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Everything posted by Bard

  1. Anybody that knows the future, or whether or not there is one for the band is full of shit. Bard is talking out his ass and others that cling to every little tiny word of Geddy or Alex are doing the same Ah, if only you knew what is known. Enlighten me This is the last tour. You're welcome. :)
  2. I'm a big music fan and I still can't comprehend how bands are able to tour all the time. Especially, the ones who haven't reached the status of Rush and have to travel on a tour bus from town to town. Which is still the vast majority of them. Imagine how messed up your body clock would be for the whole tour. When you eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, shower, do your laundry, etc. must be so out of wack that I can't imagine how they deal with it. Being away from home and on the road for so long has to drive most musicians insane. No wonder so many of them are out of their minds and turn to drugs and alcohol. That's the only way most of them can deal with it. Touring is brutal. I'm sure it's nice that bands get to travel and see a lot of places that they normally wouldn't otherwise. Traveling is only part of it though after all those miles between shows, the band still has to summon the energy to go up on stage and play a set. Whether they're opening or headlining, that's a lot to give each night. It's certainly not a job I would want. Couldn't agree more. Touring is a BEAR.
  3. Anybody that knows the future, or whether or not there is one for the band is full of shit. Bard is talking out his ass and others that cling to every little tiny word of Geddy or Alex are doing the same Ah, if only you knew what is known. An interesting perspective is why any fan would advocate for retirement. Think about it. It's not too hard. ;) Tons of people have advocated retirement for the band. For the past ten years on here everyone has been saying after each tour "Time for them to hang it up, the next tour is probably the last" This year doesn't feel that much different to last year. People we're saying they were for sure done after the 2013 leg. I was saying no way, you're an idiot, to those people. Now I'm saying you may be right to you. But that doesn't make you less arrogant or annoying thinking you know something we don't. I'm going to try and be as amazing as you and reach into the minds and harness the feelings of Alex, Geddy and Neil. What I mean by that is I bet if they saw you speaking for them like this they probably would think you're an arrogant jackass. Especially if you knew them personally, that would make it so much worse. But actually my bet is worthless because I have no clue how they would handle it, just like you. It really doesn't matter to me whether you believe me or not. I know what I know, and I know Rush is hangin' it up after this tour. If you can't read the signs, that's okay. It's up to each individual to decide how they want to process it.
  4. Anybody that knows the future, or whether or not there is one for the band is full of shit. Bard is talking out his ass and others that cling to every little tiny word of Geddy or Alex are doing the same Ah, if only you knew what is known. An interesting perspective is why any fan would advocate for retirement. Think about it. It's not too hard. ;)
  5. Sounds like smart solutions to the touring problem. I wasn't there so I'm asking. How much of that could have been caused by life style choices they were making touring back then? Bard, they have not been touring for 40 years. I'm not commenting on stage performing each night either but let's not kid our selves. These guys aren't riding around in converted old school buses. Touring is a grind. It takes a heavy toll. You're just romanticizing it, which is fine. But the travel requirements alone are enough to break the average joe, believe it. That's one of the main reasons why there's only a few bands at the arena level who've done it consistently for over 25 years. It takes a unique breed to do it, even more unique to do it successfully.
  6. Exactly, people think the whole rock star thing is easy peasy, glam wine women and wealth. It can be that. But it's grueling. Much harder on the body and mind than most vocations. Not all. But most. Playing your guts out night after night in front of 20k people for 40 years? Try it. You'd be lucky to last 10. Much less near a half century. And comparing touring to deployment is hardly a fair nor appropriate comparison. Geez. Nothing trumps active duty on the ground during wartime, duh. Using that as a watermark is ridiculous.
