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Everything posted by JohnnyBlaze

  1. Batman Begins...best superhero movie ever! No doubt in my mind . I'll be eagerly awaiting the sequel
  2. Holy shit ...that Superman looks bad (at least in that pic). Even the updated costume looks weak. I pray the story is interesting. Spacey, I'm guessing, is gonna be impressive (can't seem to force myself to say 'own').
  3. Hard to say which of these is my favorite: In Search Of (hosted by Leonard Nimoy) Twilight Zone (the original series of course) Cheers (every damn episode was funny) Unsolved Mysteries (hosted by Robert Stack)
  4. I haven't seen them in a few years but I hated Survivor and also MTV's Real World. As far as shows with actors, I TRULY hated Full House!
  5. QUOTE (Cyclops @ Sep 3 2005, 09:43 AM)QUOTE (Mandalorian Hunter @ Sep 2 2005, 06:32 AM) QUOTE (JohnnyBlaze @ Sep 1 2005, 08:24 PM) QUOTE (Mandalorian Hunter @ Sep 2 2005, 05:18 AM)I've said it once, and i'll say it again, BRING BACK GAMBIT!!!! Then the movie will be a hit. For him to be "BACK" would mean that he had been "IN" before . Although he was kinda 'in' in X2. Anyone catch it? Besides, the other X movies were hits without him. He was in the TV series, wasn't he??? Therefore, he can be brought back!!!!! Honestly, he really was the coolest of all of them (Come on, razor sharp playing cards!!!!) and the other two would have been bigger hits had Gambit been in there. No wonder they call the movies 'X' instead of X-men, they can't call it that without Gambit! Ok, they're not razor sharp playing cards. They are regualr playing cards he charges with kinetic energy and flings at whoever is pissing him off. As for X-3, everyone was dumping on X-2 because the script was supposed to suck. We all know how X-2 went, so why not put aside all the BS until the movie is made. And then we can tear is to shreds. I have one simple request for the makers of X-3: No more new X-men. You have more than enough characters to work with to make the movie interesting. In fact, if the writers are smart they'll be bold and push Wolverine, whose conflicts have been resolved, to the background and focus more on the others. I totally agree with 'ya. However, from what I read, it looks like there are gonna be tons of new mutants. If they were smart, they'd focus (and should've focused) A LOT more on Cyclops' character. Wolverine may be X-Men's poster boy but Cyclops is THE original X-man. But even with minimal focus on him I still liked the X movies...especially X2.
  6. 1. I haven't watched TV in several weeks 2. I eat french fries with chopsticks 3. My favorite drink is ice water followed closely by beer
  7. QUOTE (Mandalorian Hunter @ Sep 2 2005, 05:18 AM)I've said it once, and i'll say it again, BRING BACK GAMBIT!!!! Then the movie will be a hit. For him to be "BACK" would mean that he had been "IN" before . Although he was kinda 'in' in X2. Anyone catch it? Besides, the other X movies were hits without him.
  8. I've been reading some stuff on X3 and I'm more worried that there are too many characters.
  9. I'll throw that one out...guess that question was too hard. Answer was: Gus the fireman. So, how 'bout this question instead: What was the reporter's name that constantly followed/hounded David Banner in THE INCREDIBLE HULK?
  10. QUOTE (Batman @ Aug 24 2005, 11:22 AM) QUOTE (JohnnyBlaze @ Aug 23 2005, 11:18 AM) Cosmic Cow yup was it that easy? That's just a question you either know right away or you are totally clueless. I watched that show all the time. So, for ME it was easy. But, fair question. Anyways, next question: What was the fireman's name in LEAVE IT TO BEAVER?
  11. The Grudge . I haven't seen the original Japanese version of Juwon (The Grudge) but supposedly it's supposed to be even scarier. I heard the only difference is that there are no American characters in it. But something about a lower budget makes some movies even creepier. And, actually, just being alone in a generations-old Japanese style home (especially in the countryside) can be damn eerie at times...something about the combination of old wood, narrow corridors, rice paper sliding doors, and tattami flooring just gives it a certain feel
  12. The Terminator !....Ahnold as a major bad ass that's relentless. Also, he rarely speaks (methinx that's best )
  13. I've only seen Foster in The Punisher (the newer one). He was the neighbor with the piercings. The thought never crossed my mind about him being Angel (or Archangel).
  14. JohnnyBlaze


