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Everything posted by Mika

  1. Thanks! That's awesome! :)
  2. Where has this picture come from? Using my sleuthing skills, it seems to have been screen-captured from something on VH1... I've seen other photos from this, but not this particular one... is there a video of this? :) That'd be so cool if there was a video of really young Geddy with nail polish! Here are other photos like this... http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g454/GoddessMika/tumblr_lfnyq33e1d1qa4ccvo1_1280_zps3bff4581.jpg http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g454/GoddessMika/Rush/3013_1_large.jpg Hmm, actually, maybe they're not photos from the same gig, but they do look similar! :) Long-haired Geddy...
  3. A little Geddy contribution, as it's been a while from me! :) http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-z9NCrty-Ow4/T8JR9GUsOgI/AAAAAAAAAXY/5vAHh-gYGto/s1600/geddyny1-1.jpg
  4. EagleMoon, that is a great picture. He looks so young! Any idea what year it was taken? Looks like it's from the Test for Echo tour, so 1996 or 1997. He was wearing his hair more flattened then, for whatever reason - maybe big gorgeous wavy hair wasn't the style then!
  5. I have this picture up as my phone wallpaper. :) Mmmmm what is it about that man's forearms? Totally agree about the forearms! And what a great picture, Lorraine! Bass god, indeed.
  6. It seems that every time I read something about Geddy, my heart gets a little warmer for him (and we know how warm it is for him already). Not that he's portrayed here as an abnormally awesome guy or anything, but just as a decent, honest, regular, firm-rooted guy. :)
  7. Great read! Thanks for the thread nudge, Lorraine!
  8. The Shirt!!! My goodness, that's a great shirt on him. How I wish Geddy had had the foresight to wear this shirt on the first leg of the S&A tour so that he could have been filmed in it for the dvd. Thank you for your Geddy pictures! Totally love that shirt! ...Shirt! OK, I'm done. :)
  9. No. Not removing any songs. Though, honestly, 'One Little Victory' sometimes gets skipped - just not my favourite, and I don't have the same love for it as I do the other VT songs - I think it's just not melodic enough for my personal taste! It's a great energetic opening song, but just not my favourite cup of Rush tea. It's like a straight-up oolong compared with the lemon-spice-ginger and chai of the other songs.
  10. Some of people's most forgettable songs are some of my favourites! 'Everyday Glory'? 'How It Is'? 'Before and After'? 'Between Sun and Moon'? :o Oops, pizza's ready, gotta dash!
  11. Love this song. Haven't heard the remixed version yet, but I've always had a lot of love for this weird, dissonant -in-an-awesome-way song. :)
  12. You just reminded me of something: a litlte while ago I was walking around, wearing a A Farewell to Kings skull t-shirt with 'Rush' written at the top, and a man in his seventies or so stopped me and made some smarky reference to me being a fan of Rush Limbaugh, though he mispronounced his name. I felt like giving him a little smack upside the head as he stood there chortling with his wittiness, but I merely behaved all Canadian and politely indicated that this shirt was advertising the 'good' Rush. I know he was just having a little bit of fun to himself, but I'm not really keen on my Rush being made fun of!
  13. I love 'Good News First'. Just reading what you wrote, and listening to it in my head, gave me shivers. And that part you describe - the entire bridge - is really great, though I'm keen for the entire song. I love Geddy's way of singing this one.
