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Everything posted by troutman

  1. Should've replied straight-faced, "I've got big balls They're such big balls And they're dirty big balls" and then walked away saying no more. :haz:
  2. Actually it was yesterday. I was at the store shopping before going to work. Some one taps on my shoulder and I turn around. It was a woman I would say close to my age. She says, Do you know who you remind me of? I say no who? She says Bon Scott. I told her that she wasn't the first to say that. We laughed and went our separate ways. :D
  3. That's a great pic. You're so lucky to have so many people in your family. Yeah!!! :ebert: :cheers:
  4. Sounds like quite inconsiderate company. The only preaching that gets to me here is by the cat when it's late and I won't let her out. Good people, Just not the time for it. Any way, thinking about buying a rocking chair. :codger: Buy some for the rest of em and put em in the dome of silence. I guess I just don't understand. It is going on three weeks now. One more and they will need to help with the utility bills. If not, then there will be major problems.
  5. Earlier I was asked. How do my headlights look? :hail:
  6. Jotting down some notes for a children's book that I am hoping to write and finish. Not sure where it will end up but at least I am starting it.
  7. troutman


    Squeaks? We had a wonderful black/grey cat named Brooklyn whom we believed was at least part Burmese. He squeaked too. I LOVED that cat, and losing him was devastating. He had a heart murmur and died before he turned 5. The sweetest cat I've ever known. Love the name.
  8. Wishing for a good if not great fishing season.
  9. Happy Birthday!!! :codger: :dweez: :7up: :hail:
  10. Wow, Sorry to here all of that. Insomnia really adds to all of the other conditions you are dealing with. A body needs some really good rest to heel any ailment.
  11. Sounds like quite inconsiderate company. The only preaching that gets to me here is by the cat when it's late and I won't let her out. Good people, Just not the time for it. Any way, thinking about buying a rocking chair. :codger:
  12. That's how they operate.It's called hypocrisy.
  13. Signed. Pelosi reported Is that you Boxer? :D
  14. My buddy Art came through. :smoke:
  15. That's always good to have. How is the job search going? Terrible. Why, There must be some thing out there? Nope. Not for me. Not for you as in nothing out there right now or it's a job you could have but you won't like it? Nothing for as in nothing that I can do because of bad education. Have you at least graduated from high school or whatever the equivalent of that is in Sweden? You've been out of work for too long to be picky in any way. Just take whatever you can get for right now. There are always places looking for bodies to fill spots. Restaurants are always looking for people. Yes, and it would be a start. It seems like it's usually easier to hear about other jobs once you are already working. Yep, He knows that. But Lita would not approve. ;)
  16. Well, The idiot sure doesn't know what a real beaver is. ;) http://www.worldlifestyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/product_detail_826663118629-1.jpg Starring Barbara Billingsley...Hugh Beaumont...Tony Dow...and TROUTMAN as The Beaver! :7up:
  17. Well, The idiot sure doesn't know what a real beaver is. ;)
  18. Why not just move it? :P Because if it answers the question for TK (who doesn't have SOCN access) without devolving into an argument then it's all good, yes? It's very tempting, And not having access is his/her problem right? Can I start a thread outside of SOCN about Obama? No you can't. The reason this thread is allowed to exist -- with it's limited permissions (keep your own politics out of it)-- is because it's about Neil, which means it's Rush-related. And seeing this is a Rush board, we allow threads like this to try and survive, again, with the request to keep it about Neil and Rush. And it's probable that it will be closed once the original question has been answered satisfactorily. Rush related, sure. But the intent was pure politics. So there is no excuse for it. Like I said, it's related to a member of Rush, so we keep it open to sufficiently answer the question. Where's the harm in that? So if it's Rush related and has to do with politics it's okay? For example, Not that it's true. Can I post Geddy loves/hates Trump? The question asked in this thread was, "Is Neil Peart a leftist?" It's a very simple and general question asked by TK, and one that is easily contained before arguments can start. In the meantime, the board was warned to not introduce their own political views into the topic. Any question about Trump would not be simple or general, Geddy/Alex/Neil-related or not. It would be a hot-button topic for sure. How about this: Let's just do what we've been doing for 12+ years, which is have a general "no politics" rule outside of SOCN, and if one pops up that has a Rush connection, we take it on a case by case basis. Like we're doing with this one. Deal? Fair enough, But the original post was about politics. Rush or not. Let's just let it ride. Maybe open up the forum to any thing goes.
  19. The kids wanting to hang out with me. And the parents have a puzzled look on their face. :7up:
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