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Everything posted by D-13

  1. QUOTE (Hatchetaxe&saw @ Dec 5 2005, 01:36 PM) Robert Plant - Dublin - this Friday You will absolutely LOVE this show!!! Have fun!
  2. Just ordered on Amazon "A Lovemongers Christmas"-The Lovemongers ( Ann and Nancy's band with Sue Ennis and Frank Cox) "Whirlygig"-The Lovemongers
  3. For soundtracks...for me...Almost Famous...hands down. Great music selection by Cameron and Nancy also scored a bit for that film. It was excellent. Elizabethtown is good for music as well.
  4. QUOTE (endlesslymocking @ Dec 5 2005, 02:21 PM)QUOTE (D-13 @ Dec 5 2005, 11:18 AM) Did anyone else see this movie? I saw it. For a movie that had no plot, it was cute.... Usually I defend Cameron to the last stand...but this movie was kind of a disapointment to me. But I loved it anyways. The soundtrack was good. and yep it was cute. I hope this isn't his last movie...he needs to do a better one if it's going to be his last!
  5. QUOTE (rushgoober @ Dec 5 2005, 12:56 PM) QUOTE (D-13 @ Dec 5 2005, 08:18 AM) Did anyone else see this movie? waiting for it on dvd... me too
  6. QUOTE (physics23 @ Dec 5 2005, 11:10 AM) QUOTE (D-13 @ Dec 5 2005, 11:21 AM)QUOTE (Jack Aubrey @ Dec 1 2005, 01:00 PM) Think nothing of it, I still think you're cool. your cool too Jack! I used to think you're cool, D-13, but then you went and changed your jacket. Only teasing, of course. The new jacket's awesome (although I do miss the old one). The new jacket is a piece of rice!! The wind and cold air goes right through it!!! I came home on Saturday from the mountains and I couldn't stop shaking I was so cold. Had chills later on as well...it was awful. so I think i'll be wearing my other jacket for now on.
  7. QUOTE (Riv @ Dec 5 2005, 10:16 AM)QUOTE (Syrinx @ Dec 5 2005, 07:14 PM) SOLD OUT!! Thank God, now I don't have to keep thinking about buying one. I was thinking the same thing!
  8. http://entertainment.sympatico.msn.ca/movi...es/1353745.armx Snowboarding thrills dulled with filler in doc First Descent: review DAVID GERMAIN December 01, 2005 (AP) - First Descent may not be enough of a ride for snowboarders, who probably would love this documentary about their sport to run to epic length. For everyone else, First Descent may be too long a trip, its approach overly broad and unfocused as the filmmakers try to incorporate a personal story of five thrill-riding snowboarding stars into a generic chronicle of the sport's development. At nearly two hours, First Descent ends up belabouring the snowboarding phenomenon more than illuminating it. The film progresses in stops and starts as it flits from truly spectacular mountain sequences to repetitive, self-congratulatory interviews in which snowboarders prattle on about what innovative rebels they all are. What salvages much of the movie for non-snowboarders are the remarkable images of boarders sailing down endless, nearly perpendicular walls of snow. You can dust off cliches such as "jaw-dropping" for some of those moments, which look physically impossible to survive until you see the snowboarders safely shushing up to the cameras at the bottom of their runs. Directors Kevin Harrison and Kemp Curley, whose production company has handled TV coverage of the X Games and other sports, rounded up old-guard boarders and new stars for a jaunt to Alaska. The group ranges from 40-year-old Shawn Farmer and 39-year-old Nick Perata to 18-year-old wunderkinds Hannah Teter and Shaun White. They fly by helicopter to remote peaks for incredible jumps, balletic spirals and breakneck runs amid seemingly crushing avalanches. The 30-year-old superstar Terje Haakonsen provides the highlight: His amazing first descent is a run down a mountain where no boarder has gone before, a peak resembling the craggy lair of the Grinch in the Dr. Seuss Christmas story. Unfortunately, such thrills are dulled with filler as Harrison and Curley provide copious interviews and archival footage to trace how snowboarding evolved from a fringe pastime frowned on by skiers to the rage of resorts everywhere. A little bit of that general background would have gone a long way toward putting the adventures of the film's five principals in perspective. Yet the filmmakers overdo it, and the story of rebels who became icons feels like the same tale already told in the skateboarding documentary Dogtown and Z-Boys and the surfing chronicle Riding Giants, both of them better films with more insight on their sports, the participants and their cultural impact. Focusing squarely on the Alaskan venture, with trace elements of snowboarding's broader history, may have made for a stronger story. And any audience - snowboarders or not - wouldn't mind seeing more of those insane mountain plunges. Two and a half stars out of four.
  9. QUOTE (Jack Aubrey @ Dec 1 2005, 01:00 PM) QUOTE (D-13 @ Dec 1 2005, 03:49 PM) QUOTE (Jack Aubrey @ Dec 1 2005, 12:12 PM) QUOTE (D-13 @ Nov 30 2005, 11:09 PM) Thought maybe it was a shitty snowboarding movie again...but it's pretty darn sick! it's a big download....a warning lol scroll down and you will see it and click on it to view trailer http://www.geekrolling.com/?p=128 I am heartbroken! I'm never mentioning you in a tagline again. Harrumph, I say! Harrumph! www.therushforum.com/index.php?showtopic=11392 I'm sorry jack I didnt see that one Think nothing of it, I still think you're cool. your cool too Jack!
  10. D-13