  7. It's kind of sad. They've already said they're not going to come out and say that's it. Some people have to be hit over the head with an anvil. Even if they did say "we're never producing any more music together" people would be saying they didn't mean it. Agreed. Is it really self absorption, or is it facing their own mortality? I don't get it either way. As if Rush hasn't given enough of their lives for our enjoyment. It's pretty selfish when you think about it objectively. Farewell tours just aren't the band's style. And thank the gods for that. Last thing I wanna see is Rush pull some hack residency in Vegas ala Motley Crue. It's kind of sad. They've already said they're not going to come out and say that's it. Some people have to be hit over the head with an anvil. Even if they did say "we're never producing any more music together" people would be saying they didn't mean it. Agreed. Is it really self absorption, or is it facing their own mortality? I don't get it either way. As if Rush hasn't given enough of their lives for our enjoyment. It's pretty selfish when you think about it objectively. I think most people here believe you that this tour is the end. I also think most people don't have unrealistic expectations that they should put families and ailments aside and keep on with the album/tour cycles until they all need walkers to get on stage. I know I don't. I can already see Alex occasionally breaking down and not being able to play like he once could. They're old and the bell is tolling. It happens. But I don't think it's cool to start labeling people as self-absorbed because they're having a hard time accepting it. For many on this board, Rush have been a big part of their lives for a LONG part of their lives. Are they supposed to just be robots and not have feelings about that coming to an end? Even if they understand that maybe it has to be? It doesn't mean they're planning on picketing outside Neil's door until he changes his mind because they feel they're entitled to more Rush. I'm not here to complain. I just see both sides of this and fall somewhere in the middle. I get that they're most likely just going to fade away after August 1st without any kind of farewell statement. But I can't blame some fans for hoping (not demanding) that there might be something more at some point if Rush themselves never even acknowledge the closure of their band. Some fans' hopes do in truth seem more like expectations. There's a difference. Entitlement. Some bands simply do not feel the need to directly acknowledge ends. It's okay. People are like that. They are not exempt from the human factor. We all have seen the usual suspects braying about - insisting, really - that it can't be the end until they say it outright. It's self absorbed in the sense that they seemingly don't really care how the guys retire, only that these fans continue to get new Rush music and appearances. It's a lack of empathy, thus self serving. After 40 years of albums, touring, and general good vibes, Rush doesn't need to give fans anything more than they already have, 'cause they already have given above and beyond - FAR beyond - what most bands are willing or able to do. And that includes an 'explanation,' a 'directive,' or an outright GOODBYE. They don't have to, and quite honestly, they're not going to.
  8. It's kind of sad. They've already said they're not going to come out and say that's it. Some people have to be hit over the head with an anvil. Even if they did say "we're never producing any more music together" people would be saying they didn't mean it. Agreed. Is it really self absorption, or is it facing their own mortality? I don't get it either way. As if Rush hasn't given enough of their lives for our enjoyment. It's pretty selfish when you think about it objectively. Farewell tours just aren't the band's style. And thank the gods for that. Last thing I wanna see is Rush pull some hack residency in Vegas ala Motley Crue.
  9. People really are having a hard time with inevitability. So life goes on.
  10. It's a great line from Shawshank, no doubt. :) But there really is no need for hope. Bands retire. It's inevitable. I continue to fail to see the logic of wanting your favorite bands to play themselves into the grave.
  11. Isn't the Great Quad 2112, Hemi, PeW and MP? I thought that had been proven by String Theory as part of its explanation-of-everything. Oh wait, there's holes in String Theory. I guess the jury is out on the Great Quad, but I hold it would be those four, clearly. Ugh, no. Hemi is SO overrated in the nerd base. Nothing with Digital Man, Countdown, and Chemistry can come within 10 feet of touching the immaculate Hemispheres. There is only one song worth a damn on Hemispheres. It never ceases to amaze, the lack o' love for Digital Man. Arguably one of Alex's best solos. Sheesh. The one-two punch of Chemistry and Digital Man, added to Rush's post-Rivendell low point of Countdown, ruins that album for me. It's a great mini-lp though. Hemi on the other hand has one side of perfection, and another side of prog greatness. Not much not to like there. One song worth a damn. The rest, prog experimentation. Old school Rush, yes. Best Rush? Hardly.
  12. Isn't the Great Quad 2112, Hemi, PeW and MP? I thought that had been proven by String Theory as part of its explanation-of-everything. Oh wait, there's holes in String Theory. I guess the jury is out on the Great Quad, but I hold it would be those four, clearly. Ugh, no. Hemi is SO overrated in the nerd base. Nothing with Digital Man, Countdown, and Chemistry can come within 10 feet of touching the immaculate Hemispheres. There is only one song worth a damn on Hemispheres. It never ceases to amaze, the lack o' love for Digital Man. Arguably one of Alex's best solos. Sheesh.
  13. Isn't the Great Quad 2112, Hemi, PeW and MP? I thought that had been proven by String Theory as part of its explanation-of-everything. Oh wait, there's holes in String Theory. I guess the jury is out on the Great Quad, but I hold it would be those four, clearly. Ugh, no. Hemi is SO overrated in the nerd base.
