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Everything posted by NaturalScientist75

  1. I will put here in the list skeeter. I remember her know. That has been a running joke for a while. Your in Lorraine.
  2. I have been to many "sold out" shows. There may be no tickets now, but as the dates approach tickets will be released. They always are. I have seen Rush 26 times (mostly in the first few rows). I will be able to find tickets. And there are always tickets available day of show worst case. Always. I have done a lot of research into buying tickets.
  3. If you want to donate, the link is on the original post. If you need help, you can pm me or any of the admins, post on the gofund, post here, or on fb. I have one list with everyone that is requesting help. And eyes all over to find more people.
  4. Hi. I realize this does not seem like it could be real. But it is. I just love Rush and all the fans that keep Rush going. So let me clarify: We have already raised money. We have a comittee now to help spread the word and answer questions and let people know about it. Anyone can ask for help. On here or FB or wherever. Feel free to pm me here or on fb it you want to be on the list. As we get closer to showtime, we have to distribute the money. As for who gets tickets, the original idea was to use a comittee of people that everyone will recgonize. People we all trust to decide fairly. The first people I asked were very prominent and well know and well liked people on Rush fb groups. The idea was to have the committee decide. But that is not set in stone. All depending on how many applicants we get and how much money we raise, I am open to changing the decision prossess. Maybe opening a public vote? Maybe lottery? However it is done at the end, it will be as fair as we can make it. Who knows,maybe we till make enough for everyone. As far as I know, nothing like this has been done before (as can be said for Rush). So we are in uncharted territor. I welcome any suggestions for improvement. Also, the committe is not closed. I could use all the help I can get. I already found a new member from here this morning. Anyone interested just message me. So this is real, legit, supported, and will be as fair as we can possibly make it. Rush and the fans have done so much for me, I just want to pay it forward.
  5. Legit Lorraine. Ask around. I have even been in contact with Donna Halper. I chose the people I asked first because the Rush community knows, trusts, and respects them. 100% legit and 100% goes to the fans. We are just crazy and want to help.
  6. Any reason you can't list the groups? No reason to be vague. EagleMoon I think this is a complete list of the FB groups we posted on (I may have forgotten some). Our comittee members typically admin on one or more: Rush - Experience to Extremes RUSH photography by Donald Gadziola GEDSTER THE MAN!!! Clockwork Angels (Rush Fans United) RUSH Fans Unite!!! Rush Club (Blah Blah Blah) Rush Rocks R40 Live Concert Setlist Spoilers GEDSTER THE MAN!!! RUSH: Through the Ages Rush Excerpt of the Day Cygnus-X1.Net CYGNUS CLUB Rush zenith RUSH GIRLS COOL STUFF THE BOYS / RUSH Rush Philosophy NEIL THE MASTER! RUSH SISTA'S AND BRO'S SYMPOSIUM for RUSH RUSH ELDERS CLUB RUSH for open minded people Musician/Band Rush Fans Forever ALEX RULES IM A RUSHAHOLIC AND NEED NO HELP! RUSHAHOLICS..41st anniversary tour! A Show of fans - A Rush Fan Group Rush 101 Rushians RushTour Forum on facebook THE RUSH ATLANTIC CONNECTION! Rush Clockwork Angels Tour **Spoilers** 2,112 Reasons We Love Rush Rush Tribute Radio Reflections of Rush Alex Lifeson Fan club Group: 2112 RUSH The~Rush~Collective Rush Collectors Place Rush Radio BIG AL ROCKS!!! The Rush Appreciation Society RUSH R41 AT THE GREAT AMERICAN BALL PARK! Official Geddy Lee Fan club Rush Fans canada Rush 2112 & YYZ Sightings - Add yours! Rush: Canada's Greatest Achievement Rush Fans Germany Rushboots Rush fan club We LOVE Rush <3 SUPER RUSH ADDICTS!!! Chromey!
  7. We will try to do pairs. Some people have no one to go with. So the meet-up groups can fix that. So many people I have seen have already offered people rides.
  8. EagleMoon we tested it on a few groups over the past week or so. Just last night we put it on all groups we could find.
  9. All 4 parts, split up throughout the show, now that would be epic! The enemy Within is one of my favorites. Witch Hunt is great. I always play The Weapon when I paint. Not as familiar with the last one.
