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Who would win?

Lost In Xanadu

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Post 2 professional sports and match them up in something other than their sport.


The other night my wife and I were talking about football vs soccer and she stated the soccer players would kick football players ass. I said no way, and she said they couldn't keep up with the soccer players. Then I realized she was talking about a footrace and I said she was probably right.... that is the inspiration behind this thread.


* Football = Football, not soccer!! laugh.gif



So Football vs Soccer in a fight?

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oh that's easy: Australian Rules Footballers would win. But between a soccer player and an american football player in a fight? Soccer. Football players are lazy, soccer players play for 93+ minutes per match whereas football players rarely play more than half of a 60 minute game. I would say every football team has a handful of players that would kick anybody's ass, that's for sure, but half the team is made up of big fat guys and prima donna wide recievers and corners. Don't get me wrong, I love the NFL, but they arent the toughest guys on the planet, or even in the USA.
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