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Everything posted by thestand

  1. http://www.ymdb.com/thestand/l17870_ukuk.html 1. Donnie Darko 2. Citizen Kane 3. Pulp Fiction 4. Fight Club 5. Reservoir Dogs 6. Requiem For a Dream 7. Lost in Translation 8. Coffee and Cigarettes 9. Snatch. 10. American History X 11. Shaun of the Dead 12. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 13. Taxi Driver 14. Pi 15. One Hour Photo 16. American Beauty 17. Memento 18. Se7en 19. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas 20. Magnolia
  2. Don't feel alone tick! I love both versions. I am a gigantic fan of Steve Carrell and the American version in general. I have the first season of the British version on DVD as well. Both are brilliant shows.
  3. 12 Nightwish 7 Tarot(-1) 20 Yes 21 ELP 21 Blue Oyster Cult (+1) 18 Iron Maiden
  4. 12 Nightwish 8 Tarot 21 Yes 20 ELP 20 Blue Oyster Cult (+1) 18 Iron Maiden
  5. And of course this is IMDb, so the boards are teeming with trolls. A lot of Neil haters on there. I was bored, and posted a defense. QUOTE I think that people who say "oh, Neil Peart sucks, he's got no talent" are people that wish they could be Neil Peart. If you are a drummer, or even a music fan, you should be able to tell he's an amazing talent. There is a difference in being talented and being the best. I am a self-admitted Rush fan, and I wouldn't put Peart at the top. Take a look at his grammy-nominated drum solo "O Baterista" or the solo from the new R30 DVD "Der Trommler". Both are masterpeices. If you are a drummer, you need to be able to see his technical skill. That doesn't mean he's the best, but he is most definately talented. Oh, and to the poster that said Neil is only good at Rush songs, pick up the Rush album Feedback, which is a collections of covers, from the Who (The Seeker) to Springfeild (For What it's Worth). Just because they hadn't covered songs live in the past, doesn't mean the man can't. And good luck to all drummers out there.
  6. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0482630/ Not out until 2007, but I think it may be good. I've been trying to see Mike Myers as Keith, and it could work. Either way, it'll be interesting.
  7. QUOTE (JohnnyBlaze @ Jan 26 2006, 08:38 PM) QUOTE (rushgoober @ Jan 27 2006, 09:36 AM)QUOTE (pedro2112 @ Jan 26 2006, 02:55 PM) QUOTE (rushgoober @ Jan 25 2006, 11:22 PM) might as well make a quincy movie while we're at it or too close for comfort or maybe joanie loves chachi, Goobs, shame on you! NEVER compare my beloved Quincy, M.D. to that other rubbish! oh, i never even watched quincy (and yes, i know you were being facetious too). my point is, does ANY tv show deserve to be turned into a movie? has it ever been done even once where it was a fantastic movie? the only example i can think of are some of the star trek movies, and of course there's mash that started as a movie, the odd couple, and a couple of others, but, well, you get the point. magnum p.i. is just plain and simple NOT a good idea for a movie. next thing we'll have knight rider, the greatest american hero and macguyver. honestly, do any of these shows deserve to be made into full length feature films (hint: the answer is no)? the next thing you know, they'll be making movies of the a-team, bosom buddies, dynasty, silver spoons, fantasy island, the love boat and there really will be a Battle of the Network Stars: The Movie. i know they are often guaranteed money makers these t.v. show to movie things, but that doesn't mean they aren't the big steaming piles of manure that they are... i think i read somewhere that the a-team and the greatest american hero are in production. i could be wrong. lets hope i am Sorry, but... The A-Team- http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0429493/
  8. That is a really nice pic. How have I not scene it before?
  9. Sounds hilarious. It's stunts like these that will bring in viewers who have moved on with Eric and Kelso (like me). Since they're moving in, you think it's more then one episode?
  10. 12 Nightwish 8 Tarot 20 Yes 20 ELP 19 Blue Oyster Cult (+1) 18 Iron Maiden 2 Kamelot (-1)
  11. 12 Nightwish 8 Tarot 21 Yes 19 ELP 19 Blue Oyster Cult(+1) 18 Iron Maiden 2 Kamelot (-1)
  12. I want to see it, as I'm an Allen fan, but after seeing that John Rhys guy win the Golden Globe for this, I can't stand him! Tell me, did he come off like an ass in a movie as he does in person? EDIT: He didn't win the Globe for this, he won for Elvis.
  13. Hate to ask an obvious question, but are you talking about Match Point?
  14. We're going with one? Donnie Darko.
  15. My favs can be found here- http://www.ymdb.com/thestand/l17870_ukuk.html
  16. QUOTE (Tull Fan Too @ Jan 15 2006, 02:20 AM) QUOTE (Test4VitalSigns @ Jun 25 2005, 10:28 PM)http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v300/test4vitalsigns/pinkfloydgirls.jpg I have a giant poster of this (54 inches by 39inches) Hey, I have that poster on my wall too! I'm not a HUGE Floyd fan; I have DSOTM and WYWH. Both are excellent IMO, although I like WYWH better than DSOTM. One of these days I intend to buy The Wall. Maybe Animals. I think I'll eventually buy Meddle too- I heard that album on the radio once (yes, the whole thing!) and even though that was about five years ago I still remember it. Oh god, you guys are making me show my hippyness... I have a wall rug of that. Right next to my Starman wallrug and my J. Garcia wallrug. My wall is an orgy of good
  17. thestand


    YMDb (Your movie database) is a place to store your list of your favorite movies. It allows people to comment on your list, and you can find people who's lists are similar to yours. Most people use it for a list of favorites, but some (boring) people use it as a list of best ever. Here's mine- http://www.ymdb.com/thestand/l17870_ukuk.html And to sign up, just go to http://www.ymdb.com
  18. 12 Nightwish 8 Tarot 20 Yes 18 ELP 18 Blue Oyster Cult(+1) 17 Iron Maiden 6 Kamelot (-1)
  19. Ron, Lola, Run is a very good movie. I stol... I mean.... borrowed a book from the library I work at, entitled "1001 Movies you must see before you die" and that's in there.
  20. Yea, check my thread on the vinyl goob, see if there's anything else you like.
  21. Just looked at it again, and it's a double LP set. It has both Madcap Laughs and Barrett.
  22. I heard this, and then thought of Red Buttons. Is he still alive?
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