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Everything posted by savagegrace26

  1. Which number is more important in a chick? Seriously, I'd go for the IQ first.
  2. I weighed about 190 a few months ago and I felt too skinny but I've been loading up on the McDonald's and marshmallows lately. So I'm at a pretty good weight now. If I go any higher though I'll be a fatty.
  3. How is it more "personal" than how well your brain may or may not work? I don't get that.
  4. I weigh about 210 lbs right now. Just thought I'd share.
  5. And it would've been nicer if you shared your current IQ ;)
  6. I'm not boasting. I'm sharing. This all started, by the way, because of that Speed of Love thread. I don't care about attention. I'd share if it were 80, I'd share if it were 200. I don't care. You're being very condescending and arrogant, and I don't appreciate it. You don't have to.
  7. Gee whiz. I passed 5 thousand posts and didn't even notice. Gosh Darn Golly!
  8. Just one attention whore being giving by giving another attention whore some attention. It is that time of year.
  9. You have a complex IQ? So part of it is imaginary... ;) Why are you assuming I'm human?
  10. Context, please. This would make sense if I knew the meaning of γ, ψ, and μ in this context. strength, firepower, courage
  11. The most vivid imagination couldn't do that. Was that funny enough? I can do better if it doesn't meet with your approval. Just let me know. :) Try again.
  12. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-z1V1uSP14Ok/U7CP-XrJNaI/AAAAAAAAEXM/H7m8eJJHWeY/s1600/pot+calls+kettle+black.png Of course. There has to be the "Alpha" Attention Whore. ;)
  13. Who the hell are you to determine that? I get laughed at for loving Rush by a dude who owns every One Direction album. I say he has bad taste, but neither of us can agree! I'm trying to catch myself every time I "feel" superior to someone else for what I think is my more refined taste in music. You really don't have to worry about that ;)
  14. Who the hell are you to determine that? I criticized that cygnusbk guy for having a similar attitude. I'm intentionally contradicting myself. Try to keep up with my obscure inside "jokes". But you have heard The Speed of Love? The Rush version?
  15. Having adoration for The Speed of Love is certainly poor taste. I mean you've heard it right?
  16. Please. Imagine if I started a thread boasting that I had a 165 IQ? (And I know I just set myself up for some funnies). I don't appreciate your attention whoring.
  17. Two stars usually means mediocre
  18. Wait. I think I got INTP the last time I took one of these tests.
  19. My IQ is so complex that the only way to calculate it is by using this: http://hotdigitalnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/TheGeometricThetaCorrespondenceforHilbertModularSurfaces_610x211.png
  20. Eh. If it wasn't for them we wouldn't have stuff like this:
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