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  1. QUOTE (vital signz @ Sep 1 2010, 03:15 PM) QUOTE (Rushgirl @ Sep 1 2010, 03:25 PM) QUOTE (vital signz @ Sep 1 2010, 12:45 PM) QUOTE (Draco @ Sep 1 2010, 01:31 PM) Rushgirl is a great human being!!! She is honest, and lives life to the fullest. So are many of us. It is still a rude, UNCOOL thing to do regardless of how nice she is while outside of the arena. Any of you here who support such actions at the expense of inconveniencing folks around you are just being ridiculous. The begging she does when they ask her to move is pathetic and distracting. The reappearance later during the show was disrespectful to the security guards and all of those around her who realized what was going on and it's distracting from the concert. It sounds like you are not going to change what you are doing Rushgirl, so THAT ALONE tells me what kind of person you really are. And just how many times have YOU witnessed me to this?? You PUBLICALLY call me out on a board about doing this and make it seem like EVERY show I go to I do this, point of fact is I DO NOT and 80% of the people here know it as does THE BAND - FACT! My .02 cents take is this: You see me get my picture up on rush.com and a wave from the guys and you ARE jealous. Don't you dare pass judgement on me about what kind of person I truly am because you have no idea...... Have we ever met face to face? Have YOU ever had a conversation with me either at a show or privately by PM?? NO So you calling me out and making me out to be some kind of insenstive concert goer makes YOU a douchebag, and that is the kind of person you are. Point of fact: Genaro thinks you are off your nut - he never said any such thing to you - I suggest you get your facts straight before you quote him in any way, and by all means, please do come up and introduce yourself if you see me at a show. I would be more than happy to prove you wrong about me being an inconsiderate and rude person. Here's the final thing I will say about this. I tried at first to leave you anonymous. Check the thread. You did it again at the Columbus show. For HALF of the show. That upset not only me but a lot of people around you and him that talked about you behind your back at the show. Then today you have publically stated you plan to do it again. If Genaro has told you any other thing that is other than these words: "Remember the girl that came up front in Vegas??? The one that stood up front with me and my wife? Word is that she is going to do it again this show---when she does, I will look at you and could you point her out and say something to security for me?" Then sadly, he is lying.... It's what he said, I swear it, and maybe he just doesn't have the heart to tell you that you are taking advantage of his kindness and his wallet. By the way I would happily ask him to his face and yours if we all get to a venue together again. One thing is for sure Rushgirl, with every word you type here you make yourself look and sound rude. "JEALOUS?" you say? I could care less if you are up on Rush.com. I am happy you are since that makes you happy. I've been there plenty of times myself. But I am not jealous. Pissed is more like it because I know you are using Genaro's money and kindness to fulfill your fantasies and while doing it you are encroaching on the space of others who put out lots of money for a great experience. The douchebag here certainly is not me. I honestly DO NOT care what you think of me. I know who I am and how I am. So here is all I will say about this subject any further here: YOU started this, you called me out. YOU could have PM'd me or gone about it in a very different way. You may think you know everything, but you don't. To start an anonymous thread, then carry it on and call me out (when I hardly EVER come here) is both cowardly and reeks of vengence. If you were a nice, RUSH fan, you could have A: approached me and asked me to leave, I would have done so. B: PM'd me. The fact that you have NEVER introduced yourself to me if you have seen me at so many shows, speaks for who YOU are. I ENCOURAGE you to please, if you are at another show that G and I are at, to come and mention to G what you have said here in front of me and him - regardless of WHO is lying, I formally say SORRY to you, and whomever you were with that I invaded your space. I am no douchebag, I merely call you that because how you approached this whole thing was douchey, no matter what you say, and I will stand by all I have said. Peace and enjoy the rest of your shows.
  2. 26 User(s) are reading this topic (13 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users): Rushgirl, GeddyLeefan2112, Sodoff Baldrick, moedrabowsky, Tony R, Noisy Bastard, sportzfan76, nobodys hero, Duck, LateRally, glowingsulls, Nim2, gornhay And who says no one likes drama.................
