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Everything posted by nicky6

  1. really wished they would have included "half the world" on different stages..
  2. Yeah, just wasn't that big into it, but I know a lot of rush fans love it more than any other album they put out, I was shocked at how much praise this record gets..
  3. yeah I agree, no need to be a jerk.. just ask the florida police department what they think of alex?? ha ha
  4. personally, iam worn out of all rush albums. after hearing them 10000000 times .
  5. Couldn't wait to hear it.. so excited after they been gone and almost were not gonna carry on, so first day. went to borders got it at lunch and after work, lye down and put it on and here's what I first thought!! btw (Rush's last best whole studio album to me was Moving Pictures),I really just love the live shows more anyway. Now,, my first reactions were, wow, no catchy songs yet??? until I got to vapor trail, that was the first song that grabbed me as a good song, and then earthshine, I was just dag, this is their big comeback?? Acourse it grew on me over time. thank god they only played 4 songs from it live on the VT tour, but songs on here I still don't like and are not good at all, freeze! out of the cradle, and the worst song to me is "how it is" not rush at all.. whats your thoughts. most rush fans love this cd and think its their best... lots of praise over the years..
  6. Kinda like springsteen fans, whatever bruce says on stage, the fans will cheer him right on, whether its wrong or right..
  7. I thought they were a little too goofy, not really funny, and not needed.. I took a friend to see a show on the VT tour and he was really freaked out and thought it was weird al was acting like an idiot. or did fans just love em no matter what!
  8. Waiting on the rest of the 97 show and the rest of the GUP 84 show if this will ever surface on bluray or dvd soon.. or any other surprises in the vaults.
  9. really wish they would have left "half the world" after driven to make it more complete..
  10. No artist ever truly retires!! just ask, the eagles. billy joel, eric Clapton, Fleetwood mac.. cause these people got nothing else to do , even with all that money...
  11. please, just go away and retire.. enjoy your money and go get a hobbie. your just looking silly now..
  12. i'am sure starship doesn't feel too good about Rush ripping them off..
  13. another would be the one from the 9/30/80 soundboard from Allentown PA although its only the first 6 mins. that's a great version as well!!
  14. I pick the version from the R40 boxset the 1997 Toronto show.. close second is the 2/14/80 show version..
  15. so true on this.. when I see them in philly on CA tour, I thought he sounded great. then I got a bootleg of that show with great sound and could hear he was struggling , but I couldn't tell that while I was at the show. and I was really close too..
  16. this picture is actually from the 78 show from DS http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/9nUAAOSwpkFY6C4l/s-l1600.jpg
  17. ... and Cygnus x-1 and AFTK's wish the included lakeside park,, I also agree with maverick, about R30, great sound and performance as well..
  18. ok, TFE will always be special to me. cause it was my first rush tour, and the first time really getting heavy into rush where they had this new album coming out. I agree with a lot of these comments as I got older though.
  19. their darkest album had to be fair warning!!
  20. always liked phil,, however, seen, this interview with those oasis guys who talk trash on everyone blastin him to kingdom come, that was sad to watch..
  21. Loved this one! The very best officially released live album (cd) they ever released. I mean the sound is punchy and great, and the performance is steller, geddy sounds awesome on this!! Loved the work and effort that went into his, I have the japan version with force ten as a extra track which is a great version that should have been kept! The packaging with the artwork and booklet plus those mini replica tourbooks were awesome and made of great materiel rather than that cheap filmsy paper! Plus, we get 2112 in its entirety, and the best ever performance too. Plus, my fav version of test for echo! And, the bonus disc of the 78 show was excellent in sound and I enjoyed better even than ATWAS. Now, the only little, slight nikpicks I have to have made it even more perfect than it already is,, would be to have included "half the world" on the first disc after driven,, and on the 3rd disc included "lakeside park and closer to the heart" to make it more complete, they could have fit all. but never the less, excellent who loves this and thinks its their best.. ??
  22. to me the last time geddy really sang great live recent, was the first leg of the snakes tour. after that. it was done.. it really showed on time machine..
  23. Rush went bad by this point. they tried changing with the whole snyth pop thing and lost the edge they once had as a great 3 piece guitar driven rock band they once were! fact! a lot of real hard fans had left them at this point too! while their tours were still selling and they even got some new fan base during all this, it was evident that they had run dry and it wasn't working anymore, Their live act saved them though cause people loved neil and he was still regarded as an awesome drummer still. But fans who wanted stuff from caress of steel and hemispheres, were not happy at this point. so they split.
  24. I can imagine geddy saying in interviews, "yeah, we been listening to starship a lot lately and we really like what they are doing" because !! we built this city!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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