic doesn't it? But its real. The gut reaction to hearing something we don't like by our favorite band almost becomes a personal affront. Whether its the quality of the writing or the way they record, if it sounds lazy or simple, longtime fans are going to come on here and say so. I for one will always call it like I see it. I'm the guy who screams "WTF is going on here ?!? The King has no friggin clothes on!" I don't believe in getting caught up in hype unless its worthy of it in my opinion. This is Rush, afterall and they set the bar extremely high. That being said, I know that there are people who are new fans of Rush's music and are developing the very same feelings I got back in the late 70's and early 80's. That is amazing to me. While I may not think their last few CD's were great, someone out there did. This band still makes music that gets people hooked for life and it floors me. Getting back to the original question: IMO, the negativism comes from Rush fans being burned by 'hype' in the past when it wasn't warranted. For having lofty expectations come crashing down when they didn't release something we thought was worthy of our ridiculously high standards. To the cynics, Rush's most recent music has devolved from what was once considered great. So with every new release, it's only natural that some folks will listen to the music or read overly positive reviews with a certain amount of skepticism. I'm certain most of them don't want to be negative. Everyone's waiting for the next "Great" Cd or music that captured us the first time.
  20. QUOTE (D3strukt @ May 8 2012, 05:24 PM) I liken the "wah guitar solo" to Anthem, more than 2112. I liken the "wah guitar solo" to Anthem too. One of my faves.
  21. I have a feeling that "likeclockwork" needs to be very careful with his/her comments. At this point, its my belief that anyone who has had access to the songs can be tracked down. I think "likeclockwork" may be a writer for a guitar magazine or a friend of someone who is a writer. If he/she reveals too much, it might jeopardize them ever getting an early copy in the future. If that it isn't the case, then I've got some questions I'd like answered. If you're able to oblige, I'd appreciate it. IMO, what made Rush great was their ability to write interesting music. The guys seemed to really concentrate on composition. The musicianship has always been there. However, with the exception of very few songs over the past 20 something years, the songs just don't leave much to the imagination. They also seem to be in such a "rush" (sorry for the pun) or hurry within the song. I'd like to know if there are any songs that you've heard on CA that seem to just flow and are paced without a worry of losing the listener's interest. Can the music tell the story of the song without having lyrics? Could I have made that more difficult to understand ? Any comments are appreciated.
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