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The Hippy

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Everything posted by The Hippy

  1. Hotshots Part Deux Team America:World Police House of Flying Daggers Hero Blazing Saddles X-Men (1 and 2) Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz Naked Gun (1,3 and 33 1/3) Airplane
  2. It's gotta be 2112...no doubt in my mind
  3. I rule supreme at this... ( exept on the 5 star ones...they're a bit trickyer than i first thought)
  4. I'm rubbish at that... And until playing that quiz, I had no idea that Rush had ever split up.
  5. I reckon it's Hold your Fire. It's got a good phew awsome songs on there like Force Ten and Prime Mover.
  6. Cold Fire...they have a cool scratch-board effect at the beginning.
  7. YYZ all the way dudes and dudettes. The guitar solo towards the end is absolutely awsome.
  8. It's gotta bae Test for Echo, hands down.
  9. It's Rush in Rio all the way...but there's a new one coming out soon which will kick but because it's the only one I went to.
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