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Everything posted by ST3V

  1. The Big Money (while watching Sterling Fuentes' drum cover)
  2. But it doesnt have Clockwork Angels
  3. Triumph 1. Follow Your Heart 2. Time Canon/Killing Time 3. A World Of Fantasy 4. Fight The Good Fight 5. Rock & Roll Machine 6. Never Say Never 7. Just One Night 8. Hard Road 9. Midsummer's Daydream 10. Just A Game
  4. ST3V

    Secret Touch

    Definitely on the good side of VT. It's definitely not in the Bad Side or the Mediocre side. (Yes i've broken some albums into categories, I know I'm odd)
  5. If there was to be a re-issue of Chronicles, and It included a 3rd disc because there are enough albums since 1989, what would be the tracks on it? (Also if there was a re-issue, either "Superconductor" or "The Pass" would be added to disc 2 since they only have "Show Don't Tell" on there) My Disc 3 1. Dreamline 2. Roll The Bones 3. Animate 4. Between Sun & Moon 5. Test For Echo 6. Driven 7. Bravado (Live) [from Different Stages] 8. One Little Victory 9. Vapor Trail 10. Earthshine (Live) [from Rush In Rio] 11. Far Cry 12. Spindrift 13. Caravan 14. The Garden
  6. I tried to do a numbered list but its impossible Great: Caravan Clockwork Angels Carnies The Wreckers The Garden Good: BU2B The Anarchist Seven Cities Of Gold Headlong Flight Wish Them Well OK: Halo Effect why does this exist: BU2B2
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