  14. Greetings, Geddy gals! I have returned! :) I'm looking forward to sitting back later tonight (y'know, after all my unpacking chores and catching up on family correspondence to let 'em know I'm all alive and well and not lost in Hawaii - though I tried, goodness knows I tried to get lost in Hawaii) and checking out all that I've missed in here in the past three weeks. And little funny story: right at the last minute, just before we were leaving on this trip, I decided that I didn't want to be away from Geddy's visage, so I uploaded a bunch of photos - 89 of them, it turns out - onto my cell phone, so I could peek at them when I was feeling homesick for Geddy. What a great idea that was! And,,. in three weeks, I've listened to exactly two Rush songs. Two! Whereas before I've been listening to at least an hour every day, with my walking to work and all that! The songs, BTW? 'How It Is' and 'Everyday Glory'. I had a hankering. Can't wait to listen to some good music today, and try out my new Vapor Trails remixed cd that was here when I got home last night! Anyway, just a 'hello' to you all, and I'll be back later! I've missed you! :)
  15. Oh, what the heck, a couple more.... http://static4.fjcdn.com/comments/Chester+Bennington+corey+Taylor+Jonathan+Davis+They+can+++_4111454e975b875159d4e9c5e6971302.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v640/Geddygal1/Geddy/1970spic74.jpg http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/055/0/0/Old_Geddy_Young_Geddy_by_Mick_Mars51.jpg http://www.ottawacitizen.com/entertainment/cms/binary/8632568.jpg?size=620x400s http://www4.pictures.gi.zimbio.com/Premiere+Dreamworks+Love+Man+Arrivals+qV2hBgjjzKil.jpg This last one. My goodness. Ok, everyone! See you in three weeks! :hi:
  16. Hi, ladies! (And any non-ladies, and whatever) I'm going away for three whole entire weeks, and won't be around here at all (what am I going to do without my Geddy-is-hot fix?!) and thought I'd drop a few pictures before I go. I'm seriously thinking about putting some nice photos of Geddy on my phone, so I don't feel so home-sick! :P http://24.media.tumblr.com/db70fa8bb4712a39f5c6f81b888aba23/tumblr_mqq05x81XU1qa4ccvo1_500.jpg http://i461.photobucket.com/albums/qq335/PetieLee/GeddyPurplesCharlotteNCCropped.jpg http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4154/5201934598_e6cfa4bf07.jpg http://cbswncx2.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/85474653_8.jpg?w=277 http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/192/9/9/rush_in_hamilton___geddy_lee_ii_by_basseca-d6czl0d.jpg http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6081/6141941041_5591078b2c_z.jpg http://www.rushisaband.com/images/201001/1430.f.jpg http://25.media.tumblr.com/f8bf67b8c23bd5d7d6aba395de11d1c1/tumblr_mewlrgsHX31qcn7bzo1_500.gif (This one doesn't necessarily belong here, but isn't Geddy cute?)
  17. And remember that guy that was next to me, and close to you, jeering at everyone to not be such a wussy non-American crowd? Gosh, he was loud and obnoxious. I think his girlfriend was a bit embarrassed, but didn't say anything to try to tone him down. It's really rude when someone is saying that everyone else isn't showing their band appreciation as much as that one person is - I don't need to yell and scream and bash everyone around me with flailing arms to be showing my appreciation of the show. Some wiggling of my booty and other parts is sufficient movement for me, and I save my vocal chords for woo-hooing my delight between songs and singing along with Geddy. Either that guy wasn't near me or I was zoned in on Geddy and didn't notice him but that sounds horrible. Hmm, thought you mentioned hearing him. Well, if he wasn't bothering you that much, great! And I sure would have been zoned in on Geddy. Bet you had a great view, so far on the right side!
  18. I know what you mean about the eyes... I think a big reason why he wears glasses is not because he needs them to see, but as something for his face to wear to flatter him more. I've heard people describe him as having a huge nose and beady eyes (his eyes aren't beady! They are beautiful and soulful! .... His nose is huge, though, so that's true! ), and the glasses are perfect for complementing his facial features. They detract from the largeness of his nose, and make his eyes look a bit bigger, by being like second eyes. Although, those huge face-eating glasses he wore not so much in public in the late seventies / early eighties looked pretty good on him, too. And the botox thing... I have noticed, though, that his skin in some photos looks very smooth on his face, like his cheeks look almost dewy. I've wondered if he's having anything 'done', but maybe he has facial massages with creams or something. I don't think he would mess around with any botox stuff - there's way too much at stake with him needing to be able to contort his face when he sings. Plus he opens his mouth really wide when he sings, and he certainly needs to be able to do that! And he wouldn't mess around with his nose, either - that could change the tone of his voice, and if anyone's like me, his vocal tone sounds really good! I remember a while back there was a joke interview floating around, where it was stated Geddy had had some work 'done' to his nose - it was made smaller - and it caused a minor uproar until it was discovered as a joke. I was so relieved! "Not my Geddy," I thought. And.... speaking of Geddy wearing glasses.... here's a couple of concert photos with Geddy NOT wearing glasses. In St. Louis in 2008, apparently he lost them while playing onstage, and a stage hand gave them back to him. These photos show a rare glasses-less Geddy. (Photos from the great Petie Lee's collection!) http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g454/GoddessMika/Rush/080000StLouisRushinMilwaukeeandStLouis139losesglasses_zps4f5a5751.jpg http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g454/GoddessMika/Rush/080000StLouisRushinMilwaukeeandStLouis140glasses_zpsd6dc709e.jpg We're so used to the glasses that he looks quite different, doesn't he? (And check out that awesome shirt he's wearing..... )
  19. This looks like Preto-era, so I would say, 1990. It looks like Geddy has just had his teeth done, too. So, they'd be about 37 here, my guess. Is this the ponytailed look that's your favourite, Lorraine?
