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Everything posted by InvisibleAirwaves13

  1. Hell yes I will buy it. To have such an awesome rememberence of this tour is a must for me. If they did not put out a video, half the folks complaining about one coming out every tour now would be bitching that there was not one. It is simple, buy it if you want it...if you don't then don't buy it. I will continue to support the band and the music that I love. Period.
  2. No lasers and they are not missed. The screens are awesome, the pyro is awesome and the lighting rig is uber awesome. Nuff said!
  3. Neil pops into the meet and greet, is nice to the fans and actually smiles.
  4. QUOTE (Mara @ Nov 5 2010, 11:35 PM) I screwed up this line in "New World Man" for, oh, about 20 years: "He's a writer and arranger. . ." I thought it was: "He's a rider and a ranger. . ." Yep, that's the one for me...I went years before looking that up since it fits so well and also the part in Limelight... "with some fishing tack"! Man, I actually like the misheard parts lol.
  5. Hemispheres for me! Pretty accurate too! Very nice job and really fun to read through! Thanks!
  6. QUOTE (Rushchick10 @ Nov 14 2010, 10:17 AM) QUOTE (micgtr71 @ Nov 13 2010, 06:02 PM) QUOTE (Rushchick10 @ Nov 13 2010, 05:11 PM) QUOTE (hughes&kettner @ Nov 11 2010, 10:34 AM) QUOTE (micgtr71 @ Nov 11 2010, 08:35 AM) I also wonder why he would replace the neck unless something broke on it. I have an old Fender and the neck is fine. Something must have happened-pickguard is cool though MOP is not my favorite. that's what i'm saying. still waiting for someone to give proof that something happend to the '72. magazie or www interview? anyone? I have one somewhere...I'll hunt around and get it posted. I remember reading an interview with him where he talked about it. Thanks in advance, I would love to read that. Bass Player magazine, August 2007, Page 36: "For most of the current tour, Geddy is playing his original '72 Jazz bass, which he recently fitted with a new neck. 'The original neck was pretty much shot,' he explains. 'We had adjusted the trussrod so many times that it was becoming problematic, and the frets had been re-dressed one too many times-it just couldn't take it anymore.'" He goes on to explain how he had a neck fitted to his bass that is from the signature model, then sanded down the neck to remove the lacquer and upgraded the tuning pegs (which Fender ended up doing on all the signature basses from that point on.). Knew I had it somewhere! That is what I remember reading. That would make the S&A neck on the '72 about 2 - 3 years old. No way that neck wore out before the Time machine Tour. He simply put another new custom neck on the bass to match the Pearl pickguard. In any event it looked cool and sounded awesome!
  7. I don't think the old neck gave out. I remember reading that the original neck on the '72 was worn out and Geddy had one from his Signature model put on it for the Snakes and Arrows tour. I own the Signature model and it is a tank. The neck is very well built. In this case I think Geddy had the new Pearl custom neck put on his '72 body to match the theme of the show and the new pick guard. It is simple aesthetics and nothing about the funtionality or tone of the bass. I think we can all allow Geddy a little creativity and variety here. He did after all sound superb this tour so no complaints from me!
  8. Beautiful shots! Thanks for the link!
  9. I saw them in Tampa and they were in superb form. Jumping around and having alot of fun. Musically, I cannot remember when they have sounded better. Talk about being "on"! Epic is all I can say! It made for an excellent time. It was also fun to have a reunion of sorts with my best friends down in FL and relive our younger times! I just wish I could have seen more than 1 show! Can't wait for the new album!
  10. I am positive that geddy already stated that after the South American leg of this tour. They would be going back into the studio to complete CA and still needed to write atleast 2 more songs to complete the "Concept". There was also the strong possibility of a DVD release of this tour. It's coming, we just need to be patient.
  11. Here is my submission. Great show in Tampa! I need a Time Machine to go do it all again! http://i1180.photobucket.com/albums/x418/d...Tampa201062.jpg
  12. He definately used it in his solo and I might add he had alot going on! I really enjoyed his rearrangement of the old one. you could still hear chunks of the old solo but this was new enough to perk me up! What an awesome show Tampa was! Have to call it EPIC!
  13. Well, it takes forever for some reason to upload to photobucket but here are a couple of vids from the Tampa Show. I was way back but the zoom on my camera works in video mode so I got some good 10X video! Hope you enjoy them and I will have more at this link soon! http://s1180.photobucket.com/albums/x418/d...1%20Oct%202010/
  14. Here is a link (I hope) to my pics from the concert in Tampa. Enjoy! http://s1180.photobucket.com/albums/x418/d...1%20Oct%202010/
  15. I was there with my best buddies from High School! Dead center just in front of the lawn. I took some great pics thanks to a 10X zoom. I will be posting them tonight. This was easily one of the best shows I have attended. They guys were energetic and clearly having fun. Musically it was one of the best I have seen as well. It made the night one to remember! Fantastic light show and the use of the video screens was excellent! Man, I wish I could do it all over again tonight!
  16. I was there. Nice pics! I was quite a bit farther back but what a show! The boys were very energetic and put on a great performance! I have some pics I will be posting shortly. Thank goodness for a 10X zoom! lol
  17. I think tone was the issue...with the DI boxes the Jazz has a more versatile sound. I thought I remembered Geddy talking about the Rick being heavy but the Rick weighs in at 9 pounds and the Jass is between 9 - 10 pounds. I may be remembering him talk about the double neck he used. I know that would be a heavy beast!
  18. How about...Watch me noodle and show my genius!
  19. How about... "This solo gave me a RASH"?
  20. Awesome pic! Thanks for sharing! Boy Alex can still shred with them snausage fingers! Great fun!
  21. I popped my moving Pictures CD into the player and instantly listened to half the second half setlist! What a miracle!
  22. I have to go with Tom Sawyer. It's like starting the song off with an explosion of sound, instantly recognizable and never gets old. They do have many others but TS is the one that sticks out to me...
  23. Closer to the Heart is the Monster hit over there. If they change anything they may drop a song and add in CTTH... with the sync'd video and the whole production kind of built as a whole unit I don't see any other adjustments being made...no they will not get "Jacobs Ladder" either...not this go round.
  24. Blah, Blah, blah, blah...Blah, Blah, blah, blah...Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, blah, blah..., blah, blah...Blah, Blah, blah, Blah, Blah, blah, blah..., blah... EPIC FACEPALM HERE...
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