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Everything posted by Tinwoodsman

  1. Happy Anniversary Ozzy!
  2. No fukin' way in hell! ... even though so many love it.
  3. Vinyl - If it doesn't sound good, I can always use it for skeet shooting Pull! ... ah hell, I'll probably just buy the CD
  4. ... hope you didn't burn your toboggan!
  5. Epic poll! ... I just cannot decide ... but, I have been playing metal on my guitar today if that means anything, driving all the old pantyhose babes and 4 legged neighborhood dogs wild
  6. ... for a moment, I thought I was watching slapshot
  7. QUOTE (metaldad @ Mar 11 2012, 08:37 AM) I prefer they just put the F-n album Out already Exactly!
  8. He's getting another facelift, leave him alone!
  9. ... eat it! ... buy more on grocery day ffs, no need to be politically (or any other cause) correct here ... father, son holy ghost; who eats the fastest gets the most. I used to buy them so I got in on the deal before they were gone! cookies good!
  10. I won't be buying it ... enough already!
  11. QUOTE (1-0-0-1-0-0-1 @ Jan 28 2012, 09:11 PM) My homeboy John Tavares, along with Erik Karlsson, get props for being the only guys to take a detour and slap all the kids hands during the introductions. +1
  12. forest
  13. Thanks for sharing this! ... Ubercool stuff!
  14. When I'm heading out on the bald prairie to fix somebody's heating problem or lack thereof, I like to listen to Outlaw Country on Sirius Radio ... it is the country version of psychedelic/progressive rock + no commercials.
  15. Station To Station really hit home, but taking a left turn to Albequerque ... Hunky Dory is quite a gem! and I will break a few rules ... sorry, but ... I have a fondness for Ziggy and Heathen. Oops! Yes, I am a Bowie fan.
  16. QUOTE (1 of the 7 @ Jan 4 2012, 09:51 PM) I picked Bowie, but Elton John isn't too far behind. Still, my fave isn't on the list - Peter Schilling's Major Tom (Coming Home): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEG7OzvSMBA Nice alternate choice!
  17. Salute!
  18. QUOTE (alphseeker @ Jan 1 2012, 06:32 PM) Dear Lord the AFC West sucks - damn straight
  19. QUOTE (WCFIELDS @ Dec 27 2011, 12:17 PM) Santa brought me one of these.... http://www.hughes-and-kettner.com/images/products/normal/TubeMeister18_head_normal.png Sweet!
  20. QUOTE (goose @ Dec 4 2011, 11:14 PM) QUOTE (An Enemy Without @ Dec 4 2011, 10:34 PM) Eddie Money - Take Me Home Tonight It has a rockin' chorus ruined by that really creepy female voice singing "be my little baby." Who's dumb idea was that? Anyway, post songs that you feel could have been great but were ruined by one little thing. "Just like Ronnie sang...". That's Ronnie Spector singing her classic line. Who else should sing it? Exactly!
  21. dust
  22. Johny7 was a warrior when men were men and sheep were nervous and he didn't have 350 lb O linemen blocking for him either!
  23. Classic thread, must have been another slow day??? PS ... Norv is a moron!
  24. ... even though we haven't always seen eye to eye ... thanks Sarge! ... your shows were fantabulouus and I will miss them and the chat peeps ... it was a great space in time, or time in space and i'll catch you on the flip side!
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