  14. It's weird to see so much disdain for Signals. All youse people who devalue it are kinda cray cray.
  15. LOL. Ha. Ha. There's Waves, Pictures, Signals, and GUP. All else are underlings to the Great Quad.
  16. Retirement Insistence Crowd? Sheesh. Overthinking it a bit, I think. I can only presume some folks are so fervent about denying probabilities based on hard evidence because they're afraid that somehow, some way, the band will be influenced by what fans are saying online. LOL, rest assured, bannermen, that in no way does online opinion affect what the band does or doesn't do.
  17. I heard from my dog groomer's boyfriend's uncle's half-sister that they'll play a series of club gigs throughout the deep South in the U.S., then a quick casino circuit through north Africa, and play their final farewell gig (rumored to be 4 hours in length, wherein they will play AFTK and Hemispheres in their entirety) at the main base at the foot of Mount Everest.
  18. No, you definitely don't. It is crystal clear. That said, being relative is an acquired adult skill. Appreciate what you have. Some 5 to 7 thousand kids will die in Africa today from malnutrition. It's a sure bet they're not thinking about whether Rush will ever tour again. Perspective is everything, son.
  19. And because they're the kinda guys who aren't going to be definitive in media, fanboys are desperately reaching for hope. (in the most self serving manner, alas). Rush is just trying to be casual about it. They're going to go quietly into that long goodnight. :) Relax, kids. It's only rock and roll.
  20. That makes me laugh. What do you want them to say? "We're having an awful time. It's a real drag touring when you're over sixty. We're worn out. Neil is in pain. Alex is in pain and keeps flubbing on his guitar on account of his fingers not being able to move well. This tour is taking a lot out of us and we are glad it's only 35 cities."? What does this mean: "So if they get the right kind of offers they may just do it.."? What kind of offers? Money? LOL, exactly, Lorraine. That's the trouble with fanboys taking interviews literally when in truth they're figurative. They're not going to piss on the current parade by saying, "Oh, well, we're struggling, and we're okay finishing this R40 thing, but when it's done we're going to chill and seeing as how we're all gonna be in our mid 60's by the time we even think about doing something again, this is probably it." The Canucks don't need anymore more money. They made plenty on the last several tours. Neil and Alex are playing under duress. This ain't rocket science. Man, some people really are scared of death, LOL.
  21. You're trusting in one sound byte from a band member? Note that you're disregarding all the rest of the bytes from various sources clearly indicating pending retirement. Including as accredited sources as Alex. No need to stretch that much, kid. Just be happy you have the albums and that you got to see them live even once. It's more than many get.
  22. You're too young to care. :) I'm roughly the same age as him (21) and I agree with you. We're acting all entitled and as I have posted before, watch the first half of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNaEEj7gCqM People here are going on about the very specific word choices the band chooses in interviews about very open ended topics. Some are declaring statements of doom and hopelessness while others are a bit more optimistic. I don't understand why it's so hard for people to just accept that the future is open ended. Don't expect anything, be happy if they do. They owe all of us nothing at all. They've given us 40+ years of entertainment. Anything after 1997 is just a bonus considering the band could still be dead. I once made peace with the idea that I'd never see them since I lived too far away. I've now seen them 3 times and I'm very happy that I have. I'm not depressed at the idea that they may hang it up after this, but happy to at least see them off, something denied to many people this tour. If they record again, great. If they choose to settle down, also great. If they're happy and doing what they want to, that's the only thing we should want from them. I'm not even sad about the possibility (emphasis)of Rush breaking up after this tour anymore. But it's exactly that, a possibility that we won't see them anymore, Bard is just too thick skulled to admit that absolutely nothing is set in stone yet. Hell, Alex Lifeson himself said that he was open to performing again after this tour in a David Gilmour short tour style or a residency, why would Alex lie? If Alex thought Rush was done, that possibility wouldn't even be entertained. I mean, Alex says Rush isn't done but Bard still denies it? That's a special kind of thick skulled right there. Though I disagree with some of Bard's more dire predictions, you're one of the people that has helped fuel the doom and gloom up until your revelation at the concert. Bard is being a bit more of a realist but at least he isn't moping around like some of the other dopes here. I honestly don't see how flat-out denying something that a band member says is considered "realism". Other band members - and inner circle band people - have indicated the exact opposite. In no way has Alex outright claimed that Rush will go on. Nor will he. He simply theorized a possibility, and only that. Neil and Geddy and Ray know exactly what's coming, so does Alex, and so should you. It's not the end of the world, man. That's why albums are great. They last forever.
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