    QUOTE (Batman @ Aug 1 2005, 08:35 PM) QUOTE (JohnnyBlaze @ Aug 1 2005, 06:33 AM)QUOTE (Batman @ Jul 28 2005, 09:02 AM) I love it big surprise I know. Even better now that they brought all the old Superfriends characters in it. "...all the old Superfriends characters..."?! You mean, like The Wonder Twins Zan & Jana, Wendy & Martin & that stupid grey dog, Apache Chief, El Dorado, Samurai, etc.? I haven't seen Wendy, Marvin or Wonder Dog yet and Gleek the wonder twins pet monkey is MIA. The Wonder twins and Apache they have updated they made them part of The Ultimatum a secret Goverment project to keep the Justice League in check. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v627/batman2112/justice_league_03x09_01.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v627/batman2112/justice_league_03x09_03.jpg I'm actually kinda jealous since I can't watch it where I am. All the good stuff on tv happens when I'm not around! Last time I was in the states there was some idiotic reality show based on Gilligan's Island. For f*ck's sake! But I digress... Anyway, they got Samurai? Black Vulcan? Any of the 'ol Legion of Doom guys? ((I always liked how Solomon Grundy was a redneck.))
  15. JohnnyBlaze


    QUOTE (Batman @ Jul 28 2005, 09:02 AM) I love it big surprise I know. Even better now that they brought all the old Superfriends characters in it. "...all the old Superfriends characters..."?! You mean, like The Wonder Twins Zan & Jana, Wendy & Martin & that stupid grey dog, Apache Chief, El Dorado, Samurai, etc.?
  16. Now it's Saturday morning for me out here and what am I going to do? Go to work! I'd usually be sleeping!
  17. QUOTE (rushgoober @ Jul 25 2005, 03:47 AM) QUOTE (Batman @ Jul 23 2005, 07:25 AM) QUOTE (Jack here: 'Superman Returns' takes place after the events depicted in 'Superman II', the studio is acknowledging the first two films, but disregarding the second two. Just FYI.) And I am sure everyone is grateful. This is starting to sound like its going to be right up there with Batman Begins as far as fixing a movie series that went very very bad. i was actually pretty shocked when i went to a blockbuster recently to see superman IV on the shelf. i pointed it out to my wife, and we were like, when on earth did they make THAT? am i the only one who never knew there was a superman IV? was it out in theaters or straight to video??? Part 4 was definitely in the theaters. It was even worse than Part 3 which I didn't think was possible. Actually I think it did alright at the box office that first weekend of release just because of the Superman name itself. Same with Batman & Robin. The theaters were packed when it opened but everyone (NOW) knows the movie was shite.
  18. Sounds like it could be a good one. I like the logo but the costume that I saw looks terrible in my opinion. They shoulda stayed true to the colors from Reeves' outfit.
  19. QUOTE (kazzman @ Jul 23 2005, 09:09 AM) QUOTE (JohnnyBlaze @ Jul 22 2005, 08:05 PM) Chiklis was small? I haven't seen the movie yet so I don't know. 'Small' as in not muscular enough or too short or both? I was reading this fitness magazine which featured him and his training regime for the movie and he seemed to be in great shape. I haven't seen the movie yet (probalby will wait for the dvd), and as a comic reader (batman mostly though), Chiklis looks way too small as The Thing. I've always imagined the Thing being near the size of the Hulk. The Thing in the movie just looks like a normal guy who grew some rock on him. Not to be anal or comic geeky (but I probably am ), but originally in the comics the Thing isn't supposed to be tall...actually shorter than Mr.Fantastic. He should just be a bit bulky but not necessarily big like the Hulk.
  20. QUOTE (Cyclops @ Jul 23 2005, 06:50 AM) It was better than I thought it would be, but I didn't set the bar very high. The story was ho-hum, and Dr. Doom wasn't so much a villain as a brat who got his toys taken away. As for the heroes, I ended up liking Mr. Fantastic, (Ioan Grufford) even though his accent went barely hidden. Even though Michael Chiklis was great as the Thing, I thought he looked a little small. At least they didn't make the mistake of making the Thing CGI. A couple of things: -The Human Torch was by far the coolest part of the movie. His character and the effects they used to represent his power were awesome. - Mr. Fantastic's and Invisible woman have creepy powers. I never thought about it reading the comics, I guess because you know they're drawings, but in a real life context, they are really weird. -I love Jessica Alba. She is a super hottie, but she doesn't screm "super brainy scientist." It's not anything about hot women being unintelligent, because my wife's the hottest, smartest woman I know. I think she did well in the movie. -If there is a sequel, I hope they spend a little more time on the plot. This was the movie's weakest aspect. They're supposedly starting shooting a sequel as soon as spring next year. Chiklis was small? I haven't seen the movie yet so I don't know. 'Small' as in not muscular enough or too short or both? I was reading this fitness magazine which featured him and his training regime for the movie and he seemed to be in great shape.
  21. If it's the same movie that I think it is then I'd suggest finding it and renting it. It was pretty good at the time it was released. Now if I watch it I may change my mind since it could look severely outdated. But, still, try it out.
  22. Was that a remake? It sounds like a 70's movie. I think the director was John Carpenter.
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