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About Larks

  • Birthday 02/02/1990

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Music Fandom

  • Number of Rush Concerts Attended
  • Favorite Rush Song
    all of them
  • Favorite Rush Album
    all of them(:
  • Other Favorite Bands
    king crimson
  • Musical Instruments You Play
  1. can u give me the link for larkss
  2. Camel fans. do yourself a favor and watch this videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzh_qAFTM7w just write Hadabashot in youtube search. they gonna tour in England soon
  3. i know. myung also signed on my nipples. wanna see a pic?
  4. u can sort of see me behind patrucci's muscles http://i43.tinypic.com/qq3itg.jpg
  5. f**k YEAH !!!! dream theater in israel. 20,000 excited fans!
  6. Sorry goob. I have a PAA meeting. Psychedelc Alcoholics Anonymous :
  7. OK. this is amazing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cu10IS9lVZM
  8. goob. if it's not too late to request a song. i would like to hear... um wait that's gonna be a long one, "The west coast pop are experimental band-shifting sands" WTF were they up too with this name of a band?!
  9. Freeborne are sooo awesome goob. I can't stop listening to Peak Impressions!
  10. oh.. and u always promise cookies to those who attend your show! from the first show back in the 50's when you played the first song of the promising Elvis presley you promised us cookies! I waited all the show and all weekend,month,years for the cookies to arrive.. but no! no cookie for me! if you don't bring us cookies in anyway u can tonight.. i'll sue your ass!
  11. oh cmon gary.. give me one good reason why i should bother myself from my busy scedule of counting how much leaves we have on every single huge tree on my city, and why i should join your bloody pathetic show! huh?!?!?!? huh?!?!?!?!?! huh?!?!?!?
  12. that's ok. i will put the blame on you, and then u will hear a knock on the door. when you open it you will see 2 army guys that will kick your ass and put you in jail, and believe me, prisoners don't like new prisoners that are having a psychedelic radio station!
  13. FYI because of your show, Goob. i have a good chance off getting my ass kicked and thrown to army jail, why you ask? because i hear your show on the pc there, on the war room that i sometimes guard. its a very secret and importent room. the computer there is used ONLY for viewing cameras of dangerous places, that i need to tell the general if i see an intruder. but i "hacked" the computer and listened to your show. if they will catch me im a dead meat. but a dead meat who listened to prog and got his brain massaged
  14. last good DT album. great album *runs away*
  15. i just like to bitch about my once favorite band(and i was a huge fan) who now just make me sad ): no whining anymore, promise (: *going to listen to I&W*
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