  3. QUOTE (vital signz @ Sep 1 2010, 12:45 PM) QUOTE (Draco @ Sep 1 2010, 01:31 PM) Rushgirl is a great human being!!! She is honest, and lives life to the fullest. So are many of us. It is still a rude, UNCOOL thing to do regardless of how nice she is while outside of the arena. Any of you here who support such actions at the expense of inconveniencing folks around you are just being ridiculous. The begging she does when they ask her to move is pathetic and distracting. The reappearance later during the show was disrespectful to the security guards and all of those around her who realized what was going on and it's distracting from the concert. It sounds like you are not going to change what you are doing Rushgirl, so THAT ALONE tells me what kind of person you really are. And just how many times have YOU witnessed me to this?? You PUBLICALLY call me out on a board about doing this and make it seem like EVERY show I go to I do this, point of fact is I DO NOT and 80% of the people here know it as does THE BAND - FACT! My .02 cents take is this: You see me get my picture up on rush.com and a wave from the guys and you ARE jealous. Don't you dare pass judgement on me about what kind of person I truly am because you have no idea...... Have we ever met face to face? Have YOU ever had a conversation with me either at a show or privately by PM?? NO So you calling me out and making me out to be some kind of insenstive concert goer makes YOU a douchebag, and that is the kind of person you are. Point of fact: Genaro thinks you are off your nut - he never said any such thing to you - I suggest you get your facts straight before you quote him in any way, and by all means, please do come up and introduce yourself if you see me at a show. I would be more than happy to prove you wrong about me being an inconsiderate and rude person.
  4. QUOTE (RushRevisited @ Sep 1 2010, 12:06 PM) QUOTE (Rushgirl @ Sep 1 2010, 10:02 AM) I will chime in here. Yes, I did go to the front in Vegas for 10 minutes - knew a friend up there! Yes I did go up in Columbus for the 2nd half (my friend let me stay) No one else but YOU complains, if I was encroaching on someones space and they had an issue, of course I would leave. Everyone around me was friendly and not pissed off. I pay for my front row tickets 90% of the time, 2 times this tour I have not........... Jealousy rears it`s ugly head here on TRF.......... Next time you go to a show, let me know where your seats are (I will assume front row since you buy them 90% of the time). I'll buy lawn tickets and just come down and squeeze right in on you. In fact, everyone remember that this isn't a big deal to Rushgirl and we can all sit in the front row around her. Anytime, I have let tons of FRIENDS in at my front row area......... I would be hard pressed to let anyone from here in though.
  5. QUOTE (vital signz @ Sep 1 2010, 09:38 AM) Uhhh... As it turned out, she was asked to leave BEFORE the start of the first set. She begged and pleaded to be allowed to stay over and over and they asked her to leave. Then she did it again before the second set. She stayed the whole second set. The guy she does it to is a nice fellow, he said to me before the show to expect it to happen and to ask security to say something. They caught her before I or anyone could, but the second set they gave up on her. It is immature and rude. And as for you Tony R you have been and always will be a horses rear end. I think you are extremely CONFUSED as to A) who I am or are stirring it up for no reason. I was asked to leave 10 minutes into the set and did NOT come back except to say hi to my friend G up there. I did NOT stay the whole 2nd set - I was up there for 10 minutes dude. I was asked to leave and I did, and fwiw, I was NOT on Alex's side when i did stand there, so you have the wrong RUSHGIRL
  6. QUOTE (Da Fly @ Sep 1 2010, 10:50 AM) 13 User(s) are reading this topic (7 Guests and 1 Anonymous Users): Da Fly, Rushgirl, LaFellaStrangiato, WWPD? (What Would Patty Do?) Oh I am sure her highness will chime in here at some point with her delusional rantings about what a bad person I am.