    Crazy On You If anyone knows how to save these videos i'd like to know...any help would be greatly appreciated! Crazy On You - Heart
  11. D-13


    Another video...from 1976. It's sooo cool to see them so young!! I don't know what the first song is...but the second is Heart's "Heartless" http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=92...22ann+wilson%22
  12. D-13


    lol just found this...Heart is in this commercial!! http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7...avid+bowie.com/
  13. QUOTE (Freedom_Fighter @ Dec 2 2005, 09:43 PM) QUOTE (D-13 @ Dec 2 2005, 09:58 AM) They should make a move thats like 4 hours with a small intermission if people can't sit that long. I think it would be fine...10 min intermission and people can talk about what happened and stuff. actually i think they shoulda just made it three. that extra half hour would be plenty enough to add in the somewhat vital stuff they left out. Hmm.. well I wouldn't know because I'm not a movie director.
  14. I have like $2500..but it's going towards school!!!
  15. They should make a move thats like 4 hours with a small intermission if people can't sit that long. I think it would be fine...10 min intermission and people can talk about what happened and stuff.
  16. QUOTE (pixey @ Dec 1 2005, 08:21 PM) Flogging Molly is coming to town!!! Hoping to go see them! Nice!!! Whenever I listen to them I feel like dancing on a thick table in a bar lol....
  17. QUOTE (Jack Aubrey @ Dec 1 2005, 12:12 PM) QUOTE (D-13 @ Nov 30 2005, 11:09 PM) Thought maybe it was a shitty snowboarding movie again...but it's pretty darn sick! it's a big download....a warning lol scroll down and you will see it and click on it to view trailer http://www.geekrolling.com/?p=128 I am heartbroken! I'm never mentioning you in a tagline again. Harrumph, I say! Harrumph! www.therushforum.com/index.php?showtopic=11392 I'm sorry jack I didnt see that one
  18. AND Shaun White is in it!!! WOOHOO! this kid is absolutely amazing...my age and he can pretty much do anything. He's insane!
  19. QUOTE (PuppetKing2112 @ Nov 30 2005, 06:17 PM) QUOTE (D-13 @ Nov 30 2005, 06:58 AM) QUOTE (floydfanatic111 @ Nov 29 2005, 08:38 PM) To me iPods are for retards(not to be cold). Downloaded music sounds bad to my ears and only download if it is a LAST RESORT whilst rebuilding collections. It's not just downloaded crap. All my music on my Ipod is from CD's....and I just don't put 128kps as the quality...im probably getting the 60 gig because I have the quality up at it's highest...I need more room. Up until last year I had a CD player. Ipod is great. and it's good for snowboarding because I can listen to good quality music while riding. Other than this 128 junk. Gotta be Lossless. I've said it before and I'll say it again: THERE IS NO WAY TO TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DIFFERENT BITRATES AND FILE FORMATS AND ALL THAT UNLESS YOU HAVE LIKE A $20,000 STEREO SYSTEM It all sounds the same to me... no need to shout.... I for one have a good ear....and with my headphones on...I can certainly tell a difference. Don't ask me how I can. But I can...
  20. Thought maybe it was a shitty snowboarding movie again...but it's pretty darn sick! it's a big download....a warning lol scroll down and you will see it and click on it to view trailer http://www.geekrolling.com/?p=128
  21. QUOTE (floydfanatic111 @ Nov 29 2005, 08:38 PM) To me iPods are for retards(not to be cold). Downloaded music sounds bad to my ears and only download if it is a LAST RESORT whilst rebuilding collections. It's not just downloaded crap. All my music on my Ipod is from CD's....and I just don't put 128kps as the quality...im probably getting the 60 gig because I have the quality up at it's highest...I need more room. Up until last year I had a CD player. Ipod is great. and it's good for snowboarding because I can listen to good quality music while riding. Other than this 128 junk. Gotta be Lossless.
  22. 600 bucks CAN!!!!!!!!!???? *yells to the monkey in the warehouse* "Start making more monolpoly money!!!"
  23. QUOTE (endlesslymocking @ Nov 27 2005, 04:08 PM) Continuing with this hijack... At Confirmation class, my teacher had a geddy-beard. So i started calling him Geddy, and so did my friend. ANd then he's like "WHo's geddy Lee?" and my answer was "God." The irony hits me now.
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