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Everything posted by Stormtron

  1. Silver Surfer indeed rocks. The picture looks good too, let's hope this movie is a lot better than the first.
  2. Family Guy out of these choices, but Futurama overall.
  3. http://www.illborn.com/desktop.jpg
  4. 1960's - 2001: A Space Odyssey 1970's - The Godfather/Apocalypse Now 1980's - Brazil 1990's - Three Colors Trilogy
  5. Well, I beat it last night. The whole thing with the good ending...shit, I'm gonna need another game soon. I'm going for 100% of all the maps though, maybe that will take some time.
  6. I know it's not as good as the other two, but I like Die Hard 2. The ejection seat scene is so ridiculous you have to love it.
  7. I love these movies. The first one is on DVD for like $5 and worth every penny. It's also known as A Fistful of Chopsticks...SO f***ing FUNNY. There's like a bad joke in every line. "I was once run over by a Toyota...oh, what a feeling!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcmsF75ezs8
  8. ICP - Santa's A Fat Bitch...classy. Just kidding though, I'm not really listening to it.
  9. Nice! I'm not too far into it, just started yesterday, but it rules so far. I kinda miss the soul system though.
  10. You're stuck on God of War, but didn't have a problem with Medal of Honor? You're crazy! I kept getting so frustrated with the Gamecube version of MoH: Frontline that I gave up...I hate doing like a 20 minute mission and dying right at the end and having to restart the whole thing. I was bummed out since I beat Zelda, but then I remembered the new Castlevania had come out! http://ec2.images-amazon.com/images/P/B000GIXIPK.01._AA280_SCLZZZZZZZ_V40650906_.jpg
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGN2aa3oQRM one of the best scenes ever. RIP
  12. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/9/9c/Brazil_11.jpg/200px-Brazil_11.jpg http://www.albany.edu/writers-inst/graphics/7samurai2.jpg http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~msitti/movie/do_the_right_thing.jpg http://img.tesco.com/pi/entertainment/DVD/LF/561608_DV_L_F.jpg Sorry I didn't explain why, I'm just lazy right now.
  13. Roots is great... but you don't have to take my word for it *ba dun dun*
  14. I beat Zelda last night. It took 46 hours, which is a pretty big game compared to God of War which only took 9 hours. Best Zelda evarrrrrrrr.
  15. Like many people right now, I'm playing through Wii Zelda.
  16. Off the top... 1. Subdivisions 2. Natural Science 3. Time Stand Still 4. Afterimage 5. Distant Early Warning 6. Force Ten 7. Limelight 8. Prime Mover 9. A Passage to Bangkok 10. The Spirit of Radio The first 5 are usually the same. The others can change.
  17. Love it. I can't believe Jake Gyllenhaal could turn around and do Bubble Boy the same year though.
  18. Yeah, it's really ugly. Watching it is painful. Dude must've been on something because even if his rant wasn't racist, he seemed completely insane.
  19. Commando is a classic indeed. My favorite part is when Arnold gets shot in the arm and the bad guy asks "how's your arm?" and Arnold responds with "why don't you come over here and see?"
  20. This was the easiest poll ever. Bruce all day. Evil Dead & Bubba Ho-Tep, FTW. I'd even recommend the last Evil Dead videogame (Regeneration) to hardcore fans...Bruce and Ted Raimi's voice acting in it is great.
  21. The Misfits Metallica Megadeth Slayer At the Drive-In Bjork Rush The Mars Volta Joy Division Tiger Army Tsunami Bomb Guns N Roses Buckethead (now my kid can't go to college) Mastodon Massive Attack
  22. Portishead - Roads
  23. The original TCM was the first movie that really creeped me out as a kid. The Tall Man from Phantasm did too. Mirrors still bother me because of that f*cker.
  24. I bought The Crane Wife during my recent road trip to the exciting land of Iowa. I love it. Thank you, PK.
  25. QUOTE (Rush! @ Oct 20 2006, 04:14 PM) I've only seen a couple episodes of Talk Soup, it was just completely un-funny celebrity humor to me. John Henson actually used to have his own show on SpikeTV and it was very funny. The Spike show is what I know him from. If that's supposed to be his good stuff then I'll stay far away.
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