  20. And remember that guy that was next to me, and close to you, jeering at everyone to not be such a wussy non-American crowd? Gosh, he was loud and obnoxious. I think his girlfriend was a bit embarrassed, but didn't say anything to try to tone him down. It's really rude when someone is saying that everyone else isn't showing their band appreciation as much as that one person is - I don't need to yell and scream and bash everyone around me with flailing arms to be showing my appreciation of the show. Some wiggling of my booty and other parts is sufficient movement for me, and I save my vocal chords for woo-hooing my delight between songs and singing along with Geddy.
  21. Seriously? That's terrible! I can't believe some people are capable of being that asshole-ish. I think if it had been me, I would have fought for it. To my detriment, of course, me being a smallish girl. :/ But I would sure let out the tigers if someone tried to eff with my Rush stuff.
  22. Some good points, sun dog! I agree with a lot that you've said. Especially the quote: When I go to a concert, everyone is filming and photographing themselves and then posting the pictures right away. It is almost as if your experiences don’t count unless you have an audience watching them. I don't understand the need for other people to be witnessing what that person is doing RIGHT NOW, as if it's the most important thing ever. And as for people taking photos with the band in the background - I don't really get that, either. You're right, it does seem kind of seem like the Rush guys are turned into exhibitions by this - I don't want a photo of me and, say, Geddy, if he's in the background and not really part of the shot, because he's NOT part of the shot. I can't pretend this is other than an objectified photo. I have seen some photos where someone's back is to the stage, and, say, Geddy is rocking out on bass, oblivious to the photo being taken, and the caption is something like, "Me and Geddy at the xxxx concert!!" Geddy is not a friend posing in a friend's photo, nor has he given permission to have a photo taken 'with' him - it's a little creepy, actually. But to each their own. And as for people taking lots and lots of photos / videos: I agree that it can be obsessive, and even obnoxious. There's got to be a line between 'being in the moment' and 'not being in the moment because I'm too busy trying to capture the moment'. Personally, I really do like trying to capture the moment, but try to be in that balance. I will not take photos or videos in a way that will mar others' experience at a concert - I will do so without raising a camera over my head or standing up on my chair or something. I want the photo momentos for ME. Not for plastering on facebook a few seconds later. I'm actually not that keen on sharing photos - they are represntative of MY moments and are unique to ME, and may not mean much to others. This past tour, I also invested in a really zoomy camera just so I could get some good photos, rather than not-so-great cell-phone photos. And the one song that I recorded - 'The Anarchist' - I did by holding my camera close to my body, chin-height, so as not to distract anyone, but the guy next to me made fun of me and talked loudly to me so that I have his voice immortalized on film. He didn't need to do that - I wasn't bothering anyone or anything except his own notion of what's apparently not acceptable. I should have bumped him to spill his beer on himself. During my last show, I noticed the two guys in front of me sitting down and looking at one guy's phone. I glanced down to notice that they were checking out a beer brewery. I remember feeling irked that they were doing this in a middle of a Rush show. Couldn't this have waited until intermission? It wasn't personally bothering me, other than the distracting glow of the screen, so whatever, but still.... It's a freakin' RUSH SHOW! Take photos with cell phones, fine, but put those damn things away if the urge to scope out breweries hits you! To add to concert etiquette: if you are deciding it's a good idea to drink beer copiously at a concert, make sure you can handle it, in such a way so that you don't spill on your seat neighbours. I didn't exactly get drenched, but I could have done without the drips and sloshes I got splattered on my dress and down my leg. Also, keep your smoking (of cigarettes or otherwise) to times where you're not trapped like sardines and your smoking isn't going to bother your neighbours - I don't like having to feel a bit nauseous because my neigbour has decided he must smoke many joints as well as drink lots of beer, and the smell of weed happens to turn my stomach a bit. In hindsight, I could have simply asked him to cut it out, but I was polite and didn't want to cause a scene. So, what's great at a Rush concert? Lots of enthusiastic people that will cheer their hearts out - not in an obnoxious way like my other seat neighbour tended to do - and not bother others with what their behaviour, whether they want to take photos or have a smoke or drink beer. And paying attention to the guys on stage that are playing such awesome music!
  23. Yowza! What a dominating-the-bass look! This must be from around Snakes and Arrows? And it's kind of weird to see rosewood fretboards mingling in with his usual maple!
  24. Great song! Great guitar solo! Great Geddy singing! Great everything! :) :)
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