  7. QUOTE (vital signz @ Sep 1 2010, 10:17 AM) QUOTE (Digital Man @ Sep 1 2010, 10:58 AM) Ok, enough name calling etc. This thread doesn't need to be closed because we can't discuss this a grown-ups, does it? People work their way to the front all the time, it happens at every show. RUSHGIRL is a great girl, she is a very nice and considerate person. I am sure she didn't ruin anyone's experience, if she thought she was she wouldn't have tried to get up front and she would have gotten out of your way. I have hung with her a few times and will again in the future... Here's the problem. All tickets at these venues up front are held by folks that sell them off to the highest bidder. It's just the way its done. If I told you how much I paid for my seats you would think I was crazy. So along comes this inconsiderate person in Vegas and all of a sudden my wife is grabbing for her space because now this person shows up and tries to work herself into the 2 square feet that each of us had to stand in. Then you are enjoying the show and security comes in and there ensues a whole conversation with a grown 40 something person begging to be allowed to stay all while Alex is playing his ass off. Kinda hard to enjoy the stage when someone is begging and pleading to please not be made to go to the seat that she paid FAR FAR FAR less for somewhere behind front row. Then she does it again. This time she is removed before the show starts Then she rudely does it again. As for you stating that it happens all the time, GROW THE HELL UP. This wasn't a GENERAL ADMISSION open floor show. As for her being a nice person, she may be the cat's pajamas outside the venue, but inside at a Rush concert, she abuses others space and takes advantage of people that spend THOUSANDS for tickets from front row scalpers. I am a nice and considerate person too. Some on this board know me personally and can vouch for that. I am sure she and I would get along fine. I just am pointing out how it does offend those around her who witness it. There were a lot of folks talking about it at both the shows I went to. Now if you want to close the thread, go ahead...that's your prerogative. But there is no way it is cool to come up and steal space in the front row from someone who paid LOTS OF MONEY for that ONE SEAT. You are an idiot aren't you??? Vegas was the ONE time and I left..........no big deal. I came back again and again?????? Ummm NO!!!!!!!!!! Has there been any other shows where I invaded YOUR space?? If you are referring to the NICE GUY I think you are, he is a VERY good friend of mine and there is NO WAY he warned you of my coming up as he ASKED me. Do not speak of me as if I am rude and inconsiderate, you do NOT know me and I am as far from it as you can imagine. You have not met me, talked to me or know a thing about me other than that I am in the front row alot AND I pay for those tickets, just like you. So sorry I encroached on your space in Vegas, it won't happen again.....
  8. QUOTE (vprtrls @ Sep 1 2010, 08:53 AM) IMO you complainers either turn her in to the ushers and bust her or quit your whining. You go Rushgirl! Thank you for not being a DICK, unlike some people on this forum!
  9. I will chime in here. Yes, I did go to the front in Vegas for 10 minutes - knew a friend up there! Yes I did go up in Columbus for the 2nd half (my friend let me stay) No one else but YOU complains, if I was encroaching on someones space and they had an issue, of course I would leave. Everyone around me was friendly and not pissed off. I pay for my front row tickets 90% of the time, 2 times this tour I have not........... Jealousy rears it`s ugly head here on TRF..........
  10. 5 More Days!!!!! I am so excited I can hardly sleep!!!!! You you all there!!!!
  11. QUOTE (snowdog212 @ Jun 16 2010, 07:28 PM) Bumped into my friend today little news. As far as he knows a deal is still being worked out Looking at a Sept date. Problem is, they do not want to book Rush for the Labor Day weekend thinking ticket sales would not be as strong and would be like the 4th of July show.He said if he hears anything definite in the next few weeks he will e-mail me any info he can. Me personally would not be surprised if it becomes a non Live Nation event and they play the HSBC Arena If it becomes a non-Live Nation event, whoever sits on either side of me that night gets beers on me ALL night!!!!!!!!
  12. QUOTE (metaldad @ May 26 2010, 01:20 PM) How does this e-mail start ? Dear Sucker Thank you for spending your car payment on a single ticket to see We are glad we could help . When your car gets towed in the middle of the night because you can not afford to send in your payment and you can't get your kids to school , fear not. You will be seeing Please note Your Time Machine t-shirt will shrink after 2 washings Your Guitar pick set is really leftovers from the R-30 deluxe edition You laminate does absolutely nothing once inside the venue Your copy of the movie will arrive 1 to 2 weeks After it is in stores Thank you for the $20 "Convenance Charge" we slap on your ass when you pretty much do All the work. Anytime you want to be fu*ked without getting kissed , just call on us Love Ticketmaster BEST. POST. EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Didn't think I could be more stoked than I was, but man, those 2 new songs have me flying! I could fly to opening night without a plane!! BRING ON THE TOUR!!!
  14. Ya and their security are a bunch of D**Ks too!!!!!!!! Still, they play Buffalo, I will go!!!!!!!!
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