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Everything posted by zappafrank

  1. Don't forget to add the omniscient Bard to the "retired" list!
  2. Neil has not announced his retirement
  3. I think anyone who took Neil's comment at face value was misguided. It was an offhand almost throwaway comment that somehow got spun into an official announcement. I'm not saying that's not where Neil's head is at, because I don't know the man, but the way everyone cried doom and gloom was quite hyperbolic IMO.
  4. ...how does his daughter even know the phrase "retired drummer"?! She's 5!
  5. Picked up the Best Buy version of the combo pack, and good Lord, are the disc trays awful. Not only do the center teeth/whatever/latches seem fragile and flimsy as hell (both putting discs in and taking them out), but the way you have to place the bottom discs under a piece of hard plastic but with no room to get under it to lift it up and out just makes for multiple attempts before finally getting the disc out. Whoever thought this was a good design really needs to be taken to task. ETA: The indents for the bottom discs do no good when you constantly feel like lifting the disc out is going to break the aforementioned center latch thing, even if you depress it slightly with your other hand, which then of course requires that you have a flat surface to lay everything on lest you rip or bend the cardboard packaging trying to mess with the discs themselves.
  6. During the CA tour, you'd swear Set 1 of the show would be everyone's answer. It was ridiculous how much hate the 80's heavy set got to the point of being comical. And that part of the show was one of my favorites ever.
  7. http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/geddy-lee-on-whether-rush-will-tour-again-it-doesnt-look-good-at-this-point/ http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/watch-rushs-geddy-lee-alex-lifeson-talk-r40-live-bands-future-20151116
  8. Were there any noteable takeaways from the Sirius XM town hall with the fellas yesterday (St. Voorhees Day, Friday the 13th)?
  9. Too bad they weren't bothered by the production of Roll the Bones. That album sounds soft as hell and the production is part of the reason I don't listen to it very often.
  10. Presto is a very important album to me, as it's the very 1st Rush album I ever got. In '89, I was seriously getting into music as an interest (lots of metal and hard rock), and while I'd heard the name of Rush, I didn't know anything about them. After seeing the video for "Show Don't Tell" on MTV a few times, I made sure to pick up a cassette of the album the next chance I could. I still remember that it was on a Friday after school (8th grade), and my mom had taken me to the mall, and I bought it there (can't recall which store, though). I remember playing the tape in the car, and checking the lyrics to see if they cussed at all (a grave concern at that age, believe it or not, in terms of whether my folks would be made at me). I definitely recall liking Side 2 in general better than side 1, with the exception of course of Show Don't Tell. And while I wasn't a big fan of "Anagram," years later I really came to appreciate it after reading the lyrics and being impressed as always by Neil's ability to turn a phrase. I also recall seeing the video for The Pass when it aired on MTV a few times, and being surprised they edited out "Christ" from the "Christ, what have you done" lyric. Within a year or so I discovered 2112 and ESL, and it just went from there, but for me, it all started with Presto, and for that reason alone it will always remain closer to the heart (pun intended?) than something like Moving Pictures. Was so hoping they'd bust out Show Don't tell again for R40.
  11. Yep, they broke up their R40 itinerary into more manageable chunks that would allow them some time off between segments.
  12. For the last time, HE DOESN'T KNOW WHERE YOUR THING IS
  13. I make sure to savor certain favorite musical moments during concerts, and the DING! is definitely one I made sure to savor.
  14. Actually, I think a related question would be: how many songs of the ones Rush have played live have made it to official releases? That's got to be a high percentage
  15. Well, they didn't, which is OBVIOUS proof we'll see them again. SUCK IT, BARD!
  16. *random Rush lyric adapted to fit current context of the discussion* This is fun!
  17. The equivalent of a 5? 4 vertical lines with a slash through them
  18. Tell that to Bard. He would shame anyone who dared entertain the thought of Rush continuing
  19. "We're not waving goodbye. We're waving 'see you later.'" http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/rushs-alex-lifeson-whatever-this-tour-is-its-not-the-end-of-the-band/
  20. But they had Grand Finale in every town... :laughing yellow guy:
  21. At least at the MSG show, during the drum rolls breakdown during "What You're Doing," Geddy said, "Ladies and gentlemen, the Professor!"
  22. No more spoilers, thank goodness! I've been meaning to shout to the WORLD how thrilled I am they played Fountain of Lamneth and Fly by Night!!!!! And to think I thought they peaked in terms of surprises with the 1st set inclusion of Countdown and Available Light.
  23. Yeah, no one asked for your snarky opinion. KThnxbye Actually you did ask by posting on a forum No, I do not recall asking him for a douchey comment whose sole purpose was to belittle me for making a simple observation. Gotta love the usual TRF act of jumping on anyone who dares to express something that isn't fellating the band and worshipping the ground they walk on.
  24. How are they gonna have a "end of tour" wrap up party if the f**ked puppet stole all their booze?!
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