  10. I came up with theidea while watching Geddy on TMS. What if this is the last big one? I think everyone should have a chance to see it. I alsmo made 35 facebook meet up groups, one for each show. The facebook equivalent of the hottubs here.
  11. i can provide the facebook names we have on comittee so far: Me (Mark Lesko)] Donald Gadziola Julie Porter Tammy Barnhart John Patuto Ron Miller Caroline VanOrden Catherine curley Cat O'Brien And I am looking for more.
  12. Anyone can apply for help. They should include their story. Righ now the comittee is myself and several prominent admins and members from Rush facebook groups. Myself and one gentlemen have done most of the work. I would love for some people from here to be on it as well. If anyone is interested let me know. The decision will be the tough part, but will be need based. Each comitte member will look through each request. Then decide what they think. Once everyone has voted, those with the most votes get tickets. How many people they can vote for depends on how much money we raise. All of the members on the comittee so far I know will vote fairly. All great people. 100% goes to help people. (minus whateve fee gofundme takes, which i think is like 2 or 3%)
  13. It took some time, and i found some good people to help. Mostly done with FB Rush admins. Most are probably here. We already have some money raised and a list of people in need. So if anyone knows anyone that needs tickets, you can send me their name and story and i will put them on the list. Of course if anyone wants to donate, please feel free to. Just in case this is the last big tour, I think we owe it to them and each other to get as many of us there as possible. Rush on!
  14. I would guess toronto. As others said, 2 nights in the same venue. Also, that is where they started, so it would be fitting.
  15. Greetings Rush fans. Rush has given us the best music and lyrics and experiences for 40 years now. And the fans have given so much back to Rush. They are epic. So now we are trying to do something epic. We are trying to get every Rush fan to a show. R40! It may or may not be the last tour, but after what Rush has done for us, and how much we love them, we owe it to them and each other to try and get as many people as we can to shows. So I started a generic GoFundMe account for EVERYONE! Anyone that needs a ticket, ride, etc. just let us know and what your story is. You will be placed in the list. Anyone that can afford to donate to help a fellow fan, feel free to do so. We have a committee which includes many of the admins on Rush groups and some prominent members. As the time approaches, we will go through all the applicants and vote and distribute the money. The more we get, the more people we can get to shows. We are one big family. So lets do something never done before, something epic, lets get everyone to a show. RUSH ON! http://www.gofundme.com/myuwfw
  16. curious as to what the second to last song in set one is. Or is it literally crickets. Maybe 5 min of crickets chirping a rush song like on the comercials. Hmmm
  17. Nice! You are forever recorded in Rush history.
  18. The crowd reaction I saw, during 6 different shows, was the best I have ever seen. Of course there were the Tom Sawyer fans, but the fans of both the old and the new blew them away. There were old men, and young kids, all singing alone to every song, old and into CA. Geddy always acknowledges the crowd and thats them at the end. At the show at Jones Beach, he was the most thankful of the crowd that I have ever seen him, The place went insane with every song. I was in the second row right in front of Alex. There were 4 young girls in front of me in the front row. And they looked nice. But what blew me away was that all of them sang along to every song! They were true fans. So in my opininon, the crowds during the CA tour were the best ever. Hershey, AC, Brooklyn, Newark, Jones Beach, Philie - all amazing supportive crowds overall
  19. What are some of the funniest or most insane things you have seen Alex do or say onstage over the past 4 decades?
  20. Not going to happen. They are having way to much fun up there to stop now. In a lot of ways they are now at the peak of their carrear. And also, they appreciate us way to much to stop playing for us. As long as they can, they will. And as always, if they play it, we will come...
  21. I had second row directly in front of Adele at Jones Beach. She was great. Energy, rocking out to the music, great stage presence. I imaging her being a fiesty fun woman. And after meeting my new and amazing lady friend I now have a true appreciation for tats. So in my opinion she is the winner. This is not meant to take anything away from the magnificance of Audrey.
  22. I have never used StubHub personally, but I have to say that the tickets you got from them were absolutely unbelievable. In the future I will not hesitate to use them if I can't get the seats I want through conventional means.
  23. Finding My Way. No better opener for an anniversary tour celebrating four decades the to play the song where it all began.
  24. What song would you most like to hear or think would be best to open the show for the R40 tour? One song, entire catalog.
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