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Everything posted by Zelix

  1. yay, yay...YAY!!! All your wishes will come true, pals. Zelix has arrived! http://i.imgur.com/YdTWEyD.gif
  2. You must first prepare. Listen to this on a daily basis to transcend to the higher dimensions.
  3. His deal is the same deal as all the other false prophets. Just when the people start to get fed up and looking for other spiritual avenues, they breeze back through and suddenly it's all "oooooh, he's back, what a miracle, bless us all, ooooooooooh." And then they bugger off again and wait until the buzz starts to fade, then boom! here they are again.
  4. http://bigpicturequestions.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/f5789b155658f198e6c145fcddfa4791_1024-copy.jpg Rejoice pals. Zelix has arrived!
  5. I was there in spirit. Congratulations. http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5505/9702711544_c843a49e1b.jpg
  6. Greetings pals.... Your Zelix has returned.
  7. Oh hell's yeah. Babymetal for the win! They've got a new album out, pals. It's awesome. My uppercrust ride for realz.... :dweez: yes....yes you are be! Living it and loving it.
  8. http://www.hippoquotes.com/img/blown-away-quotes/555037_224455454373926_1414253142_n.jpg http://www.azquotes.com/picture-quotes/quote-there-are-moments-of-existence-when-time-and-space-are-more-profound-and-the-awareness-charles-baudelaire-2-6-0646.jpg http://thumbs.ebaystatic.com/images/g/VJgAAOxy4t1Si2Ov/s-l225.jpg http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BgyM2jHCUAAeghA.jpg
  9. Zelix greets you with positive vibes. http://babymetal.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/tumblr_n3p7ezWWDc1txdhvfo2_400.gif
  10. Gold is good. No flowers be flowers, pal. It beez like that. no http://supermerlion.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/aewen008.jpg 2,064 Only Zelix exists beyond the constraint of time and space. http://babymetal.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/tumblr_n0gx7psLQa1tox9noo4_500.gif
  11. Zelix trumps Trump every time, pals. :dweez: :martini: :drool:
  12. http://www.mememaker.net/static/images/memes/3602652.jpg
  13. I have returned. http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/rays-jesus-1-28074756.jpg
  14. Don't you have a chauffeur? Or own an helicopter? My inter-dimensional teleportation device has a defect at the moment.
  15. The Great oricle Magic Eight Ball has extended to my conscious this reply: Ask again later You, pal, shall go far in this life. http://babymetal.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/tumblr_n0gx7psLQa1tox9noo5_500.gif Spread the truth, pal. Keep on spreading the truth. http://i.imgur.com/Lu0XE8w.gif http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-gRpprnENFOA/Uhkuv30ndSI/AAAAAAAAiF8/fyckpTMTNCU/s1600/tumblr_lz1gjkRGHy1qb1ryso1_500.gif
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